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Explore Core Democratic Values through an interactive quiz journey in the town of CDV. Visit diverse places and test your knowledge on truth, justice, equality, and more!
Print template to fill out as you go! Core Democratic Values Truth Justice Common Good Life Diversity Liberty Patriotism Equality Pursuit of Happiness Popular Sovereignty Click here to start the fun!
Welcome to the town of Core Democratic Values! • Step 1: Click here to visit one of these great places: • Diversity University • Common Good Street • Justice Courthouse • Equality Eatery • Popular Sovereignty City Hall • Liberty Library • Truth Tribune (Local Newspaper) • Pursuit of Happiness Park • Life Law Enforcement • Patriotism Post Office Step 2: When you’re ready, click here to test your knowledge!
Diversity University Click on the flag to get the definition for Diversity. At Diversity University, they accept students with different backgrounds, race, religions, and cultures. They believe that all people should be respected for their differences in this country. Always click on “Home” to return to the main menu!
Common Good Street Click on the flag to get the definition for Common Good. On Common Good Street, everyone works together for the Common Good of the whole community. People don’t drive too fast and they pick up trash when they see it on the side of the road.
Justice Courthouse Click on the flag to get the definition for Justice. At Justice Courthouse, all people are treated fairly by the laws that we have. The judges and court systems must give everyone a fair trial.
Equality Eatery Click on the flag to get the definition for Equality. At Equality Eatery, all citizens are given equal rights and opportunities. For example, they have to charge everyone the same amount for food. They also have to give everyone an opportunity when they are hiring a new employee.
Popular Sovereignty City Hall Click on the flag to get the definition for Popular Sovereignty. At Popular Sovereignty City Hall, the people are able to vote for who they want to make decisions in their city. This allows the people a voice in what happens in the town they live in. We are given that voice through our votes!
Liberty Library Click on the flag to get the definition for Liberty. At Liberty Library, everyone has the freedom to make their own choices. They may pick out any book to read that they want. We all have the liberty to make our own choices, but we must obey the law.
Truth Tribune Click on the flag to get the definition for Truth. At the Truth Tribune, they must always make sure that they are telling the truth. They cannot print things in the paper that are not true.
Pursuit of Happiness Park Click on the flag to get the definition for Pursuit of Happiness. At Pursuit of Happiness Park, everyone has the right to be happy and do what they want. However, they must never intentionally try to hurt someone else or interfere with the rights of others.
Life Law Enforcement Click on the flag to get the definition for Life. At Life Law Enforcement, the Police work hard to protect others. Everyone has the right to life!
Patriotism Post Office Click on the flag to get the definition for Patriotism. At Patriotism Post Office, everyone uses stamps that have American flags on them because they want to support their country.
Diversity Definition Different backgrounds, races, and religions built this country and continue to make it strong. We must respect one another for their differences.
Common Good Definition Each person has a duty to work with others to improve our community and our country.
Justice Definition All people should be treated fairly by our laws, our courts, and our governmental officials.
Equality Definition Every citizen should have equal rights and equal opportunities. Equality Definition
Popular Sovereignty Definition The people, not the government, run this country through their votes. We all have a duty as citizens to vote in this country!
Liberty Definition You have the personal freedom to be an individual and make most choices without government involvement as long as you are following the law.
Truth Definition Our government and our citizens have a duty to be trustworthy and honest!
Pursuit of Happiness Definition Everyone can obtain happiness in their own way, as long as they do not infringe upon the rights of others.
Life Definition Everyone has the right to life. You cannot take the life of another unless in extreme circumstances where you are protecting yourself or another person.
Patriotism Definition Americans must respect our democratic values, serving each other, and our country. We show patriotism by saluting the flag or saying the Pledge of Allegiance.
Are you ready for the quiz?Good Luck! Remember………. • Read the questions carefully! • Make sure you read ALL the choices before you select the right answer! • Sometimes it’s necessary to read the question more than once to make sure that you really understand what it is asking. • If you get a question wrong, make sure you go back to the question and read it again a second time! • CLICK HERE WHEN READY!
Quiz 1 If a woman is picking up garbage in her community, which Core Democratic Value does this relate to? A. Diversity B. Common Good C. Patriotism D. Life Go to Quiz 2
Quiz 2 The Anderson family put out their American flag every year during the Fourth of July. Which of the Core Democratic Values does this support? A. Popular Sovereignty B. Justice C. Pursuit of Happiness D. Patriotism Go to Quiz 3
Quiz 3 Mr. Ryan goes to town to vote for the new city Mayor? What Core Democratic Value does this support? A. Popular Sovereignty B. Truth C. Diversity D. Pursuit of Happiness Go to Quiz 4
Quiz 4 Mr. Justice and Mr. Truth are best friends! They respect each other even though they are a different race and come from a different background. What Core Democratic Value does this support? A. Patriotism B. Life C. Diversity D. Equality
Whoops! Go back and try again! You can do it! Back to Quiz 1 Back to Quiz 2 Back to Quiz 3 Back to Quiz 4
WAY TO GO!!!! You are a Core Democratic Values Genius! CDV HOME Go to Quiz 1 Go to Quiz 2 Go to Quiz 3 Go to Quiz 4 A+ After taking ALL the quizzes, Click here for some fun and interactive websites to help you learn even more about the Core Democratic Values!
Now that you’ve learned ALL about the Core Democratic Values: Try out some of these links below for some extra practice: • You Be the Judge • Keeper of the Light After taking ALL four quizzes and trying out these interactive sites, you are now ready to learn all about the Constitutional Principles of the United States of America!
Welcome to the town of Constitutional Principles! Step 1: Each week, your town is holding a meeting on one of the following topics: Which meeting would you like to attend first? Representative Government Rule of Law Checks and Balances Individual Rights Federalism Civilian Control of the Military Freedom of Religion Separation of Power Step 2: Click here for video clips! Step 3: When you’re ready, click here to test your knowledge!
Where did our Constitutional Principles Come From? • The Constitution of the United States of America • The Bill of Rights • Click here to see a video clip on the Constitutional Convention • Click here to see a video clip on the Constitution and Bill of Rights • Click here to see a video clip on the Importance of the Constitution • WHEN READY, click here to take your Video Quiz! HOME
VIDEO QUIZ: Question 1: When was the Constitutional Convention? A. May - 1787 B. June – 1786 C. August – 1787 D. July - 1786
VIDEO QUIZ: • Question 2: • Who was in charge of the Constitutional Convention? • Thomas Jefferson • James Madison • George Washington • D. John Adams
VIDEO QUIZ: • Question 3: • What do you call the beginning of the Constitution? • The Beginning • The Start • The Pre-Constitution • The Preamble
VIDEO QUIZ: • Question 4: • What are the first ten amendments to the Constitution called? • Amendments • Articles • Bill of Rights • Constitutional Codes
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Representative Government Representative Government means that elected legislators should serve and represent the citizens of this country. Click on the picture to learn more!
Representative Government This is why voting is SO important. Through our votes, we elect officials that are going to represent us in the Legislative Branch of government.
Rule of Law Rule of Law means that governments and citizens should be controlled and limited by our laws. Click on the picture to learn more!