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Mr. LoSasso presents…. Version 2.0. World Religions.
Mr. LoSasso presents… Version 2.0 World Religions
Each Round, teams will attempt to answer 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 point questions.If a question is missed, the LAST place team gets the first chance to steal, followed by the next to last place team, followed by the 2nd place team. The team in 1st place NEVER has the opportunity for a steal.If a steal is earned by a team, the team gets the original points, plus 1 pick at on the Checkerboard for BONUS points!
For 25 points What term refers to the belief in ONLY one God? MONOTHEISM
For 50 points Which 3 religions began in the Middle East? CHRISTIANITY, JUDAISM, & ISLAM
For 35 points In which Asian COUNTRY did BOTH Hinduism & Buddhism originate? INDIA
For 40 points Of the 5 MAJOR world religions, which has the greatest # of followers? CHRISTIANITY
For 30 points Of the 5 MAJOR world religions, which has the fewest # of followers? JUDAISM
RELIGIONS VOCABULARY MATCHING 40 point question for the 1st place team…. 70 point question for the LAST PLACE team…. 10 point question for the 2nd place team…. 60 point question for the 3rd place team…. 20 point question for the 3rd place team…. 50 point question for the 2nd place team…. 30 point question for the LAST PLACE team…. And of course, for NO points, what is the definition of Kaaba? What is the CORRECT definition of SABBATH ? What is the CORRECT definition of PILGRIMAGE ? What is the CORRECT definition of MESSIAH ? What is the CORRECT definition of COVENANT ? What is the CORRECT definition of HIJRA ? What is the CORRECT definition of PARABLE ? What is the CORRECT definition of DIASPORA ? D. A journey for religious purposes (applies to any religion). The scattering of the Jews to many parts of the world outside of Israel. A special leader the Jewish believe will be sent by God to guide them and set up God’s rule on Earth. An agreement between 2 parties in which each makes a commitment. The migration of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in AD 622. A weekly day of rest, prayer, and study. A religious temple in Mecca that became sacred to Muslims. A simple story that contains a message or truth. ____1) COVENANT ____2) DIASPORA ____3) SABBATH ____4) MESSIAH ____5) PILGRIMAGE ____6) HIJRA ____7) PARABLE ____8) KAABA B. F. C. A. E. H. G.
Jeopardy Version 2.0 Round 1: Judaism The two principal figures of the Jewish faith are ___________ [AAHRAMB] & _________ [SOEMS]. 10 ABRAHAM MOSES The people of Israel had become ____________ [VSSELA] by the pharoah of ___________ [TYEGP]. SLAVES 20 EGYPT For the Israelites, Moses was seen as a _____________ [HRPPEOT], or a person who speaks for God. 30 PROPHET In ____________ [EEBRHW], the first books of the Bible are known as the Torah, which comes from the word meaning “to teach.” HEBREW 40 God gave Moses the Ten ____________________ [MMOACDNENMTS], establishing Judaism as a _______________ [OOIEICTSMHNT] religion. COMMANDMENTS 50 M MO MON MONO MONOT MONOTH MONOTHEISTIC
Jeopardy V 2.0 Round 2: Christianity For Christians, the Old and New __________ [STETSNTEAM] formed the Bible. TESTAMENTS 10 When Mary (the wife of __________ [SEOJPH]) gave birth to __________ [SESJU], _______________ [UUUAGTSS] was the Roman Emperor. JOSEPH 20 JESUS AUGUSTUS Jesus’ ___________ [EVLWTE] closest followers were called his ______________ [LESOSTPA]. TWELVE 30 APOSTLES Roman _____________ [DAEERLS] were threatened by Jesus, and ordered his ______________ [IONCIFIUTXCR] LEADERS 40 CRUXIFICTION Christianity developed during the ____ __________ [XPA AAORMN] as two of Jesus’ followers (__________ [TRPEE] and _________ [UPAL]) helped spread this new religion. PAX ROMANA 50 PETER PAUL
Jeopardy V 2.0 Round 3: Islam Islam means “submit to the will of God” in __________ [CBAARI], the Arab language. 10 ARABIC Followers of Islam are called “___________” [MSMUSIL] –which translates into “ones who submit to God.” MUSLIMS 20 According to Muslim tradition, _____________ [UAADMMHM] was born in the holy city of _________ [CECMA]. MUHAMMAD 30 MECCA Muhammad’s hijra, an Arabic word for “____________” [NOTIRAIGM], in 622 marks the starting point of the Islamic ______________[RCAALDNE]. MIGRATION 40 CALENDAR In Islamic belief, the ____________ [RUAQN], the Muslim holy book, contains Allah’s _______________ [ENACHTIGS] to Muhammad. QURAN 50 TEACHINGS
Jeopardy V 2.0 Round 4: Hinduism Hindus share a history that stretches back to the ancient past of the Indian _______________ [TNIENNTCBSU]. 10 SUBCONTINENT SONGS Books containing sacred _________ [GSNOS] were called the Vedas, or “Books of ______________ [GDEEKLWMO]. 20 KNOWLEDGE The Hindus organized people into four different classes: ___________ [IERPSTS], Princes, Professionals & ____________ [STNAHCREM], and __________ [STSENRAV]. 30 PRIESTS MERCHANTS SERVANTS Reincarnation states that people move in a constant circle of ___________ [RITBH], ___________ [THDAE] & ________________ [RBRHEIT]. 40 BIRTH DEATH REBIRTH Hindus are expected to follow their dharma, which means ________ [LWSA] and ___________ [TUIDES], also it includes hundreds of rules that instruct Hindus how to live. 50 LAWS DUTIES
Jeopardy V 2.0 Round 5: Buddhism Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, gave up all of his _____________ [SSSSSPOEION] and became a ________ [NKMO]. 10 POSSESSIONS MONK Karma is described as a force caused by a person’s ________ [OODG] & _______ [ADB] acts; Karma is said to affect a person’s __________ [TREUUF] lives. GOOD 20 BAD FUTURE Buddha believed that the most important thing in life was to reach _____________ [AECPE] by ending ______________ [FFUESRNGI]. 30 PEACE SUFFERING FOUR Buddha concluded that life is ruled by “_________ [UFOR] Noble ___________” [TTSRHU]. 40 TRUTHS Buddha’s ________________ [FTHOGLIDE] Path is a set of ____________________ [SNIOCTRUSTIN] on the proper way to live. EIGHTFOLD 50 INSTRUCTIONS
Social Studies “UNSCRAMBLERS”for control of the last round. First team to solve 3 “unscramblers” gains control…..each player may ONLY successfully solve ONE “unscrambler” for his/her team.
For 30 points Which world religion requires prayer 5 times daily, giving alms to the poor, & worship at a Mosque? ISLAM
For 50 points Which world religion worships on Saturdays, uses the Hebrew language, & observes Passover? JUDAISM
For 25 points Who is the principal figure of the Islamic faith? MUHAMMAD
For 35 points With which world religion do you associate the group known as the Aryans? HINDUISM
For the LAST PLACE TEAM ONLY 60 point question This is the symbol of which world religion? BUDDHISM
For the LAST PLACE TEAM ONLY 50 point question Christians worship in what type of building & on what day of the week? C H U R C H S U N D A Y
For the LAST PLACE TEAM ONLY 40 point question This is the symbol of which world religion? ISLAM
For the LAST PLACE TEAM ONLY 30 point question This is the Holy Book of Islam. KORAN What is it called?
For the LAST PLACE TEAM ONLY 20 point question The Vedas are the Holy Book of which religion? H I N D U I S M
For the LAST PLACE TEAM ONLY 10 point question This is the symbol of which world religion? JUDAISM
Jeopardy V 2.0 FINAL Mystery Round!!! Mecca, which is found in ______ _______ [UIASU ARBAAI], is the holiest city for the Muslims. SAUDI ARABIA ? JERUSALEM __________ [EAUEMLSRJ], found in Israel, is important to Christians, Jews, and Muslims. ? A ______________ [SNGGEUOAY] or temple is a place of worship for _________ [EWJS]. SYNAGOGUE ? JEWS NEW YEAR For Jews, Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish ______ _______ [NWE YREA], Passover celebrates the exodus of Jews from _________ [PTEYG], & Yom Kippur is a day of repentance (________________) [SSVENGIOFR]. ? EGYPT FORGIVENESS CHRISTMAS Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus with ________________ [STSMARIHC] and His death & resurrection with ___________ [RESTEA]. _________ [NELT] is a 40 day period of discipline. ? EASTER LENT