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This resource provides specific strategies to support child development, promote family engagement, and be inclusive of special populations for early childhood educators in Indiana.
Early Learning Guidance Sarah Parks-Reese Pre-K Expansion Specialist @sarahlee218 Krystal Robinson Early Learning Specialist @EducateIN
Getting to Know You Ditto! @sarahlee218 @EducateIN
Project Overview Goal Early childhood educators will have a resource that gives specific strategies to support child development, promote family engagement, and be inclusive of special populations across Indiana’s Early Learning Foundations. Vision Early childhood educators have resources and supports to improve child outcomes birth-age 5 and better prepare children for kindergarten and beyond. @sarahlee218 @EducateIN
Guiding Principles Families/Parents are their child’s first and foremost important teachers. Special attention will be given to the early learning environment, family engagement, and special populations. Early educators are competent professionals focused on implementing effective practices to promote optimal development. Strategies should be inclusive of all, including vulnerable populations. @sarahlee218 @EducateIN
Project Overview • 2015 - Revised Early Learning Foundations Released • 2016 - Original Workgroups Convened to Discuss Guidance • 2018 - Workgroups Reformed and New Members Added • 2019 - New Social-Emotional Learning Competencies Released • 2019 - Guidance Documents To Be Released • ??? - New Training For Foundations To Be Embedded Into Learning Paths @EducateIN @sarahlee218
Potential Uses for Guidance Administrators and Leaders can use this guidance to help support improvement of daily practice in programs as well as identifying growth opportunities for staff in tandem with goals established in their professional development plan. Higher Education Faculty and Administration can use this as a resource on effective instructional strategies for students studying early childhood education. Educators Working with Children 0-5 (in all settings) can use the guidance to help support their daily practice. This guidance be a resource to support intentional lesson planning and high quality instruction. Technical Assistance Providers can use the guidance as a training and supplemental resource tool to support educators while creating lesson plans. Professional Development Organizations can use this guidance to help support the creation of training related to intentional lesson planning and high quality daily instruction. Families can use this document to help support their child's learning and growing outside of early education programs. Families are their child’s first and foremost important educator. @EducateIN @sarahlee218
Where to Find? www.doe.in.gov/earlylearning @EducateIN
Introduction Not new Foundations Not an exhaustive list Not a curriculum Community Resources Family Engagement leads to success in school and in life Collaborate with closely related sectors @sarahlee218 @EducateIN
Foundations vs. Guidance Foundations Guidance Concepts, skills, and/or actions children do. What educators can do to support development. @sarahlee218 @EducateIN
Foundations vs. Guidance @sarahlee218 @EducateIN
Key Sections Rationale Looking Ahead to Kindergarten Family Engagement Special Populations Appendices A & B Resource Page @EducateIN @sarahlee218
Sample - ELA1.1 @EducateIN @sarahlee218
New Guidance Appendices Source: http://www.udlcenter.org Hall, T., Strangman, N., & Meyer, A. (2011). Differentiated Instruction and Implications for UDL Implementations. @EducateIN @sarahlee218
Guidance in Action Role Play @EducateIN @sarahlee218
Social Emotional Learning @EducateIN @sarahlee218
Activity Time! See IDOE Social Emotional and Behavioral Wellness for more resources! @EducateIN @sarahlee218
Shoulder Partner Share-Out How do you see your program using these new resources? @EducateIN @sarahlee218
Guidance Links Foundations Guidance Online Tool ELA, Mathematics, Social Emotional, Approaches to Play and Learning and Social Studies now available! Remaining content areas coming out quarterly in 2019! @EducateIN
Questions? @EducateIN @sarahlee218
Connect with us! Sign up for our newsletter at the IDOE Early Learning Website! Sarah Parks-Reese @sarahlee218 sparksreese1@doe.in.gov Krystal Robinson krobinson2@doe.in.gov @EducateIN