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Bad Design: HUB Mac Booth

Bad Design: HUB Mac Booth. By: Joe Dodd-o. Flaws in the booth’s design cause problems with viewing the computer screen. gadgetsonthego.net. These problems encourage poor posture from the user, which has negative health effects. Effects of Poor Posture: -Delays in nervous system

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Bad Design: HUB Mac Booth

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bad Design: HUB Mac Booth By: Joe Dodd-o

  2. Flaws in the booth’s design cause problems with viewing the computer screen gadgetsonthego.net

  3. These problems encourage poor posture from the user, which has negative health effects Effects of Poor Posture: -Delays in nervous system -Muscle Aches/Pains -Endocrine System Imbalances -Disruptions in Digestive System -Decreased Circulatory System Efficiency root2being.com

  4. Flaws in the keyboard area design further complicate the ergonomic problems of the booth Effects of Poor Wrist Position: -Carpal Tunnel Syndrome -Repetitive Strain Injuries -General decrease in circulation to hands ergomatters.co.uk tifaq.com

  5. Only simple adjustments are needed to improve the viewing area of the booth

  6. A redesign of the keyboard area is needed to improve user comfort

  7. This is my improved Mac Booth, addressing the main flaws of the old one

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