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Are you a weak

Are you a weak

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Are you a weak

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  1. Are you a weak-minded person? Ask yourself, are you a weak-minded person? Many people are mentally stronger than others while others appear to be stronger than they actually are. But if you are a weak-minded person, there a certain signs that can be easily spotted, and it can distinguish you from a strong-minded personality. So, if you are someone who can't take a stand for yourself, often are a people-pleaser and do things to prove it to others, you are a weak-minded person. So, what are the signs of a weak-minded person? Let's figure them out. Ten signs you are a weak-minded person 1.You never mean what you say When you have the habit of saying things for the heck of saying them, you do not mean them. And it is one of the major signs of a weak-minded person. You promise a lot of things to people, but you seldom execute them. If you do not practice what you preach and do not mean what you say, then you are a weak-minded person. 2.You can't stick to your plans We all make promises to ourselves, but when it comes to execution most of us just delay things, get lazy and procrastinate. You are someone who does not want to leave your comfort zone and just keep lazying around. If you are someone who always makes a plan and never sticks by them, then you are a weak- minded person, and you need to fix yourself up. 3.You are a people-pleaser If you have this habit of pleasing others and being a yes-man in order not to disappoint yourself, it is a strong indication that you lack the guts to take up a stand for yourself. It also shows that you avoid conflicts even if you have to deprioritise your own well-being. You also please people as a daily chore as you want to seek validation from them and want to be in their good books. These things indicate you are a weak-minded personality and that you should learn how to stop being a people-pleaser? 4.You run away from responsibilities If everyone around has been telling you to own up to your actions and be responsible towards others, then it means you run from your responsibilities. And the only people who are supporting you are your parents, and if others do not encourage you, it means you are not owning up to your responsibilities. 5.You complain a lot Ask yourself if people around tell you to stop whining and complaining? Do they tell you to stop complaining and start acting in the right direction? If it is the case, it means you often complain and dispose of all your misfortune to situations and people. And as a result, you often complain and make excuses. You often avoid tough situations and challenges under the garb of complaints and luck. And these are signs of emotionally weak personalities. 6.You cannot say no

  2. Do you often end up saying yes and then regret it immediately? Do you find it really hard to say no to others or turn down their requests? If this is the case, then you are someone who is not strong enough to say no when you do not want to. You definitely need to learn to say no! 7.You are not ready to change While not changing yourself is a sign of a tough personality, it is actually a sign of a weak- minded person who is not ready to change as they are afraid of what will happen. You do not want to change as you want to meet the guidelines of the so-called social standards. It means all you want is to be relaxed, close your eyes and live your life. And it is because you can't bear tough situations that may arrive due to the change. 8.You always quit You make big plans, implement them for a few days and then quit. And it is often happening in your life as a trend. If it is so, you are a weak-minded personality. 9.You are not ready to let of the past If you are not ready to let go of the past, it means you are scared that if you let go of the past, you will not be able to survive. And sometimes, you hold on to resentment and want to take revenge on the person who wronged you. You are not able to forgive and move on. And these are the signs of a weak-minded person. So, you should know how to let go of resentment and how to let go of the past! Once you implement these things in life, you will eventually become a strong and sorted person. So if you are always looking for the easiest routes, escape conflicts, find it tough to make decisions and can't forgive and forget, you are a weak-minded person. So these are the sign of a weak-minded person that you should be aware of. I hope this helps!

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