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This study compares the efficiency of sequential programs with parallel trapezoidal method programs using MPICH. The development of large and complex data processing requires solutions to improve hardware and software capabilities. Parallel processing, implemented using MPICH, is one solution. Experiments comparing processing speed and efficiency between parallel and sequential programs for calculating integrals using the Trapezoid Integration Method will be conducted. The results will be presented in tables and graphs to showcase the advantages of using parallel processing.
A11.2010.05353 A11.2010.05354 A11.2010.05360 A11.2010.05318
Abstract—COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SEQUEN- TIAL PROGRAMS EFFICIENCY WITH PARALLEL TRAPEZOIDAL METHOD PROGRAM IN MPICH REF- ERENCES Muhammad Irvansyah master program, Fac- ulty of Computer Science, 2007 Gunadarma University http://www.gunadarma.ac.id Keywords : Trapezoid Inte- gration method, cluster, MPICH, parallel processing. Ab- stract : The development of large and complex data process- ing needs that increasing fast is one of the problems that is quite complicated. With ages, it seems this problem need a solution. One of these solutions is to improve the ability of hardware and software. Although the limits of capabilities of the hardware is not found yet, but in fact there are phys- ical limits to this development which sooner or later this limit will be reached. Thus the development of this soft- ware is one settlement of the problem Abstract—COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SEQUEN- TIAL PROGRAMS EFFICIENCY WITH PARALLEL TRAPEZOIDAL METHOD PROGRAM IN MPICH REF- ERENCES Muhammad Irvansyah master program, Fac- ulty of Computer Science, 2007 Gunadarma University http://www.gunadarma.ac.id Keywords : Trapezoid Inte- gration method, cluster, MPICH, parallel processing. Ab- stract : The development of large and complex data process- ing needs that increasing fast is one of the problems that is quite complicated. With ages, it seems this problem need a solution. One of these solutions is to improve the ability of hardware and software. Although the limits of capabilities of the hardware is not found yet, but in fact there are phys- ical limits to this development which sooner or later this limit will be reached. Thus the development of this soft- ware is one settlement of the problem
The development of the software in this context is parallel processing or known as parallelization. In this parallel processing this software used MPICH. MPICH is an implementation of the stan- dardized Message Passing Interface (MPI) which will run in a cluster network. To see the capabilities of this parallel processing then will be carried out the experiment, by com- paring between parallel programs with sequential programs to address problems. The problem here is the calculation of the integral using Trapezoid Integration Method. From the comparison the processing speed and efficiency that will be shown in the form of tables and graphs will be seen. From the table and the resulting graph the writer expected to provide a more knowledgeable about the advantages of us- ing parallel processing. References (1995 - 2005
Dari perkembangan yang begitu pesat, untuk masyarakat atau industri yang mapan tidak akan menjadi permasalahan,
akan tetapi untuk masyarakat atau industri yang baru berkembangan itu akan menjadi suatu permasalahan yang cukup rumit
Inti dari paralelisasi ini ada tiga yaitu perangkat keras, perangkat lunak, dan aplikasinya. Dari ketiga inti komputasi paralel ini, suatu metode yang paling ditingkatkan kemampuannya yaitu peningkatan kemampuan dari fungsi suatu perangkat lunak
Tetapi yang diharapkan pada metode paralelisasi ini, bukan hanya menyangkut kecepatan pemrosesan saja, tetapi efisiensinya pun harus terlihat
Untuk itu diperlukan suatu perbandingan antara program sekuensial dengan program paralel, untuk melihat bahwa komputasi paralelisasi berjalan lebih baik bila dibandingkan dengan komputasi secara sekuensial
Pemrosesan paralel menjadi sebuah pilihan penting setelah pemrosesan sekuensial mengalami berbagai keterbatasan.
Dengan mempergunakan pemrosesan paralel, maka dapat dibuat sebuah program untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah dengan waktu pengerjaannya yang lebih sedikit. Singkatnya, disini komputasi akan dilakukan secara bersama-sama atau secara paralel oleh sekian banyak komputer
Waktu Proses Pemrograman terbagi menjadi 2 bagian yaitu waktu proses sekuensial dan waktu proses paralel. Dimana waktu proses sekuensial adalah waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengeksekusi algoritma sekuensial, sedangkan waktu proses paralel adalah waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengeksekusi algoritma paralel