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Status of MEG Software. Fabrizio Cei INFN and University of Pisa PSI Review Meeting PSI, 14 February 2007. Outline. MEG Software organization Status of Monte Carlo simulation Short remind of analysis framework Status of analysis codes Status of MEG computing power @PSI
Status of MEG Software Fabrizio Cei INFN and University of Pisa PSI Review Meeting PSI, 14 February 2007 Fabrizio Cei
Outline • MEG Software organization • Status of Monte Carlo simulation • Short remind of analysis framework • Status of analysis codes • Status of MEG computing power@PSI • Problemofoverall data size • Conclusions Fabrizio Cei
ROOT ZEBRA MIDAS ROOT MEG Software Organization Simulation WFM and pile-up simulation Bartender (ROME) MC Analyzer (ROME) Real Data DAQ Fabrizio Cei
Status of Monte Carlo MEGMC program - written in Geant3.21; - data output in ZEBRA banks, automatically converted to C++ structures (readable from analysis codes); - it simulates pair (e.g. meg) or single (e.g. Michelpositrons) events; - Full simulation of detector & calibration devices; - specific modules (tbeam & tbtc) for LXe/TC beam tests; - Next release soon; - Updates since last meeting • Common magnetic field with MEGAnalyzer • Different geometrical configurations (final or run 2006); - To be done; • Few event types missing, e.g. LED; • Revision for radiative decay and AIF. Fabrizio Cei
Examples of MC events meg event Michel positron RUN 2006 configuration: No LXe, no TICZ, 8 DCH, TICP displaced by ± 12 cm Fabrizio Cei
MC mass production • Expected to start very soon; • Event types and numbers to be decided. Fabrizio Cei
Software framework: ROME ROME (Root basedObjectOrientedMidasEnvironment) is a framework generator. It uses only 6 different C++ objects. ROME makes the “dirty job”: creating the structure, defining C++ classes, writing many include files, creating the dependences and the hierarchy …; the users and detector experts perform the “smart job”: writing the analysis methods (tasks) and the related folders (data stored on memory) and trees (data stored on disks). The most important feature is the modularity: the tasks can be exchanged at runtime. Main developer: M. Schneebeli (PSI) Fabrizio Cei
Histograms Histograms Histograms Histograms Histograms Histograms Histograms Histograms Histograms Tasks Tasks Tasks Trees Trees Trees ROME Interconnections Disk (Input) Read (Format: ZEBRA, MIDAS & ROOT) Read Fill Folders Fill Fill Flag Fill Disk (Output) Write (ROOT) Fabrizio Cei
ROME Event Display (ARGUS) Display includes tracks and energy deposits Fabrizio Cei
Waveform/track display Liquid Xenon Drift Chamber Both used in on-line and analysis too Fabrizio Cei
Trigger/TICP display Rate of individual channels TC bars Fabrizio Cei
Status of MEGBartender MEGBartender runs stable. • Event mixing withmultiple formats planned (presently only ZEBRA); • Refinement of simulation parameters on the basis of run 2006 data; • Waveform simulation completed for LXe, TICP/TICZ, DCH wires; work needed for pad simulation; • Several trigger simulations included. Fabrizio Cei
Status of MEGAnalyzer 1) MEGAnalyzer modified for use in online & offline • LXe: (R. Sawada (Tokyo), G. Signorelli (Pisa), Y. Uchiyama (Tokyo), S. Yamada (UCI), F. Cei (Pisa)) -Waveform decoding implemented; • Charge-based reconstruction algorithms implemented; most of them tested; • Timing reconstruction & calibration algorithms under implementation and testing; • Peak finding and pattern recognition tasks existing. Fabrizio Cei
Status of MEGAnalyzer 2) • TICP/Z (P. Cattaneo (Pavia), Y. Uchiyama, D. Zanello (Rome), F. Xiao (UCI), A. Barchiesi (Rome), S. Dussoni (Genova)) -waveform analysis implemented; - preliminary hit reconstruction implemented(Q,tL,tR) (z,<t>); -still missing: correlation between adjacent bars & with DCH. • DCH (H. Nishiguchi (Tokyo), M. Schneebeli, Y. Hisamatsu, V. Tumakov (UCI)) - 3D-map of magnetic field; - tracking by (preliminary) Kalman filter implemented; - waveform decoding existing; - extraction of z-coordinate from cathode pad information in progress. - still missing: full hit reconstruction (3D information); pattern recognition at the beginning. Software changing very fast on the basis of 2006 data Fabrizio Cei
Status of MEGAnalyzer 3) • Trigger (G. Signorelli, D. Nicolò (Pisa)) - trigger info/banks coded in MIDAS:run #, event #, trigger code & WFMs, scalers(useful for determining run/live time); - charge and timing reconstruction algorithms implemented and under testing. • Database (R. Sawada) - two databases:MySQL and sqlite3; easy conversion; - MySQL needs network; sqlite3 for stand-alone environment in a separate svn module (megdb); - included:geometry, trigger/hardware configuration, run table, physical constants, reconstruction coefficients … Fabrizio Cei
DRS in MEGAnalyzer • Data structure established - It is possible to write limited time regions of waveforms; - Data size (including header) can be zero if the channel is not interesting; - Each chip has clock and trigger signal for calibration. • Calibration procedures under development and to be studied in detail. Fabrizio Cei
MEG computing @PSI Offline cluster for MEG (LCMEG) • Presently available : 20 CPU cores + 30 TB disk + Sun Grid Engine • Final situation : 64 CPU cores + 100 TB disk in total • Easily extensible; planned within 2007 15 x 500 GB SATA Sun Fire x4100 quad core 4 GB Sun Fire x4100 quad core 4 GB Fiber Channel Switch Sun Fire x4100 quad core 4 GB GBit Ethernet Sun Fire x4100 quad core 4 GB Sun Fire x4100 quad core 4 GB Fabrizio Cei
Overall Data Rate • In 2006 run we had 2.8 MB events (50% DC + TC, no LXe; 1/3 of the final configuration) and could run at ~ 10 Hz • Full detector estimates without any reduction: 9 MB/event, 5 Hz, 107 sec, 450 TB/year • Possible strategies for reducing data size: • Zero suppression (50% on LXe, 80% on DC) • ADC/TDC values for non-signal-like events • Partial waveform readout (reduced window size) • Keep timing information in SQL database • 3rd level trigger in online cluster (e.g. linear fit, fast tracking …) 30 Tb/year Effects on data to be evaluated Fabrizio Cei
Conclusions • The MEG software is in an advanced state ofpreparation: • MEGMC + MEGBartender: almost finished • MEGAnalyzer: LXe: close to completion; TICP/Z & DCH: some parts missing, but fast evolution and significant effort; Trigger/Database: ~ ok. • First part (~ 1/3) of MEG offline cluster in operation; • Data size to be reduced; discussion under way. Fabrizio Cei
Backup slides Fabrizio Cei
MC Man Power All persons @ 10 50 % of their time: • Coordination: S. Yamada (UCI), F. Cei (Pisa); • SVN repository: S. Yamada; • Event generation:F. Cei, S. Yamada, Y. Hisamatsu (Tokyo); • LXe: S. Yamada, F. Cei, G. Signorelli (Pisa); • TICP/TICZ: P. Cattaneo,Y. Uchiyama (Tokyo); • DCH: H. Nishiguchi (Tokyo), M. Hillebrandt (PSI); • Beam & Magnet: W. Ootani (Tokyo); • Target: V. Tumakov (UCI); • NaI: Y.Nishimura (Tokyo); • Calibrations: F. Cei Fabrizio Cei