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Using ICT in the Early Years. Richness and diversity are an important part of childhood education ‘ A ’rich’ ICT setting provides a whole range of child-centred activities and pieces of equipment which children can use in many different ways to extend and develop their experience’.
Using ICT in the Early Years
Richness and diversity are an important part of childhood education ‘A ’rich’ ICT setting provides a whole range of child-centred activities and pieces of equipment which children can use in many different ways to extend and develop their experience’. Rudd and Tyldesley (2006) (p10) ICT Provision
ICT encompasses all aspects of information and communication technology - therefore affecting all areas of young children’s lives. We must enable each child’s to access ICT safely with confidence and increasing skill, building on their prior experiences with ICT. Early Learning Forward thinking- The policy Framework for ICT in the Early years advocates embedding ICT in the learning environment. This should be reflected throughout the nursery not just in the computer area. ICT to Support Learning and Development
The intrinsic elements of effective resources for the early years: • Ease of use- the children must be actually able to use them. Maybe have visual instructions. • Size- the children only have small hands this must be reflected in the size of the resource. Small, easy to press buttons etc. • Weight- Heavy cameras etc. are hard for the children to hold and results will be disappointing for them. • Robust- essential for indoor and outdoor use. Using ICT resources in the Early Years Top Tip Re-chargeable batteries will save you a fortune long term
DVD camcorder (For both adults and children) Digital cameras Tape/CD players Calculators Torches Remote controlled/programmable toys Floor robots Electric keyboards Light boxes Computer- printer-age appropriate software Webcams Microphones Talking photo albums Metal detectors Basic ICT resources for the Early Years
ICT is covered in the areas of learning and development in ‘Knowledge and Understanding of the World’(KUW) Assessment scales The EYFS Profile learning goals as a set of 13 assessment scales, which has nine points. Point 7 of KUW is for ICT: ‘Finds out about and identifies the uses of everyday technology and uses information and communication technology and programmable toys to support her/his learning.’ ICT in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
The children are already familiar with the story ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ • As their next step we will be recreating the story in ‘Movie maker’ using their voices and sounds, enriching their learning experience. • As we re-make the story they will be collaborating with each other to: • 30-50 months • Describing the main story settings, events and principle characters. • Listen to stories with increasing attention and recall. • 40-50 months • Consistently develop a simple story, explanation or line of questioning. • Use vocabulary and forms of speech that are influenced by their experience of books. How ICT is supporting this activity
From this area in the Practice Guidance of the EYFS the children have been working within the area of ‘Language for Communication’. • Working towards the ‘Early Learning Goals’ ‘Listen with enjoyment, and respond to stories, songs and other music, rhymes and poems.’ ‘Speak clearly and audibly with confidence and control and show awareness of the listener.’ We will be using ‘Easy speak Microphones’ and Tuff cams’ Collaborative work around a piece of ICT equipment Can really help to support language development’ Rudd and Tyldesley (2006) (p16) ICT in Communication, Language and Literacy
Ensure the children have already have hands on experiences with the ‘easy speak microphones’ and ‘tuff cams’ and have meaningful experiences using these props. They will be: • Recording themselves singing the chorus of this story • Recording themselves making the noises for the story e.g. Stamping in mud and adding it to the story on movie maker. • Taking photos of each other making the sounds. • Thinking of ‘new obstacles’ they could come across for the story. • There is large scope for differentiation with this activity ranging from repeating after the practitioner to adding new story lines. How the activity is implemented
They can develop a story line Re-tell the story Photos and recordings taken by the children Teacher observation of children using the ‘tuff cams’ and ‘easy speak microphones’ Ability to incorporate the ICT equipment in to child initiated play. Assessment
PSED: Dispositions and attitudes ‘Show confidence in linking up with others for support and guidance.’ KUW: ICT ‘know how to operate simple equipment.’ Physical: Using equipment and Materials. ‘Engage in activities requiring hand-eye co-ordination.’ Creative Development: ‘Play co-operatively as part of a group to act out a narrative.’ SEN and EAL children: Inclusive practice: ‘Actively be a part of the process’ Cross Curricular
Never assume education is happening, ensure ICT has a learning purpose. ICT activities will only be of any value if the practitioner notices, values, encourages and develops their use – all children deserve the rich experiences which can be offered through the effective use of ICT. Rudd and Tyldesley (2006) (p13) Remembering our Role
Early Learning Forward thinking- The policy Framework for ICT in the Early years www.itscotland.org.uk/earlyyears/ (accessed 1/11/09) Rudd, A. and Tyldesley, A.,(2006).Literacy and ICT in the Primary School. London.David Fulton Publishers Ltd. Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. (2008) http://nationalstrategies.standards.dcsf.gov.uk/node/151379 (accessed 1/11/09) Bibliography