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Lava Flows

Lava Flows. V iscosity . Viscosity means the thickness of a liquid Viscous lava is thick and gooey and does not travel very fast or very far Lava with HIGH SILICA CONTENT is viscous Non-viscous lava is watery and travels fast and far Lava with LOW SILICA CONTENT is non-viscous.

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Lava Flows

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lava Flows

  2. Viscosity • Viscosity means the thickness of a liquid • Viscous lava is thick and gooey and does not travel very fast or very far • Lava with HIGH SILICA CONTENT is viscous • Non-viscous lava is watery and travels fast and far • Lava with LOW SILICA CONTENT is non-viscous

  3. What Erupts from a Volcano? Blocky lava Lava can be thick or thin. Pahoehoe Aa Pillow lava

  4. The viscosity (thickness) of the lava determines the type of volcano

  5. Shield Volcanoes • Low Silica = non-viscous • Low Gases = not very explosive • Erupts constantly but is usually harmless

  6. Cinder Cone • Low Silica = non-viscous • High Gases = explosive • Erupts often but is not usually dangerous

  7. Composite Volcano • High Silica: Viscous • High Gases: Explosive • Erupts rarely but can be very dramatic and violent

  8. Pyroclastic Flows • Very dense flow of hot ash, rock fragments, and hot gases. • Pyroclastic flow move along the ground and in the air. They ride on a cushion of air and can travel up to 200 mph. • They destroy everything in their path and can carry volcanic ash hundreds of miles

  9. What Erupts from a Volcano? • Pyroclastic material • Rock fragments created by eruptions • magma explodes from volcano and solidifies in the air • existing rock is shattered by powerful eruptions EXPLOSIVE Lapilli Volcanic bombs Volcanic blocks Volcanic ash

  10. Lahars • Lahars are avalanches of mud created when hot lava melts snow and ice • They can be incredibly powerful and totally destroy whatever is in their way

  11. Pair and Share • Turn to the person next to you and discuss how a lahar might be more damaging than a lava flow.

  12. Geothermal Energy

  13. Geothermal Energy • Geothermal energy has been used for thousands of years as hot springs and to heat pools. • It is a clean, renewable source of energy. Unlike wind and solar, it is very reliable. • There are only 77 geothermal power plants in the US, producing only a tiny fraction of our electricity. • However, geothermal energy could produce more than 20% of our nation’s energy. Almost all of it would come from the West, and Colorado.

  14. Exit Ticket • 1. What does viscosity mean? • 2. Which type of volcano has the most viscous lava? Why does this make it deadly?

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