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Progress in Dual Readout Crystal Calorimeter Analysis

Analysis of replacing SID02 calorimeter with Dual-Readout crystal calorimeter using JAS3, WIRED4, and LCSim tools. Monte Carlo simulation and event display for energy analysis.

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Progress in Dual Readout Crystal Calorimeter Analysis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Progress in replacing the SID02 calorimeter with a Dual Read out crystal calorimeter Nayeli Azucena Rodriguez Briones Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas Fundacion Hertel IPM Program Mentor: Hans Wenzel, Adam Para June 30, 2009 Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

  2. Analysis in JAS3 / lcsim.org ANALYSIS JAS 3 (Java Analysis Studio) Database LCIO file WIRED4 Event Display Analysis program Java file LCSim Event Browser EcalBarrHits EcalEndcapHits HcalBarrHits MCParticle MCParticle Tree Etc Histograms

  3. DATABASE: pythiaZhiggs120_uds_4jets-0-500_SLIC_v2r1p6_sid01-0-10.slcio Using the WIRED4

  4. Calorimeter Hit collections • Layer • System • Barrel • Position • Raw Energy • Corrected Energy • EcalBarrHit • EcalEndcapHit • HcalBarrHit • EcalEndcapHit

  5. + e-(E=175.00 status=Documentation) + e-(E=175.00 status=Documentation) + e-(E=175.00 status=Documentation) + Zo(E=198.00 status=Documentation) + d(E=73.318 status=Documentation) d(E=37.078 status=Intermediate) gluon(E=1.3469 status=Intermediate) gluon(E=13.063 status=Intermediate) gluon(E=5.1154 status=Intermediate) gluon(E=14.765 status=Intermediate) gluon(E=10.779 status=Intermediate) gluon(E=.88679 status=Intermediate) + d_bar(E=124.68 status=Documentation) Zo(E=198.00 status=Intermediate) + h0/H01(E=152.00 status=Documentation) s(E=108.67 status=Documentation) s_bar(E=43.324 status=Documentation) h0/H01(E=152.00 status=Intermediate) gamma(E=3.4850E-8 status=Final State) + e+(E=175.00 status=Documentation) + e+(E=175.00 status=Documentation) e+(E=175.00 status=Documentation) gamma(E=1.2749E-5 status=Final State) Monte Carlo Particles Tree

  6. if (CollectionName.equals("EcalBarrHits")) { System.out.println("Found one "); for (SimCalorimeterHit calorimeterHit : simCalorimeterHits) { double E = calorimeterHit.getRawEnergy(); double ECorr = calorimeterHit.getCorrectedEnergy(); System.out.println("raw Energy : " + E); System.out.println("corrected Energy : " + ECorr); sumEcalBarr = sumEcalBarr + E; sumEcalCorrBarr = sumEcalCorrBarr + ECorr; double T = calorimeterHit.getTime(); double[] x = calorimeterHit.getPosition(); double r = Math.sqrt(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1]); double theta = atan2(x[1], x[0]) * 180. / PI; double d = sqrt(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1]+x[2] * x[2]); EcalHit++; sumEcalBarrPx = sumEcalBarrPx + (x[0]*E/d); sumEcalBarrPy = sumEcalBarrPy + (x[1]*E/d); sumEcalBarrPz = sumEcalBarrPz + (x[2]*E/d); h_Edep_radius.fill(r, E); h_Edep_z.fill(x[2], E); c_Edep_time.fill(T); c_Edep_energy.fill(E); c_EdepCorr_energy.fill(ECorr); c_Edep_angle.fill(theta); h_Edep_energy.fill(E); h_EdepCorr_energy.fill(ECorr); } } Relevant parts of Analysis Program Similarly for the EcalEndcapHits; HcalBarrHits; and HcalEndcapHits

  7. EcalTot = sumEcalEnd + sumEcalBarr; HcalTot = sumHcalEnd + sumHcalBarr; double EHratio = HcalTot / EcalTot; sumEEdep = EcalTot + HcalTot; EnergyTotal = sumEEdep; EcalCorrTot = sumEcalCorrEnd + sumEcalCorrBarr; HcalCorrTot = sumHcalCorrEnd + sumHcalCorrBarr; sumEEdepCorr = EcalCorrTot + HcalCorrTot; EnergyCorrTotal = sumEEdepCorr; double EcalPx = sumEcalBarrPx +sumEcalEndPx; double EcalPy = sumEcalBarrPy +sumEcalEndPy; double EcalPz = sumEcalBarrPz +sumEcalEndPz; double HcalPx = sumHcalBarrPx +sumHcalEndPx; double HcalPy = sumHcalBarrPy +sumHcalEndPy; double HcalPz = sumHcalBarrPz +sumHcalEndPz; double PxT = HcalPx + EcalPx; double PyT = HcalPy + EcalPy; double PzT = HcalPz + EcalPz; double PT =sqrt(PxT*PxT+PyT*PyT+PzT*PzT); double s = sqrt(EnergyTotal*EnergyTotal-PT*PT); Relevant parts of Analysis Program

  8. Next steps • Simulate events using SLIC/GEANT4 • Look at the events

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