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2006 National Sunflower Association Survey

This survey provides insights into the 2006 sunflower crop, including yield comparisons, factors limiting yields, disease incidence, and weed presence. Detailed data and reports can be found on the National Sunflower Association website.

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2006 National Sunflower Association Survey

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2006 National Sunflower Association Survey Project Leader: Dr. Duane R. Berglund, NDSU Extension Agronomist and Professor of Crop Science

  2. Maps and Survey Points:Courtesy of: Dr. Jan Knodel, NDSU Extension Entomologist

  3. 2006 Crop Survey Teams

  4. 2006 Crop Survey Teams

  5. Crop Survey Teams

  6. Crop Survey Teams

  7. 2006 Sunflower Survey • Only counties with 20,000 planted Acres or more • One field stop per 10,000 Acres • Fields Surveyed in 2005- 146 • Fields Surveyed in 2006 - 162

  8. North Dakota-84 Minnesota-10 South Dakota-34 Kansas-15 Colorado-13 Texas-6 T0TAL-162 Fields 2006 Sunflower Survey- # Fields

  9. Confection and Oilseed Sunflower-2006 Survey

  10. Confection and Oilseed Sunflower-2005 Survey

  11. Sunflower: DryLand or Irrigated-2006

  12. Sunflower Yield and Plant Population: 2006

  13. Sunflower Yield : Lbs/A2005 vs: 2006

  14. Yields, 2002-2006

  15. Row Spacing Sunflowr-2006

  16. Tillage: 2006 Sunflower Survey

  17. Number One Yield Limiting Factors-2006

  18. Number One Yield Limiting Factors-2006

  19. Lodging: 2006

  20. Disease: Sclerotinia- 2006

  21. Other Diseases- 2006

  22. Red Rust in Sunflower- 2006 Rust Severity Estimated for Fields Where Incidence Reported

  23. Bird Damage 02,03, 05 & 06

  24. Insect: Spotted Stem Weevil

  25. Insect: Longhorned Beetle

  26. Incidence of Broadleaf Weeds ND/MN 2005 and 2006

  27. Incidence of Grassy Weeds In Sunflower: ND/MN 2005 and 2006

  28. Incidence of Broadleaf Weeds South Dakota 2005 and 2006

  29. Incidence of Grassy Weeds South Dakota 2005 and 2006

  30. Incidence of Weeds Kansas 2005 and 2006

  31. Incidence of Weeds Colorado 2005 and 2006

  32. Incidence of Weeds Texas- 2006

  33. National Sunflower Web Site • The Narrative Report of the 2006 Sunflower Survey and other past surveys can be found at the National Sunflower Association Web site: http://www.sunflowernsa.com/growers/ default.asp?contentID=125

  34. Thank you!! Any Questions??

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