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Chapter 2. Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, 4 th ed. By Jeffrey M. Wooldridge. 2.1 Definition of the Simple Regression Model. In the simple linear regression model, where y = β 0 + β 1 x + u (2.1)
Chapter 2 Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, 4th ed. By Jeffrey M. Wooldridge
2.1 Definition of the Simple Regression Model • In the simple linear regression model, where y = β0 + β1x + u (2.1) • It is also call the two-variable (bivariate) linear regression model • we typically refer to y as the • Dependent Variable, or • Explained Variable, or • Response Variable, or • Regressand
2.1 Definition of the Simple Regression Model • In the simple linear regression of y on x, we typically refer to x as the • Independent Variable, or • Explanatory Variable, or • Control Variables • Regressor
2.1 Definition of the Simple Regression Model • The variable u, called the error term or disturbance (innovation) in the relationship, represents factors other than x that affect y. • You can usefully think of u as standing for “unobserved” • Δy =β1Δx if Δu=0 (2.2) • The intercept parameterβ0 ,sometimes called the constant term.
2.1 Definition of the Simple Regression Model (Expample) • Soybean Yield and Fertilizer • A Simple Wage Equation
A Simple Assumption • uand x arerandom variable, we need a concept grounded in probability. • Mathematically The average value of u, in the population is 0. That is, E(u) = 0 (2.5) • As long as the intercept β0 is included in the equation, nothing by assuming that the average value of u in population is zero
Zero Conditional Mean • We need to make a crucial assumption about how u and x are related • If u and x are uncorrelated, then, as random variables, they are notlinearly related The crucial assumption is that the average value of u does not depend on the value of x • E(u|x) = E(u) (2.6) • zero conditional mean assumption E(u|x) = 0 • E(y|x) = β0 + β1x (2.8)
Zero Conditional Mean Take the expected value of (2.1) conditional on x and using E(u|x) = 0 • E(y|x) = β0 + β1x (2.8) E(2.8) population regression function (PRF) • E(y|x), is a linear function of x. (systematic part) • The linarity means that a one-unit increase in x change the expectedvalue of y by the amount β1 • The u is call the unsystematic part.
E(y|x) as a linear function of x, the mean one-unit increase in x, changetheE(y), byβ1amount.
2.2 Deriving the Ordinary Least Squares Estimates (OLS, OLSE) • Basic idea of regression is to estimate the population parameters from a sample • Let {(xi,yi): i=1, …,n} denote a random sample of size n from the population • For each observation in this sample, it will be the case that yi = β0 +β1xi + ui (2.9) y: the annual saving , x: the annual income
E(savings=y l income=x ) linear model y E(y|x) = b0 + b1x . y4 { u4 . u3 y3 } . y2 u2 { u1 . } y1 x2 x1 x4 x3 x
Deriving OLS Estimates • To derive the OLS estimates we need to realize that our main assumption of E(u|x) = E(u) = 0 also implies that • E(u) = 0 (2.10) • Cov(x,u) = E(xu) = 0 (2.11) • Why? Remember from basic probability that Cov(X,Y) = E(XY) – E(X)E(Y)
Deriving OLS continued • We can write our 2 restrictions just in terms of x, y, β0 and β1 , since u = y –β0 –β1x • E(y –β0 –β1x) = 0 (2.12)~(2.10) • E[x(y –β0 –β1x)] = 0 (2.13)~(2.11) • These are called moment restrictions
Deriving OLS using M.O.M. • The method of moments approach to estimation implies imposing the population moment restrictions on the sample moments • What does this mean? Recall that for E(X), the mean of a population distribution.
More Derivation of OLS • We want to choose values of the parameters that will ensure that the sample versions of our moment restrictions are true • The sample versions are as follows: (2.14), (2.15)
More Derivation of OLS • Given the definition of a sample mean, and properties of summation, we can rewrite the first condition as follows (2.16) (2.17)
So the OLS estimated slope is (2.18) (2.19)
More OLS • ordinary least squares (OLS)
More OLS • Intuitively, OLS is fitting a line through the sample points such that the sum of squared residuals is as small as possible, hence the term least squares • The residual, û, is an estimate of the error term, u, and is the difference between the fitted line (sample regression function;SRF) and the sample point (2.21)
Sample regression line, sample data points and the associated estimated error terms . { . } } .
Alternate approach to derivation • Given the intuitive idea of fitting a line, we can set up a formal minimization problem • That is, we want to choose our parameters such that we minimize the following: (2.22)
Alternate approach, continued • If one uses calculus to solve the minimization problem for the two parameters you obtain the following first order conditions (F.O.C.), which are the same as we obtained before, multiplied by n
OLS regression lins • Sample regression function (SRF)
Summary of OLS slope estimate • The slope estimate is the sample covariance between x and y divided by the sample variance of x. • If x and y are positively (negatively) correlated, the slope will be positive (negative)
explame • Wage and education N=526
2.3 Properties of OLS on Any Sample of Data • The sum, and the sample average of OLS residuals, is zero. • (2.30) (2) The sample covariance between the regressors and OLS residuals is zero. (2.31)
2.3 Properties of OLS on Any Sample of Data • The OLS regression line always goes through the mean (X,Y) of the sample
Proof that SST = SSE + SSR (2.37)
Goodness-of-Fit • How do we think about how well our sample regression line fits our sample data? • Can compute the fraction of the total sum of squares (SST) that is explained by the model, call this the R-squared of regression • R2 = SSE/SST = 1 – SSR/SST (2.38)
Incoporating Nonlinearities in Simple Regression • Wage-education explame
2.5 Expected Values and Variances of the OLS Estimators • Unbiasedness of OLS • Assumption SLR.1: the population model is linearin parameters as y = β0 + β1x + u (2.47) • Assumption SLR.2: we can use a random sample of size n, {(xi, yi): i=1, 2, …, n}, from the population model. Thus we can write the sample model yi = β0+β1xi + ui (2.48)
2.5 Expected Values and Variances of the OLS Estimators • Assumption SLR.3: (sample variation in the Explanatory variable ) The sample outcomes on xi , namely, {xi, i=1,…n}, are not all the same value. • Assumption SLR.4:(zero condition Mean) The error u has expected value of zero given any value of the explanatory variable. E(u|x) = 0
Unbiasedness of OLS (cont) • In order to think about unbiasedness, we need to rewrite our estimator in terms of the population parameter • Start with a simple rewrite of the formula as (2.49)
Unbiasedness of OLS (cont) From the numerator of bate1_hat (2.51)
Unbiasedness of OLS (cont) (2.52)
Unbiasedness Summary • The OLS estimates of β1 and β0 are unbiased • Proof of unbiasedness depends on our 4 assumptions – if any assumption fails, then OLS is not necessarily unbiased • Remember unbiasedness is a description of the estimator – in a given sample we may be “near” or “far” from the true parameter
Variance of the OLS Estimators • Now we know that the sampling distribution of our estimate is centered around the true parameter • Want to think about how spread out this distribution is • Much easier to think about this variance under an additional assumption, so • Assumption SLR.5: (Homoskedasticity) Var(u|x) = s2
Variance of OLS (cont) • Var(u|x) = E(u2|x)-[E(u|x)]2 E(u|x) = 0, • so s2= E(u2|x) = E(u2) = Var(u) • Thus s2 is also the unconditional variance, called the error variance • s, the square root of the error variance is called the standard deviation of the error • E(y|x)=β0 + β1x (2.55) • Var(y|x) = s2 (2.56)
Homoskedastic Case y f(y|x) . E(y|x) = b0 + b1x . x1 x2
Heteroskedastic Case f(y|x) y . . E(y|x) = b0 + b1x . x1 x2 x3 x