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Conflict in the Middle East. #1 - Learning Objectives. Understand the historical roots of the Middle East Conflict. Describe the outcome of each of the wars fought by Israel and her neighbors. Describe the terms of the various peace accords signed by Israel and her opponents.
#1 - Learning Objectives • Understand the historical roots of the Middle East Conflict. • Describe the outcome of each of the wars fought by Israel and her neighbors. • Describe the terms of the various peace accords signed by Israel and her opponents.
Jews: Abraham was prepared to sacrifice Isaac/Temples. Christians: Jesus was crucified on Mt Calvary. Muslims: Muhammad ascended into heaven; Dome of the Rock. Jerusalem
“Ownership” changes hands frequently. • Muslims capture in 640 AD • built Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem in 691AD • Spot where Mohammed stopped on his way to heaven. • Holiest site in Islam outside Saudi Arabia.
Wailing Wall in Jerusalem Rome destroyed the 2nd Temple in 70AD. It’s the remnant of the most sacred building in the Jewish world.
The Crusades Pope Urban II – launched the First Crusade in 1095 to take back Jerusalem from the Muslims (Turks) Jerusalem was captured in 1099 and all the Muslims and Jews were slaughtered. YouTube - Crusades 1 Christians v. Muslims
Saladin recovers Jerusalem for the Muslims in 1187. He spares the lives of all the Christians; truce is declared; Muslims allow Christian Pilgrims to travel to the Holy Land. Other Crusades were organized, but were never as large as the First Crusade. Turks become “Protectors of the Faith” in Islam. YouTube - Crusades 2 The Crusades
Arabs the Turks had controlled the Holy land since the late 1100’s; Palestinians were main inhabitants. Muslims v. Jews
Present Day Palestine • Consists of what areas? • Gaza Strip, Israel, West Bank
Persecution Anti-Semitism through out history • Diaspora - makes Jews are a minority in every country • Black Death – Jews were the Scapegoat – accused of poisoning wells • Spanish Inquisition – convert of die • Usury – money lenders – looked down on but became relatively successful • The Holocaust.
Russian Pogroms • 1492 • Again in 1881-1894 • Kisinev Pogrom - 1902
Alexander III – Russian Tsar from 1881 to 1894His father, Alexander II, was assassinated in St. Petersburg by bomb-throwing anarchists. One of Alexander III’s senior ministers is quoted as saying the goal of the pogroms was to see “one-third of the Jews convert, one-third to die and one-third to flee the country.”
The Pale of Settlement Territory within the borders of czarist Russia wherein the residence of Jews was legally authorized. The Pale covered an area of about 1 million sq. km. (386,100 sq. mi.) from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea. According to the census of 1897, 4,899,300 Jews lived there, forming 94% of the total Jewish population of Russia and c. 11.6% of the general population of this area. The incessant anti-Jewish decrees and the waves of pogroms, especially during the years 1881–84 and 1903–06, resulted in a constant stream of Jewish emigration from the Pale of Settlement to Western Europe and the United States. World War I, the disintegration of the Russian Empire, the Revolution, and the civil war in Russia, destroyed the foundations of this Jewish world, which was finally annihilated in the Holocaust.
The Kishinev Pogrom of 1903 continued for three days, resulting in 47 Jews dead, 92 severely wounded, and 500 suffering minor injuries. In addition, several hundred houses and many businesses were plundered and destroyed. President Teddy Roosevelt’s administration deplored the violence and presented the government of Tsar Nicholas II with a petition on behalf of the American people urging the Tsar to improve treatment of Russia’s Jewish population.
Immigrants were processed at Ellis Island from 1892 to 1924. It was the entry point for 12 million immigrants. This includes nearly three million Jews who came to America from Eastern Europe between 1880 and the outbreak of World War 1. Liberty Island is in the foreground, Ellis Island in the background.
A Jewish Homeland? Zionism Why?....Reasons: • A Historic Claim- Abraham and King David • Protection from centuries of persecution • Problem: Palestine was controlled by Muslims for over 1000 years.
Zionism • 1896- • Theodore Herzl-Austrian Journalist writes book The Jewish State • Urges Jews to rebuild a Jewish nation, advocated a homeland in Palestine
Theodor Herzl Popularized Zionism in the 1890s as pogroms raged in Russia and France was torn by the Dreyfus Affair“Palestine is our ever-memorable historic home. The Maccabees will rise again. We shall live at last as free men on our own soil and die peacefully in our own homes”. The Jewish State, 1896.
Problem – Ground Zero for Jews, Christians & Muslims • Problem – area has been populated by mainly Muslims for over a thousand years • A region of the world is unstable • Jews begin establishing communities in Palestine prior to World War I.
Fall of the Ottoman Empire in WWI – Many Palestinians expect independence WWI Changes the Situation in Palestine, but Still no Homeland for the Jews
Balfour Declaration • (1917): British support effort to create Jewish state after WWI. • Lack of Support - No Jewish state is created. • The Mandate of Palestine – British occupied and administered the Holy Land (1920-48).
The Mandate of PalestinePost WWI • – British occupied and administered the Holy Land in 1920 • 90,000 Jews • Palestinians and Jews begin arming themselves and conducting terrorist attacks against their counterparts. • Rise of Nazism brings flood of new Jewish settlers to Palestine from Europe in 1930’s.
The Voyage of the St. Louis – 937 Jews left Hamburg, Germany in May, 1939 for Cuba. They were denied entry. The USA refused entry as well. The ship returned to Europe. Britain, France, the Netherlands and Belgium took the refugees. 532 were trapped when W.estern Europe was conquered. 254 of these people died before war’s end.http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005267
From September 1, 1941 on Jews were compelled to wear, in public, a large yellow star of David inscribed in black with the word “Jude”. Branding Jews publicly furthered their humiliation. Wearing such a visible target among a hostile populace caused Jews to feel acute insecurity. Jews, especially children, suffered increased verbal and physical assaults. A Jewish woman recalled, “Wearing the yellow star was a form of torture. Every day when I went out in the street I had to struggle to maintain my composure.”Goldhagen, Hitler’s Willing Executioners, page 138
Adolf Eichmann was a main architect of the Holocaust. He was charged with organizing the deportation of Jews from ghettos to death camps. At the end of the war he lived in Austria for 5 years and moved to Argentina in 1950. He was discovered by Israeli intelligence and abducted in 1960. He is shown here, on trial in Jerusalem. He was found guilty of crimes against humanity and hanged in June, 1962.
The Hall of Remembrance is an imposing structure, with walls made of basalt boulders brought from the area surrounding the Sea of Galilee, and an angular roof that gives it a tent-like shape. Engraved on the mosaic floor are the names of 22 of the most infamous Nazi murder sites, symbolic of the hundreds of extermination and concentration camps, transit camps and killing sites that existed throughout Europe.The Eternal Flame, burning from a base fashioned like a broken bronze goblet, continuously illuminates the Hall, its smoke exiting the building through an opening at the highest point of the ceiling. Before it stands a stone crypt containing the ashes of Holocaust victims, brought to Israel from the extermination camps.
Israel formed after WW II • 1947 - UN intervenes – Partitions Palestine into separate Jewish/Palestinian States • Jerusalem is to be international & shared • Jewish Refugees populate the area – Holocaust
http://www.mfa.gov.il/mfa/foreignpolicy/peace/guide/pages/un%20general%20assembly%20resolution%20181.aspxhttp://www.mfa.gov.il/mfa/foreignpolicy/peace/guide/pages/un%20general%20assembly%20resolution%20181.aspx On November 29, 1947 the Partition of Palestine was approved with 33 votes in favor, 13 against and ten abstentions and one absent. The vote was accepted by the Jews in Palestine but rejected by the Arabs in Palestine and the Arab states. The Arab state of Palestine is grey. Jerusalem is white. It was established as an international city that was to be administered by the United Nations. The Jewish state is the light brown territory. UN Resolution 181
David Ben-Gurion is the primary founder of modern Israel. He was born in Poland in 1886. He served as Israel’s first Prime Minister and created its armed forces. He was adamant about the need to develop nuclear weapons. He also airlifted Jews from Arab countries, developed irrigation and concluded a reparations treaty with West Germany that brought 3 billion Deutsche Marks to Israel between 1952 and 1966, money vital to establishing the economy of Israel. He retired in 1970 and died three years later.
Arab-Israeli War of 1948 • 14 May 1948: Zionist leader David Ben-Gurion declares that Israel is an independent state. • Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon, and Iraq reject the creation of Israel & invade on 15 May. • Fighting continues until Jan 1949 with strong support for Israel from US
Israel Prevails • Israel prevails and gains territory in Galilee to the north and the Negev Desert to the south. • Jerusalem is divided between Israel and Jordan. • Fate of 700,000 Palestinian refugees is left undecided b/c state set aside for Palestinians is never created.
Crisis Continues • Tension erupts into war again • Nassar negotiates with Soviets for money to build Aswan Dam (High Dam) • Suez Crisis [1956]: Abdel Nasser of Egypt takes control of canal – Was under GB control • Israel invades Egypt • England and France demand all Egyptain forces removed from Canal • Nassar refused, GB/Fr. Invade Port Said • International pressure – canal returned to Egyptians
Six Day War • 5-10 June 1967 • Egypt, Jordan, and Syria begin military mobilization. • Israel launches surprise pre-emptive strike. • Destroys most of Egyptian Air Force on the ground. • Knocked out 350 aircraft in first three hours. • Armored forces supported by air and infantry quickly take Sinai, Golan Heights, West Bank (including Arab portion of Jerusalem, and Gaza. • Destroyed over 200 Arab tanks in two days. • UN arranges cease-fire, but terms did not specify exactly what land Israel was required to give up.
Review Questions • 1. Who did Israel, France, & Britain attack in 1956 ? • 2. What was the name of the war Israel fought in 1967 ? • 3. How much territory did Israel obtain as a result of this fighting ? • 4. Was peace established after this conflict?
Arafat and the PLO • Arafat forms Al-Fatah (Palestinian National Liberation Front) in 1959. • Goal was to liberate Palestine from Israel through guerilla warfare. • Variety of Palestinian factions form the Palestinian Liberation Organization in 1964. • Arafat becomes chairman in 1969. • Charter calls for elimination of state of Israel. • Hussien feels threatened and expels PLO from Jordan in 1970. • Arafat moves HQ to Lebanon. • PLO driven out of Lebanon by Israel in 1982.
Review Questions • 1. Who was the chairman of Al Fatah ? • 2. What was the PLO ? • 3. Have these groups been able to establish a Palestinian State?
Yom Kippur War • 6 Oct 1973 Egypt and Syria launch surprise attack on holiest day of Jewish year. • Israeli Forces not fully mobilized and is initially pushed back. • Arab integrated air defenses and anti-tank missiles take heavy toll on Israeli Forces. • 10-14 Oct Israelis pushed Syrians out of Golan and entered Syria. • 15-24 Oct Israelis push Egyptians back across the Suez. • Soviets threaten to intervene when Egyptians are surrounded. • Kissinger/US convince Israel to accept truce. • Israeli invincibility brought into question; Arabs emboldened.
OPEC • Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries – Group of Oil producing nations, purpose regulate prices to their interests, consists of 11 nations 7 Arab • 1973 – Furious at US aid to save Israel in Yom Kippur War hit US with Embargo
Intifada • Uprising • 1987 Palestinian Civil Disobedience Movement – Boycotts, protests, attacks on soldiers, rock throwing • Put pressure on Israel to negotiate