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Engineering. Dyan C. Damron, P.E., PTP. What is Engineering?. Definition of Engineering. The application of scientific and mathematical principles to design or manufacture the operation of efficient and economical structures, machines, processes, and systems

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Engineering Dyan C. Damron, P.E., PTP

  2. What is Engineering?

  3. Definition of Engineering The application of scientific and mathematical principles to design or manufacture the operation of efficient and economical structures, machines, processes, and systems From Latin words meaning contrive (invent or devise) and ability

  4. Engineering An artistic approach to science Engineers find problems and solve them We make the world a better place and find ways to make people’s lives safer and easier Scientific Method

  5. Traffic Engineering & Transportation Planning

  6. Transportation Planning

  7. Roadway Design

  8. Interstate/Interchange Design

  9. Traffic Impact Studies

  10. Traffic Impact Studies

  11. Signal Design

  12. Signal Design

  13. Signal Operations & Timing

  14. Signal Operations & Timing

  15. Campus Traffic & Parking

  16. Campus Traffic & Parking

  17. Parking Studies & Design

  18. Traffic Calming

  19. Traffic Calming

  20. Bike & Pedestrian Plans

  21. Bike & Pedestrian Plans

  22. Bike & Pedestrian Plans

  23. Engineering Technical Skills Knowledge of Resources & References – aware of most current and innovative guidelines Communication Skills – just as important as technical skills

  24. Engineering Adaptability Willingness to Learn Ability to work with people – lead and follow Professionalism & Licensure

  25. Benefits of Engineering License Job Opportunities – Many engineering jobs require P.E. status. Professionalism – Registration by a majority of engineers is essential if you are to enjoy the benefits of established professions (think doctors and lawyers). It's the Law – This is probably the most important reason. Tennessee State law reserves use of the word "engineer" for licensed professional engineers.

  26. How to Get There Learn everything you can while in school and go to a college that offers engineering program Get as much experience as you can – summer intern, co-op Take and pass FE & PE exams Make the most of your education & license Enjoy it!

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