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Welcome. Revised Schedule of Mid Day Meal Programme Approval Board meetings for considering Annual Work Plan & Budget 2009-10. Venue: Conference Room No.112,C-Wing, Shastri Bhavan New Delhi Date: 1 st May,2009. (No. in lakhs). Source:Opepa. (Rs. in lakhs). Source: W & CD Deptt.,GoO.
Welcome Revised Schedule of Mid Day Meal Programme Approval Board meetings for considering Annual Work Plan & Budget 2009-10 Venue: Conference Room No.112,C-Wing, Shastri Bhavan New Delhi Date: 1st May,2009
(No. in lakhs) Source:Opepa
(Rs. in lakhs) Source: W & CD Deptt.,GoO
Financial Position during the year 2008-09 (Rs. in Lakh)
(Fig. in Quintals) (85%) (98%) Source: W & CD Deptt.,GoO
(Rs. in lakhs) (95.4%) (75.5%) Source: W & CD Deptt.,GoO
(Rs. in lakhs) (87.50%) Source: W & CD Deptt.,GoO
(Rs. in lakhs) (87.50%) Source: W & CD Deptt.,GoO
(in Nos.) Source: W & CD Deptt.,GoO
(in Nos.) Source: W & CD Deptt.,GoO
(in Nos.) • Funds required to complete the balance kitchen sheds Rs. 2853.60 for 4756 nos. • A sum of Rs. 119.15 lakh is required for 3983 schools primary & Up for utensil. N.B- A sum of Rs. 36095.13 received from GoI from 2006-07 to till datetowards construction of kitchen-cum-store, out of this UCs amounting to Rs. 14907.43 has been furnished to GoI.
(in Nos.) N.B-: A sum of Rs. 3185.25 lakh received from the GoI from 2006-07 to till date towards provisioning/ replacement cooking devices / equipments, out of which UCs of Rs. 1581.84 lakh has been furnished to GoI.
(in Nos.) (84.8%) • * The funds have been allocated @ 50:35:15 basis to School, District & State levels.
Ration Cost (MDM) (Rs. & Paise)
(in Paise) Total cost per student per school day class I-V: Rs.2.22
(in Rs. & Paise) Total cost per student per school day class VI-VIII: Rs.2.74
Special intervention/ initiative to improve the quality of implementation of the programme Association of WSHGs with MDM as program implementing agency (PIA). • Total Nos. of schools : 47,453 • Schools handed over to WSHGs : 33,210 • Each WSHG to make security deposit equivalent to cost of one months ration of the concerned School. WSHGs are assigned the duty of supervision, quality testing, proper storage of foodstuff, preparation and distribution of food & cleanliness.
Supervision & Monitoring Citizen Charter– The following information should be displayed in every school on monthly basis under Right to Information Act. • Quantity of food grains received, date of receipt. • Quantity of food grains utilized. • Other ingredients purchased; utilized • Number of children given Mid-day-Meal • Daily menu. • Members of Mothers Committee • Name of SHG implementing the MDM Programme with name of the President and Secretary of the SHG.
Supervision & Monitoring Inspection of MDM at field level: • ADM, PD, DRDA, Sub-Collector & Senior Officers of School & Mass Education Deptt., Health & Family Welfare, H&UD Deptt. will inspect the Programme. At least 2% of the institutions by the district level officers, 5% by the Sub-divisional level officers & 10% by Block level officers. Internal assessment by the DIETs: • A sum of Rs. 16.52 lakh has been placed with the Director SCERT (Orissa),for the aforesaid purpose.
Item/ Services for which expenditure incurred under MME School level • Forms and stationery • Weighing machine & height recorder • Replacement / repair/ maintenance of cooking devices, utensils, weighing machine, etc. Management, Supervision • Salary of Data Entry Operators • Transport and contingencies. • Purchase of Computer and consumables. • External monitoring & evaluation of the programme.
Involvement of NGOs Akshaya Patra & Nandi Foundations under MDM in Puri & Ganjam districts • Akshaya Patra Foundationare supplying hot cooked meal in covering 50000 students in Puri & Nayagarh Dists. • Nandi Foundationprogrammed to supply hot cooked meal in 652 schools covering 104000 students in Ganjam Dist.
Issues • Need for revision of cost norm. • Strengthening of school health programme. • Need for decentralization. • Allocation of adequate quantity of foodgrains.
“I wish you realize that the destiny of our beloved land lies not in us, the parents, but in our children.” - Mahatma Gandhi