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Installing and Configuring HERMES SoftLab Oracle Siebel CRM/Oracle BI Smart Plug-in for HP Software on Windows. HERMES SoftLab d.o.o. Quick Reference. Installation and Configuration Overview. SPI for Siebel Hardware and Software Requirements
Installing and ConfiguringHERMES SoftLab Oracle Siebel CRM/Oracle BI Smart Plug-in for HP Softwareon Windows HERMES SoftLab d.o.o. Quick Reference
SPI for Siebel Hardware and Software Requirements • For requirements, supported versions and platforms refer to SPI for Siebel Suported Platforms document. • Prepare the Siebel Environment • Obtain and prepare all information on your Siebel environment • Install and run HPOM agents on all preproduction Siebel nodeswith the opcmsg policy (send message) • Ensure access to the HP Operations Manager management server and all target nodes, HP Performance Manager (optional), InternetServices (optional), and Reporter (optional). • Ensure Siebel Enterprise Applications ServerManagerand odbcsql command line tools are working on all target nodes • Set Up Managed Nodes (for details, refer to SPI for Siebel Installation and Configuration Guide) Siebel servers are added as managed nodes to the HPOM. • Obtain Installation Packages • SPIforSiebel_XX.XX.exe* • SPIforSiebel-Reports_XX.XX.exe* (part of the SPI for Siebel installation package)
During the installation, all HP Operations Manager processesmust be “up andrunning”. • Login to your Windows computer where the HPOM forWindows management server is installed as the user with administratorpermissions. • Run the SPIforSiebel_XX.XX.exe * self-extracting package. The SPI for Siebel Setup Wizard opens. • Follow the wizard to install SPI for Siebel. • After the installation has completed successfully, start HPOM administrator GUI (management console) and check that SPI for Siebel group was added to tools and policy groups.
To set up your SPI for Siebel product, run theSPI forSiebel Configuration Wizard and supply the required information (this wizard starts automatically during the installation) • Configure user roles for all users that will be using themanagement consoleSPI for Siebel installs two new user roles: • Siebel administrator (HP_OVE_ADMINS group) • Siebel operator(HP-OVE-OPERATORS group) Configuration data is stored in the instrumentation folder on themanagement server and is copied to thenode when deployment on the node isperformed.
Deploy Instrumentation From the HPOM GUI, selectNodes, and then right-click anode or a node group. In the menu selectAll Tasks, and then Deploy Instrumentation. In the Deploy Instrumentation window, select the SPI for Siebel and SPIData Collector options and click OK to deploy the instrumentation. Install SPI for Siebel Expand the SPI for Siebel/SIEBSPI-Maintenance/SIEBSPI-Installation/SIEBSPI-WindowsNodes or SPI for Siebel/SIEBSPI-Maintenance/SIEBSPI-Installation/SIEBSPI-UN*X Nodes tools group and run the Install WIN or Install UN*X tool. Siebel servers are added as managed nodes to the HOM. When deploying instrumentation on the nodes, make sure that all Siebel servicesare running (for example, Gateway service, Siebel Server services, and so on).
1/2 • Deploy the Licensing Policy on Managed Nodes • Start the HPOM Console and log in as an HPOM Administrator. • In the Policy groups, expand SPI for Siebel/SIEBSPI-Siebel Business Applications/SIEBSPI-Siebel *.*.*/SIEBSPI-Internalgroup,and then deploy the SIEBSPI_LICENSE_OPC_MSG policy on all managed nodes • Deploy instrumentation SPI for Siebelon all Siebel nodes. Notethat this step might already be performed as part of the SPI for Siebel installation. • Generate the License Request File • In the HPOM Console, go to the SPI for Siebel/SIEBSPI-Maintenance/SIEBSPI-Licensing/SIEBSPI-{UN*X|Windows} Nodestools group. • Run the Clear License Request File tool to clear thesiebspi_license_requests.dat license request file on the management server. • Run the Generate License Request tool on the managed nodes for which you needlicenses. In the Parameters field replace the string “YourCompany Name” with the name of your company. • Click Launch to generate the siebspi_license_requests.dat license request file. The license request file will be created in the HPOM Management Server SPI-Sharefolder ((usually C:\Program Files\HP OpenView\Data\shared\SPI-Share\siebspi\ if you are using HPOM/W 7.50 or C:\Program Files\HP\HP BTO Software\Data\shared\SPI-Share\siebspi\ if you are using HPOM/W 8.00 or C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\HP\HP BTO Software\shared\SPI-Share\siebspi if you are using OM/W 8.10) on the management server.
2/2 • Obtain License Activation File • Upload the license request file using the Licensing Portal (http://spi.hermes-softlab.com/licensing/) or send it by e-mail to the Licensing Department (spi-licensing@hermes-softlab.com). You will receive a license activation file siebspi_licact_new.dat by e-mail. • Merge and Deploy the License Files • Copy the siebspi_licact_new.dat file to theHPOM Management Server ...\SPI-Share\SPI for Siebelfolder. • In the HPOM Console, run the Merge LicenseActivation Codes tool to merge the siebspi_licact_new.dat file with the SPI for Siebellicense file. • Deploy the SPI for Siebelinstrumentation on all managed nodes for whichyouhave requested the licenses. Licensing tutorial is available at HERMES SoftLab website. Note that you will be requested to sign in.
1/3 • Verify the Installation
3/3 • Verify Licensing
Install Reports • Where HP Reporter is installed, login to your Windows machine as theuser with administrator permissions. • Run the SPIforSiebel-Reports_xx.xx.exe package, located in the C:\Program Files\HP OpenView\Data\shared\SPI-Share\siebspi\reports\ directory (or in C:\Program Files\HP\HP BTO Software\Data\shared\SPI-Share\siebspi\reports, if you are using HPOM for Windows, version 8.0x). • In the Select Setup Typewindow, select one of the following: • HPOM for Unix 7.x • HPOM for Unix 8.x • HPOM for Windows 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 • HPOM for Windows 7.50 • HPOM for Windows 8.0 (or higher) • After the installation has completed successfully, start HP Reporter on the Reporter system and check that SPI for Siebelis listed under Installed Packages (inthe File menu select Configure,then selectReport Packages). You can start using Reports when performance data is collectedon the managed nodes (after at least two days).