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Diffusion. Chapter 5. Mechanics of Diffusion. Primary method by which atoms mix Consider a drop of food coloring in a glass of water. Atoms are always in motion. Bulk motion Random motion of individual atoms Vibration. Where does Diffusion Occur in Crystals?. Through Interstitial Spaces
Diffusion Chapter 5
Mechanics of Diffusion • Primary method by which atoms mix • Consider a drop of food coloring in a glass of water
Atoms are always in motion • Bulk motion • Random motion of individual atoms • Vibration
Where does Diffusion Occur in Crystals? • Through Interstitial Spaces • At Defects • Point Defects • Such as a vacancy • Line Defects • Dislocations • Surface Defects • Grain boundaries • Material surface Diffusion through defects is the primary form of diffusion in crystals Diffusion is slow in solids
Interstitial Diffusion • There are holes between the atoms in the matrix • If the atoms are small enough, they can diffuse through the interstitial holes • Fast!!
If the interstitial atom is large, it has a harder time fitting through the spaces between the lattice atoms If its harder to do – it happens more slowly
Vacancy Diffusion • Vacancies are holes in the crystal lattice • All real materials have vacancies • Vacancies are always moving • An impurity can move into the vacancy • Diffuse through the material
Vacancy Diffusion http://www.soton.ac.uk/~engmats/xtal/diffusion/diffusion.htm
Vacancy Diffusion The vacancies appear to move, but of course it is really individual atoms just moving one position each
Diffusion along dislocations Notice the extra room available for atoms to squeeze through
Volume Diffusion • Interstitial diffusion • Vacancy diffusion • Diffusion along dislocations Volume diffusion is the slowest of the types of diffusion we’ll study It is difficult to separate the effect of each of the types of volume diffusion from each other
Grain Boundary You can affect the number of grains, and thus the total grain boundary area, by controlling the material processing http://www.tf.uni-kiel.de/matwis/amat/def_en/kap_2/backbone/r2_2_2.html
Surface Diffusion Surface diffusion occurs the most readily of the diffusion types
Activation Energy • All the kinds of diffusion require a certain minimum energy to occur • Called the activation energy • The higher the activation energy, the harder it is for diffusion to occur
Activation energy is the amount required to get “over the hump” – whichever way you are going on the energy hill Activation Energy Future state State now It’s the energy required to squeeze through a hole or to escape a position at one lattice point and move into another
Activation Energy The highest energy is for volume diffusion Vacancy Interstitial Grain Boundary diffusion requires less energy Surface Diffusion requires the least
Diffusion Activation Energy Volume Diffusion Grain Boundary Diffusion Surface Diffusion
Diffusion Rate • High activation energy corresponds to low diffusion rates • D = D0*exp(-Q/RT) • Where D is the diffusivity, which is proportional to the diffusion rate • Q is the activation energy • R is the gas constant • T is the absolute temperature This relationship is called the Arrhenius equation, and is seen regularly in chemistry and physics for a variety of processes Notice that the diffusivity increases, as the temperature increases
Fick’s First Law • Diffusion is very similar to heat transfer • Equations are the same • Fick’s first law describes steady state diffusion • J = - D (DC/ Dx) • J is the the rate of diffusion in atoms/area/time – called the flux • D is the diffusivity • C is the concentration • X is the distance
Steady state diffusion is rare in solids • It takes a very long time for equilibrium to be established • Can occur in very thin foils or polymeric membranes • For example, the flow of small gas molecules through a membrane
Diffusivity • Remember that D is a function of temperature • Thus the flux (J) is also a function of temperature • The flux goes up as the temperature goes up
Effect of Crystal Structure on Diffusion • When all other things are equal, the rate of diffusion is higher in a BCC structure than in an FCC or HCP structure There is more open space in the BCC structure than the FCC structure
FCC BCC 910 0C Carbon Phase Change Iron K-1 Low Temperature High Temperature
Fick’s Second Law • Describes Transient Diffusion • Non steady state • Because diffusion in solids is slow, diffusion is almost always transient!
Carburizing • Case Hardening • Steel is sometimes surface hardened, by diffusing Carbon in from the surface • The interior portion of the metal remains more ductile while the surface is hard and resistant to wear
Carburizing is a surface treatment – dependent on unsteady state diffusion
Diffusion Direction Cs Cx x Planar Surface Unsteady State Diffusion C0
Error Function • Integral of the Gaussian Curve The error function is part of one of the solutions to the second order partial differential equation, that describes non-steady state diffusion
Practically, you don’t really need to know how the error function works, just like you don’t need to know how sin is calculated to use it. • Erf is not on most calculators – it is in Maple and MATLAB • Need a table
Erf • Values of Z and the erf of Z can be found in text books and on your CD
Z erf(Z) 0.00 0 0.10 0.1125 0.20 0.2227 0.30 0.3286 0.40 0.4284 0.50 0.5205 0.60 0.6039 0.70 0.6778 0.80 0.7421 0.90 0.7970 1.00 0.8427 1.50 0.9661 2.00 0.9953 Error Function Table
Why is diffusion important in Materials Science? • Diffusion can be used as part of a heat treatment • Case Hardening/Carburizing • Diffusion is important during the solidification process • We’ll discussion this starting in Chapter 8 • Diffusion is important in the aging process when very small components are used – for example in integrated circuits • Diffusion is used to create integrated circuits!!
This is not the end! • We will return to the topic of diffusion repeatedly as we continue through the course • Please make sure that you understand the basic concepts!!