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Ex post evaluation of LEADER approach delivery – Slovak case

Ex post evaluation of LEADER approach delivery – Slovak case. Case study Nitra 2014. First week – introduct ion. Introduction to the country context Introduction to Leader approach in the EU rural policy. EU monitoring and evaluation system

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Ex post evaluation of LEADER approach delivery – Slovak case

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ex post evaluation of LEADER approach delivery – Slovak case Case study Nitra 2014

  2. First week – introduction • Introduction to the country context • Introduction to Leader approach in the EU rural policy. • EU monitoring and evaluation system • Leader in Slovak Republic and in Nitra region, guidelines

  3. Second week – structuring, development evaluation tools and observation • 7 features of Leader – interactive session • Developing evaluation tools: interviews and focus groupscreenplay • Field research in Nitra,testing evaluation tools– two LAGs supported by Nitra regions

  4. Thirdweek – observation and analysis • Field research in Rožnava and Levoča regions, interviews and focus groups – two LAGs supported by RDP Slovak Republic • Synthetizing outcomes, preparing the PPT on outcomes and discussion

  5. Fourthweek – analysing and judging • Conducting the SWOT on delivery mechanisms for Leader in Slovakia, comparisons between two types of Leader delivery: SK and NR • Conclusions and recommendations in relation to Leader approach delivery in SR • Writing the final report • Field trip • Presentations in closing event of the Case study

  6. Outcomes • FinalReport • PPT s • SWOT and conclusionsand recommendations

  7. Final report There will be two reports in the Nitra Case study 2014: • One prepared by the group of students conducting field research in Rožnava region • One prepared by the group of students conducting field research in Levoča region

  8. The structure of the final report • Introduction (1 page max reflecting objectives of the case study) • The general description of the situation in Leader implementation with the focus on delivery mechanism (MA and LAG level, max 5 pages) • Definition of 7 features of Leader and benchmarks (max 6 pages) • Development of evaluation tools: interview and focus group screenplay (max 6 pages) • Analysed and synthetized results of interviews and focus groups (max 10 pages) • SWOT analysis of Leader delivery mechanism (max 4 pages) • Conclusions and recommendations for Leader delivery mechanism for programming period of 2014 – 2020 (max 3 pages)

  9. Whatisimportantformarking • Willingness to learn and develop the topic • Ability to work in teams • Analytical skills • Communication and ability to present research results

  10. How we will proceed

  11. Evaluationquestion “To what extent is delivery mechanism (at RDP and LAG level) supporting the implementation of 7features of Leader approach?”

  12. Collecting information PPT on Leader EU, SK, guidance, EU evaluation Desk research, studying Leader guidance Defining key steps in delivering Leader at RDP and LAG levels Framing evaluation - defining seven features of Leader and criteria for success: benchmarks Linking seven features to steps in delivery mechanism Developing evaluation tools: interviews and focus groups Field research, conducting the evaluation, comparing two systems: SK and NR SWOT on delivery mechanism in relation to seven features of Leader, conclusions and recommendations Presentation of evaluation results

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