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Caravan Scales

Active scales provide caravan owners with different types of caravan weight scales and caravan weighing systems having multiple features.

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Caravan Scales

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Caravan Scales

  2. Do you go on long trips with your family or friends and frequently bring the caravan with you? Then ensuring that caravan does not exceed the specified weight limit is a real challenge. • So before you head for your next trip or road trip adventure, invest some of your time to understand caravan weight controller. Keeping check on caravan weight with the help of caravan scalesnot only ensures safety but is also necessary for legal compliances. • Important Features of Our Caravan Scales are: • Easy To Use • Digital Display • Portable & Compact • Precise & Accurate

  3. Caravan scales are available in variety of specifications, sizes and usable in various conditions. • Active scales provide caravan owners with the following types of caravan weight scales: • Caravan Scales With Digital Display • In-ground Caravan Scale • Ball WeigherWith Caravan Scale

  4. - Get In Touch - www.activescales.com.au (03) 9308 4555 activesc@bigpond.net.au 2/27 Gasoline Way, Craigieburn VIC 3064, Australia

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