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Driver Education

Driver Education. Responsible Driving (Red book) Chapter 1-Driving & Mobility Notes and Study Guide. What Can You Gain from a Driver Education Course?.

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Driver Education

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  1. Driver Education Responsible Driving (Red book) Chapter 1-Driving & Mobility Notes and Study Guide

  2. What Can You Gain from a Driver Education Course? • As young adults you want to have mobility - the ability to move or be moved. The opportunity to have a drivers license gives you independence. • Young drivers are involved in 14% of all motor vehicle crashes, and most of these crashes can be prevented. • You will be sharing the road with 194 million other licensed drivers. New Jersey has close to 6 million licensed drivers.

  3. What will you learn in Driver Education? • Information and skills about driving • The importance of being alert • Gain knowledge about driving • Being able to handle a wide range of driving situations • Understand some of the problems of driving Let’s prevent crashes - when a motor vehicle hits another motor vehicle, pedestrian, animal, bicyclist or any fixed object

  4. Driver Education is taught to help prevent accidents among young drivers • Lack of experience (gaining experience takes practice with parents in different driving environments. • Driving at dangerous times (night, weather) • Transporting of passengers • Young drivers drive differently (speeding, distractions, space awareness, wearing seatbelts)

  5. Highway Transportation System • Includes Roadways • People • Motor Vehicles

  6. The Highway Transportation system (HTS) • Regulated by federal, state and local governments • To set uniform standards for vehicles and safety • Federal law established in 1974 said the maximum speed limit is 55 mph. • In 1995, the law was changed so each state can set their own highway speed limits.

  7. The National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act • Requires automakers to build certain safety features into their vehicles (Examples - safety belts and shatterproof windows) • Requires manufacturers to correct vehicle defects known as recalls.

  8. The National Highway Safety Act • Sets guidelines for state motor vehicle safety programs. Signed by President Lyndon Johnson. • Each state monitors: • Vehicle registration & inspection • Driver licensing • Traffic laws & traffic court • Highway construction & maintenance • Each state makes it’s own laws concerning highway safety (age of driving, hours young drivers can be allowed to drive)

  9. The risks of driving • Risk - the possibility of personal injuries or damage to vehicles & property • In a given year, 1 in 9 involve in crash • Motor vehicle crashes kill 42% of all people from ages 15-20

  10. Reducing the risks • Keep vehicle in top condition • Anticipate the actions of others • Protect yourself & others • Drive only when you are in sound physical & mental condition • Make a conscious effort to develop your driving skills

  11. Visibility, Time, & Space • Visibility - what you can see from behind the wheel and how well you see it. • Time - ability to judge your speed and speed of other vehicles. • Space - refers to distance, keep a margin of space between your vehicle & other vehicles.

  12. The Costs of Driving • Motor vehicle crashes cost the USA $230 billion every year. • Non-crash costs of driving include: 1.Operating costs - gas, oil, tires. 2.Fixed costs - car payments,insurance and licensing fees. 3.Environmental costs - to help in cleaning up air pollution, hazardous waste dumping, and building of gas stations, roads and garages.

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