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MUSCLE and MUSCLE TISSUE. Chapter 11. Muscles are distinguished by their ability to turn ATP (chemical energy) into work (mechanical energy). Muscles do their work in one way – they contract myo – (Greek) “muscle” Sarco – (Greek) “flesh”. Muscle Types. Skeletal
Muscles are distinguished by their ability to turn ATP (chemical energy) into work (mechanical energy) Muscles do their work in one way – they contract myo – (Greek) “muscle” Sarco – (Greek) “flesh”
Muscle Types • Skeletal • Attached to and covers bones • Striations • “voluntary” • Powerful but tire easily
Cardiac • Isolated; found only in heart • Striated • “involuntary” • Contraction is regular and controlled by neural transmission
Visceral • “Smooth” • Involuntary • No striatons • Contraction is slow and sustained
Functions • Movement • Locomotion and manipulation by skeletal muscle • Blood coursing – cardiac muscle • Propulsion and/or squeezing of substances – smooth muscle
Posture Maintenance • Skeletal muscle • Counteracts gravity • Heat Generation • By-product of muscle metabolism and contractile activity • Skeletal muscle (40% of body mass) is responsible
Properties • Excitability – ability to receive and respond to a stimulus (usually a neurotransmitter) • Contractility – ability to shorten when stimulated • Extensibility – ability to be stretched or extended – to a point • Elasticity – resumes its resting length
Epimysium – connective tissue covering entire muscle structure • Fascicle – bound and separated by perimysium • Muscle fibers – bound and separated by endomysium • Myofibrils- composed of myofilaments
Myofilaments - composed of actin and myosin protein fibers • Connective tissue sheaths provide strength to the fragile muscle fibers; allow a route of entry and exit for blood and nerve fibers
MetabolicSupply • Nerve endings • Vascularity
Muscle Attachment • Direct attachment: epimysium to periosteum of bone. • Indirect attachment: epimysium forms a tendon to epimysium of another muscle or periosteum of bone.
Fascicle Arrangement • Pattern influences range of motion and power • Long fibers = more range of motion • Power related to number of muscle fibers • See page 244 of text
Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle • Typically cylindrical, long, multinucleated
Sarcolemma (cell membrane) – forms elongated tubes deep into the cell interior – “T tubules” Sarcoplasm – with stored glycogen and myoglobin
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum • Specialized smooth E.R. • Connected to sarcolemma (plasma membrane); provides passage for neurotransmitter, glucose, oxygen, etc. into fiber Regulates intracellular levels of Ca+ (holds and releases Ca+ on demand) • Sarcomeres– smallest contractile unit of muscle fiber; made of myofibrils
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Myofibrils – 80% of cell volume; contractile element of cell • Alternating bands of dark and light along length; give myofibril “striated” appearance • Banding due to 2 distinct protein filaments (“myofilaments”) within sarcomere
Thick filaments – composed of myosin protein • Tail with 2 heads at one end – “cross bridges” • Heads contain ATPases • Tails bundled together with heads studded outward
Thin filaments – composed of actin protein • Strands of protein coil around each other to give appearance of twisted pearl necklace
Sliding Filament Theory • Thin filaments slide past thick filaments causing a myofibril overlap • During contraction, thin filaments penetrate deeper • Causes sliding
Physiology of Muscle Contraction • Requires ACh & Ca+ • Stimulation by neurotransmitter • ACh receptors on sarcolemma cause Na+ to flood muscle cell • Na+ causes sarcoplasmic reticulum to release Ca+ • Ca+ binds to actin = exposing actin/myosin binding sites
Myosin heads bind to exposed actin heads (exposed in presence of Ca+ which moves molecules covering actin binding sites)
Myosin head binds, forming cross bridges, using energy from previous ATP hydrolysis • Myosin head releases ADP (energy), thereby pulling myofilaments = “power stroke”
Ca+ is reabsorbed, myosin cross bridges are broken, muscle relaxes. • ???What causes rigor mortis???
Muscle Contraction – Gross Level • Muscles respond in an “all-or-none” fashion • 150 muscle fibers/motor nerve, one neuron + all the fibers it innervates = one motor unit
Fibers within a motor unit are scattered throughout • Muscles requiring fine motor control have fibers of one nerve close together - fingers
Muscle Mechanics • Wave summation – recruit more cells • Tetanus – sustained contraction Series of twitches Summation Tetanic contraction
Isotonic – muscle length varies • Isometric – muscle length stays the same • Muscle tone – slight contraction at rest
Muscle Metabolism • When ATP synthesis < ATP use then one of several things happens because muscles store very little ATP: • ADP + creatine phosphate • Aerobic respiration • Anaerobic respiration • Muscle fatigue • Contractures – permanent shortening • Oxygen debt – lactic acid buildup
Animation:Energy Sources for Prolonged Exercise Please note that due to differing operating systems, some animations will not appear until the presentation is viewed in Presentation Mode (Slide Show view). You may see blank slides in the “Normal” or “Slide Sorter” views. All animations will appear after viewing in Presentation Mode and playing each animation. Most animations will require the latest version of the Flash Player, which is available at http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer. Please note that due to differing operating systems, some animations will not appear until the presentation is viewed in Presentation Mode (Slide Show view). You may see blank slides in the “Normal” or “Slide Sorter” views. All animations will appear after viewing in Presentation Mode and playing each animation. Most animations will require the latest version of the Flash Player, which is available at http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer.
Force, Velocity, & Duration of Contraction • Force • Velocity and duration – dependent upon fiber types • Slow twitch, fatigue resistant • Fast twitch, fatigue vulnerable • Fast twitch, fatigue resistant • Most muscles are a mixture; some areas of body specialize
Slow Twitch Muscle Fibers Slow-twitch fibers (Type I) Always oxidative Resistant to fatigue Red fibers Most myoglobin Good blood supply Ex. Chicken leg marathon runners
Fast Twitch Fibers Fast-twitch glycolytic fibers (Type IIb) White fibers (less myoglobin) Poorer blood supply Susceptible to fatigue Least endurance Contract rapidly Ex. Chicken breast; sprinters
Disuse • Muscle atrophy when not used; this is due either to enforced bedrest, immobilization, paralysis, etc. • Muscles atrophy 5% of their strength/day when immobile; thus the reason for “skinny” limbs that have been in a cast.