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Assessing Core Values

Explore the development and assessment of core values at Los Angeles Harbor College, focusing on student success, excellence, integrity, and creating a supportive environment. Analyze the meaning and impact of these values, and assess their effectiveness through data analysis, open discussions, and college-wide forums.

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Assessing Core Values

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Assessing Core Values Los Angeles Harbor College

  2. Developing Core Values • Environment for open discussion • Separating apple pie and apple cores • Do the core values address your needs? • Coming to consensus

  3. Values • ¨ Student Success • ¨ Excellence • ¨ Integrity • ¨ A Supportive Environment • ¨ Personal and Institutional Accountability

  4. What do they really mean? • Just words or a plan of action? • Anecdotal or evidentiary

  5. Taking a look at history

  6. Organizing College needs • How are they associated with the college core values? • Who is responsible for how effective college needs are attaining core values • How do you assess success?

  7. Assessing Success • Never completed • Individual analysis with college wide report • College wide forum • Data available in writing • Open free discussion of “Facts” • Agreed upon data source

  8. Closing the loop • What shows signs of success? • What new ideas might address areas of concern? • What resources are available to address problems? • What priorities does has the college established? • Do you have the time?

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