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WAR ON TERROR & IT’S Impact on Pakistan. War on Terror. The War on Terror (also known as the Global War on Terrorism ) is a term commonly applied to an international military campaign which started as a result of the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States .
War on Terror • The War on Terror (also known as the Global War on Terrorism) is a term commonly applied to an international military campaign which started as a result of the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States. • his resulted in an international military campaign to eliminate al-Qaeda and other militant organizations. • The United Kingdom and many other NATO and non-NATO nations such as Pakistan participate in the conflict. • The phrase 'War on Terror' was first used by U.S. President George W. Bush 20 September 2001
Cont… • The Bush administration and the Western media have since used the term to allege a global military, political, lawful, and conceptual struggle—targeting both organizations designated as terrorist and regimes accused of supporting them. • It was typically used with a particular focus on countries supporting militant Islamists, including al-Qaeda and similar organizations.
Etymology • The phrase "War on Terror" has been used to specifically refer to the ongoing military campaign led by the US, UK and their allies against organizations and regimes identified by them as terrorist, and excludes other independent counter-terrorist operations and campaigns such as those by Russia and India. • The conflict has also been referred to by names other than the War on Terror. • World War III • World War IV(assuming the Cold War was World War III) • Bush's War on Terror • The Long War • The Global War of Terror • The War Against al-Qaeda
Impacts On Pakistan • The international war against terrorism has caused more agony, deaths and destruction to the people of Pakistan than any other country of this world. • There have been numerous incidents of civilian casualties because of the army’s operations and increased attacks by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), missile-equipped Predator or Drones, operated by the CIA and the U.S. military in Pakistan Northern areas, for seeking to uproot the alleged al-Qaeda elements operating there.
Cont…. • Operations named Rah-e-Rast in Swat and Rah-e-Nijatin South Waziristan started in May 2009 and June 2009 respectively, to clean up these areas from terrorists and militants with the widespread support of nation. • The Aryana Institute for Regional Research and Advocacy (AIRRA) conducted a survey in which they asked to people about collateral damage in FATA. • The people said that most of the attacks hit their targets but there is some collateral damage; as the families forced to rent out the property, is living in an adjacent portion of the property rented out.
Cont…. • Moreover, Taliban visits the houses whose head person has linked with them, and stay there as guests. • The drones hit there, kills women and small children of the hosts, those who have no role in the men’s links with terrorists. • Other innocent victims are local people who just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time • The operations are long enough and the human cost is painful and devastating. • The people of both areas are affected in every aspect. • They lost their homes as Taliban captured so many houses and were destroyed
Cont…. • When this war started, a point aroused in people’s mind that who will be consider as martyr as both Taliban and Pak army are Muslims? “It’s up to people to decide if Taliban are Muslims”, Someone proclaimed, “Is this Islam to kill innocent people? Is this Islam to slaughter people? Is this Islam to destroy schools? Is this Islam to blow up Masjids? Of course not! There is nowhere in Islam to kill innocent people. This is not jihad. We do not call them Muslims; they are traitors and a major threat to Pakistan. This is our duty to eliminate the parasites that are trying to eaten up our country from inside at any cost before they succeed in their mission and destroy Pakistan. Soldiers are dying for the sovereignty of the state.” Since 2004, about 2000 soldiers were get death in martyrdom in this War against terrorism
Cont…. • People had to leave their houses and live in other places, which also affected them financially. • According to Govt. sources, 328456 IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) were registered from Swat. • “However, there were 1.3 million people displaced (in the northwest) who still need assistance”. • The latest in the wave of such incidents has been the virtual destruction of the town of Spinkai in South Waziristan by the Pakistan Army’s 14th Division, resulting in the displacement of over 200,000 people (Dawn [Karachi], May 10)
Cont…. • Education is affected also up to a high level as extremists destroyed so many schools and colleges. • Students are still facing problems that will take time to solve. Out of 1,576 schools in Swat, the United Nations says 175 were destroyed and 226 damaged. • Under army supervision, schools are being repaired but none of those razed has been rebuilt. • The major threat to the people of swat is that the tourism is highly affected as it was the only major way of income for the people of swat. • All the big investors sold their properties and have shifted their businesses to other cities.
Cont… • Now because of security reasons foreigners and even citizens of Pakistan are afraid to visit swat. • Moreover, the Hospitals lack equipment, specialized surgical staff, and beds, updated X-ray and CT scanners, ventilators and a defibrillator. • Right now, the donors’ response is also very poor. • The successive suicide attacks in the multiple cities have thrown the country into the pool of despair and misery. • Since 2004 to late 2009, more than 5,500 people were killed in suicide and other attacks on civilians.
CONT…. • There are reports of more than 4000 persons being missing from the Balochistan province, after their arrest by the plain clothed persons from the state intelligence agencies. • However, the nationalist group claim that around 8000 persons are missing. • On the other hand, chief minister of Balochistan has issued a list of 1100 missing persons. • Political groups of Balochistan have reported that out of the 4,000 supposedly arrested, not more than 200 have been brought to trial in courts and the remainder are unaccounted for, out of the reach of their relatives or lawyers.
CONT…. • The government of Pakistan through its attorney general submitted a list of 1600 persons missing since 2005. • In the Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa, more than 1000 persons are missing including some officers from Pakistani army. • Over 168 children and 148 women are also missing and their names are in the official lists. • The case of ZarinaBaloch is worth mentioning as she was used as a sex slave in the military torture cell in Karachi, Sindh province. • Same as in Punjab
Cont…. • NGOs have estimated that during the current civilian government around 100 persons have gone missing after their arrest; the Supreme Court itself has more than 400 cases of disappeared persons pending. • Though statistics may vary, the size of the problem is beyond dispute.
CONCLUSION • Pakistan a country of 170 million population and seventh largest army in the world is the frontline state in the war against terrorism. • After 9 year of war, Pakistan still is in the dilemma of terrorism and extremism. • Major hurdle in fighting such warfare is the lack of adequate resources and training to Pakistan military. • To win this war we need to train our security forces with modern weapons and equipments for example long range surveillance equipment, night vision war fighting capabilities, and other latest equipments and technologies, which can be utilized in this war.
Cont… • At this moment due to economic crunch, Pakistan is unable to get these latest weapons and equipments to fight these people. Now this is the responsibility of the US and its allies that they should provide us all these latest weaponry equipment and technologies so we can fight these militants more effectively. • It is fighting against terrorists, extremists and foreign insurgents who are trying to destabilize Pakistan. • US unilateral strikes in Pakistani tribal areas, in which many civilians have also lost their lives has provoked more militancy and terrorism and it has also fueled the anti American sentiments in the Pakistan. • In short it can be argued that US have to change its policy in dealing with Pakistan, it must respect and honor the sovereignty and independent stature of Pakistan.