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The Komodo Dragon

The Komodo Dragon. By: Devin S chueler. C ontents. Classification Distribution Habitat Longevity and M ortality Conservation status Physical characteristics Behavior Human relationships The defense Diet Reproduction . Classification. Kingdom is animalia Phylum is chordata

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The Komodo Dragon

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Komodo Dragon By: Devin Schueler

  2. Contents Classification Distribution Habitat Longevity and Mortality Conservation status Physical characteristics Behavior Human relationships The defense Diet Reproduction

  3. Classification • Kingdom is animalia • Phylum is chordata • Class is reptilia • Order is squamata • Family is varanide • Genus is varanus • Species is varanuskomodoensis

  4. Distribution • The dragon lives on many islands in Indonesia. • These islands are named Komodo island, Rinca, GilliDasami, and GilliMontang.

  5. Habitat • The dragons habitat usually is a hot and dry area. • They live in tiny burrows or also in hollow logs.

  6. Longevity and Mortality • The dragon lives up to 30 years but may be killed early because of hunters or other dragons.

  7. Conservation status • According to the IUCN Red list the komodo dragon is vulnerable.

  8. Physical characteristics • They are usually 10 to 12 feet long and weigh 330 lbs and have no female male differences.

  9. Behavior • The dragon does not hibernate because of the heat were they live. • The dragon will attack if needed.

  10. Human relationships • The dragon usually tries to stay away from humans because of humans shooting or capturing them. • Sometimes humans can have them as pets though.

  11. The defense • The dragon has saliva that numb and kills with every bite. • The saliva comes from two glands on the lower jaw. • This saliva goes away when the dragons are in captivity because of the diet of not enough varieties of animals with venom.

  12. Diet • The dragon eats anything from chickens to the biggest buffalos.

  13. Reproduction • The dragons reproduction is like allot of other animals. • The males fight for the females and the males fight to the death.

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