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John F. Kennedy High School. SY 2010-2011 Accreditation Report Summary Focus Groups A-D February 21, 2011. Focus Group A. Organization of Student Learning. A1. School Purpose Criterion. Beliefs and Philosophy
John F. Kennedy High School SY 2010-2011 Accreditation Report Summary Focus Groups A-D February 21, 2011
Focus Group A Organization of Student Learning
A1. School Purpose Criterion Beliefs and Philosophy • We follow the GEB guiding principles: to meet students’ educational and occupational needs with emphasis in student success in these areas. DOE Mission “Our educational community prepares all students for life, promotes excellence, and provides support.” JFKHS Mission Statement “The mission of John F. Kennedy High School is to develop our island students to become globally primed high achievers.”
A1 School Purpose Criterion (cont.) School Purpose and ESLRs • The mission statement and ESLRs are articulated via faculty meetings, subcommittee working sessions, PTSA meetings, and other correspondence. Involvement for All • ESLRs are incorporated within JFKHS new mission statement. • 97%of faculty and staff agree that the current mission statement represent the focus and direction of the school and 84% agreed to its presence (Effective Schools Survey, Sept. 17, 2010).
A1 School Purpose Criterion (cont.) Consistency of School Purpose, ESLRs, and Program • The goal of JFKHS students is to attain the four major competencies: Responsible Citizens, Problem Solvers, Effective Communicators, and Technologically Literate. • The ESLRs rubric was designed to gauge the progress of students using these four categories: 1) Emerging 2) Developing 3) Competent 4) Exemplary. • 66% of teachers agree that the new mission statement provides a clear statement of purpose. 75% of teachers agree that the mission statement is present in progress reports, school bulletin, report cards, and other official documents. (Organization for Student Learning Survey, n=107 )
A2 Response to Governance Clear Policies and Procedures/ Relationship of Policies • JFKHS follows the guidelines administered by DOE under the supervision of the GEB in its daily operations of the school. • JFKHS has created two new courses: Robotics Honors course and global studies under AFJROTC program which meets the framework of DOE curricular standards. Relationship to Professional Staff • JFKHS holds leadership and department meetings wherein faculty members are given the opportunity to provide input and receive feedback from administration.
A2 Response to Governance Evaluation Procedures/ Governing Authority • Annual School Report Card evaluates JFKHS performance on these three components: student performance (SAT10 results, graduation rate), student behavior (discipline reports, attendance rate), and school characteristics (employee attendance rate, school improvement plan). (Organization for Student for Learning survey)
A2 Response to Governance Evaluation Procedures/ Governing Authority • 76% of teachers agree that the governing adopts policies that are consistent with the school purpose and support achievement of the ESLRs. • 72% of teachers agree that the JFKHS governing authority delegates implementation of policies that are consistent with the school purpose and support the achievement of the ESLRs to the professional staff. • 81% of teachers agree that program results are being monitored. (Organization for Student for Learning survey)
A3 Response to School Leadership Defined Responsibilities, Practices, etc. (Based on Organization for Student Survey) • JFKHS Management Team supports a PLC/ Collaborative Communication model. • Teachers are provided with resources to guide them in all aspects of operational and instructional activities (FA Handbook, JFKHS 5 year plan, SOP Quick Reference Guide). Existing Structure • The school has existing structures for internal communication, planning, and resolving differences (PTSA, WAY, clubs and organizations, department meetings).
A3 Response to School Leadership Involvement of Staff • 59% of the faculty agrees that the administration empowers faculty. • 84% of teachers agree that the administration makes decisions that focus on student achievement and ESLR results.
A4 Response to Staff Criterion Employment Policies and Practices • DOE publishes vacant positions. Interviews are conducted at the specific school. Personnel Services Division is informed of the decision to recruit the interested applicant. Qualification of Staff • All school administrators and teaching staff hold certification credentials for their respective positions. The Support Staff also adhere to specific position qualifications. Support of Professional Development • JFKHS school management supports professional development trainings for administrators, faculty, and staff. Examples of trainings are: Literacy Strategies, Formative/Summative Assessments, Bullying, SPED workshops.
A4 Response to Staff Criterion Supervision and Evaluation • PTEP goals are used to evaluate teachers. • 68% of faculty indicated that PTEP goals should be better geared toward the teacher as an individual. • Guam DOE standard employee performance evaluation form is used to evaluate support staff. Measurable Effect of Professional Development • The Literacy Project was established as a result of SAT10 data results which indicated that JFKHS students scored low in Editing, Composing, and Prewriting abilities. • The Professional Development Committee monitors the application of Literacy Project Informative Assessment Strategy.
A5 Response to School Environment Caring, Concern, High Expectations • Due to JFKHS’ culturally diverse population, efforts have been made to assist students and parents (information workshops, translation of ESLRs and mission statement into different languages). • Training for school aides in CPR, Safe Crisis Management, bullying, etc. to help them carry out their duties and responsibilities effectively. • UOG and GCC have dual enrollment programs for acceleration of high achievers.
A5 Response to School Environment Student Self-Esteem • Chamorro Week celebration, • Clubs and Organizations (AJROTC, Vivace, NHS, Nursing Club, etc). • Kennedy Celebration • Honor Roll Listing and Student of the Month • Sports Banquet • 72% of students responded that they have never been bullied at school. (Based on a bullying survey in November 2010) • 67% of students indicated that they feel safe at school.
A5 Response to School Environment Mutual Respect and Communication • Effective School Surveys are taken by all students, parents, and teachers to identify the areas of strength and weakness in the environment, instruction, and leadership. • Information is disseminated through various communications such as bi-weekly bulletins, school calendars, etc. Teacher Support and Encouragement • Teachers use several avenues to communicate to parents and students such as attendance, grades, emails, phone calls etc.
A5 Response to School Environment Policies, Codes, Procedures, and Resources • All public schools are guided by Public Law 28-45 that sets the 14- Point Standards for safe and healthy learning environment. • JFKHS has various plans and procedures in place (JFKHS SOP Emergency Response Plan, Student Discipline Procedures, Student Crisis Intervention Procedures, Safe School Plan, and Student Procedure Assistance Manual) • PTSA plays a vital role in providing support for our school community.
A6 Response to Supporting School Progress Student Progress • JFKHS submits students’ progress to the District Office on a monthly basis using the five GEB goals as the framework. • Annual School Report Card is also submitted using data such as SAT10 results, school passing rate, graduation rates, etc. • Teachers give students mid-quarter progress reports • PTCs are scheduled twice a year and parents are accommodated whenever they request to meet with teachers or school officials outside the scheduled conferences.
A6 Response to Supporting School Progress Student Progress (cont.) • Pre- and Post- tests ensure learning is attained through aligned and collaborative teaching activities. • SAT10 results and strategies to strengthen poor performing areas are addressed in faculty and department meetings. Existing Standards and Procedures • ESLRs Rubric Assessment is submitted each semester by faculty indicating random student progress toward achievement of ESLRs. • Each quarter, teachers receive a Marks Analysis that is examined by the administration to determine student achievement.
A7 Response to School Improvement Broad-Based and Collaborative • 55% of faculty agree that there is a partnership between JFKHS and its community. • JFKHS SPED CEB program, School-to-Work, and the GCC Work Experience programs are examples of collaborative relationships to employ and train students. • JFKHS Administrative Team, Leadership Teams (DCs) are also ways that the school community collaborates. School Plan correlated to Student Learning • JFKHS has several plans to help facilitate school improvement (Literacy Project strategies, Standard-Based Instruction, Research and Evidence-Based Instruction, Formative Assessment Strategies, and the Academy Concept).
A7 Response to School Improvement System Alignment • Incorporation of PTEP goals and Literacy Project strategies • Refine vertical alignment with departments, feeder schools, and post-secondary institutions Collaboration between all Resources, ESLRs, and Plan • The school leadership (administrators, DCs, division heads) collaborates frequently to discuss and plan school needs and student achievement. • Kennedy Action Plan (KAP) is monitored by administration, Leadership Team, and the Professional Development Committee.
Focus Group B Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
B1 What Students Learn • Focus on attainment of ESLRs as the foundation of all student learning • -ESLRs are identified in teacher lesson plans, course syllabi, daily bulletins, student planners, school website, is posted in all classrooms, and announced during professional meetings • Review and revision of existing curriculum to provide standards-based instruction • Literacy Project (SAT10 clusters in Reading, Pre-writing, and Composing)
B1 What Students Learn ESLR Assessment (Tools used to measure) • School-wide rubric • Measurement system requiring teachers to evaluate not only how well students meet the ESLRs, but how ESLRs are incorporated into daily lessons. • Consistent statistical measurements over the past two years. • 20% of student population are randomly evaluated once a semester using ESLR Assessment Form (Appendix F) • Literacy Project uses Analyzing Evidence Form to evaluate student work
B1 What Students Learn ESLR Assessment (Gains Made) • Mandatory visibility and required inclusion of ESLRs into daily bulletin, student planners, school website, course syllabi, and of course in daily lessons/assessments • Curricular standards assigned/aligned with related ESLR • Consistency of the study/analysis • All four grade levels making improvements during each academic year and from year to year • Out of 107 teachers surveyed, 90% incorporating ESLRs and curricular standards into their lesson plans. • ESLRs aligned with SAT10 clusters, DOE Essential Content Standards for each course at JFKHS, formative assessment strategies, and Literacy Project.
B1 What Students Learn NCE Scores from the SAT10 (Tools used to measure) • As an indicator of student progress, in the ESLR for Problem Solving, SAT10 Data from School Years 2005- 2010 used. • Data particularly related to the SAT10 Thinking Skill Category.
B1 What Students Learn NCE Scores from the SAT10 (Gains Made) • Because of the push to fully incorporate/make JFKHS ESLRs a daily part of learning, SAT10 data indicates that JFKHS students have made and/or continue to demonstrate measureable and consistent improvement in the SAT10 category of Thinking Skills in grades 9~11 district wide. • As for the senior’s performance being steady, it still exceeds all others public high schools in the district. • Should be noted: 60% of incoming 9th graders are from BMS – lowest performing school amongst our feeder schools.
B1 What Students Learn Learning Snapshots &Student Shadowing (Tools used to measure) • 3rd & 4th Measures supporting student achievement of Expected School-wide Learning Results. • Focus Group B Survey; Administered to 107 teachers • Specifically made forms for the actual Learning Snapshot visits and Student Shadowing observations. • Data collected over the past two school years (SY 09-11).
B1 What Students Learn Learning Snapshots & Student Shadowing (Gains) • 90% of survey respondents report that they incorporate the ESLRs into lesson plans. • Both LS & SS Observations show year-on-year improvement & growth in all ESLR categories (Self Study Report, 129).
B1 What Students Learn Effective Schools Survey (Tools used to measure) • Surveying of student’s perspective on the importance and inclusion of JFKHS ESLRs into their daily activities. • Specifically, survey item #5 regarding the importance and presence of the following statement: My class assignments are connected to the JFKHS ESLRs.
B1 What Students Learn Learning Snapshots &Student Shadowing (Gains) • Reference table, Self Study, p.130 • Strongly Agree to Agree, regarding Importance: 336 students out of 407 responses, or 83% agree. • Strongly Agree to Agree, regarding Presence: 321 students out of 400 responses, or 80% see the actual Presence of the ESLRs.
B1 What Students Learn • Instruction rooted in research-based knowledge to improve learning • Investment in personal and professional development • Literacy Project provides effective strategies for improved student learning
B1 What Students Learn • Based on 211 student interviews: • 79% of students state the Literacy Project strategies help them learn. Top three preferred strategies: 4 corner, Foldables, and Exit Tickets. • Alignment of teaching activities with ESLRs and curriculum standards • Each department aligned the ESLRs with at least two essential content standards, Literacy Project, and formative strategies (November 02, 2010).
B1 What Students Learn Five ways we measure student attainment of the ESLRs: (1) ESLR rubric (20% random selection of students) (2) Analysis of Normal Curve Equivalent scores from the SAT10 category of Thinking skills which addresses our “Problem Solver” ESLR (3) Learning Snapshot (4) Student Shadowing (5) Effective Schools Survey which addresses students’ perspective of the ESLRs A rigorous, relevant, and coherent curriculum for all students
B2 How Students Learn • Instruction rooted in research-based knowledge to improve learning • Investment in personal and professional development • Literacy Project provides effective strategies for improved student learning
B3 How Assessment is Used Formative assessment is changing how teachers teach • Top three formative assessments observed (Learning Snapshot): Student Teacher Feedback, Discussion, and Oral Recitation • Summative assessment data reveals ways to improve instruction • Top three summative assessments observed (Learning Snapshot): • Project, Chapter Test, Presentation • Student feedback helps to shape their learning activities
B3 How Assessment is Used Student Interview Results (to name a few) • 49% state they use technology for research and class assignments • 79% state the Literacy Project helps them learn • 45% state they never use the library for research, while 55% state they do • 77% state they know the school’s ESLRs Top three areas of concern (Effective Schools Survey) SY2009-10SY2010-11 Home School Connection School Leadership Student Achievement Home School Connection School Climate Monitoring School Progress
Focus Group C Student Connectedness
C1 Personalized Student Support • JFKHS offers a wide variety of courses from ELL to AP. • ESLR’s and School Mission Statement is incorporated in teachers syllabi and daily lessons. • Literacy Project school-wide implementation • Freshman Academy is constantly molded to fit student needs. • School Support Systems and Adequate Available Services • Interventions: Tutoring from various programs such as Americorp and NHS • Counseling offers variety of support services, programs, and scholarships opportunities • Peer mediation with Inafa’Maolek
C2 Strategies used for Students Growth/Development • GCC offers several programs such as Nursing, Tourism, Marketing, Electronics, ProStart, Automotive, and Carpentry. • Counselors offer School-to-Work, Dual Enrollment, and Summer Programs • Career related programs such as Robotics, Student Government class, and TRI0
C2 Strategies used for Students Growth/Development • Co-Curricular Activities • 17 clubs in place (170 members) • 16 sport teams • Student activities such as Spirit Week, Chamorro Week, interscholastic sports events, etc.
C2 Strategies used for Students’ Growth/Development Student Perceptions • 82% Student feel that there is adequate support available for student learning • 74% students agree that clubs and organizations increase student learning and achievement.
C2 Strategies used for Students’ Growth/Development Teacher Perceptions • 70% of teachers agree that school and the community work in partnership to enhance learning for students with special needs.
C3 Parent/Community Involvement Parental and community involvement includes: • Inviting to PTCs and PTSA, syllabi, newspaper notices, Email, Powerschool, Marquee, teacher letters to parents and vice versa, student progress and report cards, agenda books, etc. Use of Community Resources • Business partners, guest speakers from the private and government sectors • Ex: Hotels Industry, Gov. Guam , UOG, Girl Power, JFKHS Alumni Organization
Focus Group D Resource Management and Development
D1 Response to Resources Criterion Allocation Decisions • Each fiscal year, JFKHS is required to prepare a comprehensive budget involving all stakeholders in its development. • In the development and planning process of the budget, all of the aforementioned are key to ensure that JFKHS meets the curricular standards and the ESLRs. • JFKHS’s budget is submitted to the District Office for review and approval by the Superintendent subsequently to the GEB for further review and adoption of the budget.
D1 Response to Resources Criterion Practices • SOPs are implemented to effectively regulate resources.. • GEB policy entitles Manager’s Internal Control Program to provide internal controls, procedures, and practices. • In addition, non-appropriated funds standard operating procedures have also been established to comply with Public Law 14-130 and Board Policy 715. • Textbook and Instructional Materials Management and Accountability SOP was established in October 2010 for the management of textbooks.
D1 Response to Resources Criterion Facilities • For SY2009-10, JFKHS was relocated to the Core Tech Tiyan facility. This move has provided the JFKHS population with many benefits that include an end to double session, while still providing a safe, functional, and well-maintained physical facility. • Like any other temporary facility, the interim campus presents several challenges, such as substandard science classrooms and labs, inadequate library space, and limited internet connection.
D1 Response to Resources Criterion Facilities • Despite of resource challenges, JFKHS SY2008-SAT10 results showed academic improvements across all content areas • We outscored our counterparts, except for the ninth graders, in the other high schools on Guam. • The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandates that students must have full access to all facilities. • These two issues will be rectified on return to the JFKHS Tumon site with the renovation of science classrooms.
D1 Response to Resources Criterion Instructional Materials • Based on the inventory maintained by department chairpersons, pre-registration numbers, and courses needed for upcoming school year, textbook orders are submitted to the Division of Curriculum and Instruction for processing and purchase or cross leveling of textbooks among the island’s four other high schools. Teachers are required to summit quarterly updates of their inventory.
D1 Response to Resources Criterion Instructional Materials • Last year, teachers were issued accounts to access the copying machines; however, the constant breakdown of the machines, requires limited trained operators to preserve the longevity of the copying machines. • Dependent upon request date and availability, all teachers have access to multimedia projectors, printers, TVs, VCRs, computers, and other electronic devices.