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Analyzing Quantitative Data (SPSS) TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA
Table of Contents Determine how many valid responses are included in the dataset for work engagement...............1 Differences between the two groups in terms of the average size of the employment contract (FTE) and the average number of years that employees work in the firm (tenure).........................1 Evaluate the reliability and validity of the work engagement scale by performing a reliability analysis (Cronbach’s alpha) and a factor analysis (with principal components).............................2 Create scales for a number of variables. Use the variables work engagement, work pressure, innovation, personal initiative, and distributive fairness..................................................3 Determine the correlations among these variables..........................................................................4 Regression analysis..........................................................................................................................5 TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA
Determine how many valid responses are included in the dataset for work engagement N Valid Missing At my work, I feel bursting with energy. 152 169 At my job, I feel strong and vigorous. 152 169 When I get up in the morning, I feel like going to work. 152 169 I am enthusiastic about my job. 152 169 My job inspires me. 152 169 I am proud of the work that I do. 152 169 I feel happy when I am working intensely. 152 169 I am immersed in my work. 152 169 I get carried away when I am working. 152 169 From the above table it can be interpreted that there were only 152 valid respondents relating to work engagement out of 321 responses. Determine whether employees who have not participated in the survey differ from employees who did participate in the survey. Find the differences between the two groups in terms of the average size of the employment contract (FTE) and the average number of years that employees work in the firm (tenure) TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA
H0: There is no significant difference between numbers of years of employee work on average size of the employment contract Sum of Squares Mean Square df F Sig. Between Groups 7070.518 35 202.015 7.127 .000 Within Groups 3287.853 116 28.344 Total 10358.371 151 From the above ANOVA table difference between the variables can be drawn. The table indicates that there is a significant difference between numbers of years of employee work on average size of the employment contract. THIS IS A SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT HIRE OUR EXPERT WRITERS FOR A+ GRADE CONTACT US: TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com This shows that there is difference in the perception of employees who participated and non-participated in a survey. It indicates that employees years of working who participated and non-participated in a survey has got different level of employment contract in the organization. TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA
Evaluate the reliability and validity of the work engagement scale by performing a reliability analysis (Cronbach’s alpha) and a factor analysis (with principal components). Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items .953 9 KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser- Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy 0.913 Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi- Square 1464.293 df 36 Sig. 0 Cronbach alpha values for work engagement shows a very high significant value for 9 items for work engagement. Data is considered to be reliable if its value is greater than 0.5. From the analysis it can be seen that Cronbach alpha value for work engagement stands to be 0.953. It indicates that is highly reliable to be undertaken for the research. Further, in order to test the validity of the data KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin has been applied by the researcher. Even this value must be greater than 0.5 and from the analysis it can be said that measure of sampling adequacy is greater than 0.913. This shows that validity with respect to data is also high considering work engagement. TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA
Total Variance Explained Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Initial Eigenvalues % of Variance Cumulative % % of Variance Cumulative % Component Total Total 1 6.638 73.755 73.755 6.638 73.755 73.755 2 .733 8.139 81.895 3 .516 5.732 87.627 4 .356 3.959 91.586 5 .236 2.622 94.207 6 .203 2.259 96.466 7 .131 1.458 97.924 8 .109 1.211 99.135 9 .078 .865 100.000 Component Matrixa Component 1 At my work, I feel bursting with energy. .868 At my job, I feel strong and vigorous. .850 When I get up in the morning, I feel like going to work. .895 I am enthusiastic about my job. .919 My job inspires me. .894 I am proud of the work that I do. .826 TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA
I feel happy when I am working intensely. .864 I am immersed in my work. .851 I get carried away when I am working. .750 Work engagement principle components have been used for drawing out the factor analysis. Value drawn from the analysis shows that work engagement variables has got very high correlation ship between each other. This indicates that all the variables selected represent work engagement to be the factor. THIS IS A SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT HIRE OUR EXPERT WRITERS FOR A+ GRADE CONTACT US: TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com Create scales for a number of variables. Use the variables work engagement, work pressure, innovation, personal initiative, and distributive fairness. Scale were drawn using one of the function available in SPSS as compute variable and have been further used by researcher for drawing out correlation and regression. For this purpose variable such as work engagement, work pressure, innovation, personal initiative, and distributive fairness has been used which included number of variables. For creating scale TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA
for this variable these variables were clubbed to form a single factor detailing all variables. This has been done by calculating arithmetic mean values between these variables. Determine the correlations among these variables. Work Work Pressur e Personal Initiativ e Engagemen t Innovatio n Distributiv e Fairness Work Engagemen t Pearson Correlatio n 1 Work Pressure Pearson Correlatio n -.046 1 .288** Innovation Pearson Correlatio n .134 1 .469** .434** Personal Initiative Pearson Correlatio n .143 1 .b .b .b .b .b Distributive Fairness Pearson Correlatio n **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). From the above correlation ship table it can be said that there is high correlation between work engagement and personal initiative. Analysis shows that if employee is going to carry out personal initiative within the business then they will be able to improve work engagement. Even personal initiative is highly correlated with innovation. This shows that it is important for employee to carry out personal initiative in the organization, so that they are able to boost up innovation in the business. TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA
Perform a regression analysis. Normally you would also add control variables in a regression but you are not required to do that in this assignment. In this regression, you will analyze a direct effect. Select from the following three hypotheses one hypothesis that you aim to study: H1: Work pressure is negatively related to work engagement Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate R Model R Square .046a 1 .002 -.005 1.12791 ANOVAa Sum of Square s Mean Squar e Model df F Sig. 1 Regressio n .409 1 .409 . . 572b 321 Residual 190.82 15 1.272 8 0 Total 191.23 15 7 1 Standardize d Coefficients Unstandardized Coefficients Std. Error Model B Beta t Sig. 1 (Constant) 5.529 .344 16.08 .000 0 TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA
Work Pressure -.064 .113 -.046 -.567 .572 From the above regression analysis it is clear that work pressure is negatively related to work engagement. Even Coefficient value (-0.64) clearly indicates that these two variables has got negative relationship. Further, it can be said that if work pressure changes from 1 unit then it is going to affect work engagement of an employee in the business by -0.064. THIS IS A SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT HIRE OUR EXPERT WRITERS FOR A+ GRADE CONTACT US: TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA