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Present Situation of Teaching History of Southeastern Europe According to the Slovenian Education Plan in Elementary and High Schools. INTRO.
Present Situation of Teaching History of Southeastern Europe According to the Slovenian Education Plan in Elementary and High Schools
INTRO From geographical point of view, Slovenia has always been some kind of a bridge between different worlds; East and West, North and South, Europe and Balkans…
The purpose of this report is to present the content of teaching history of south eastern Europe by following national educational plan made by the ministry of education. • It was difficult to separate history education in accordance to geographical regions, due to complexity and interdependence of topics. • I would like to stress on the importance of local history and history education outside of the classroom.
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL History teaching in elementary schools is based on general history knowledge. Elementary school is composed of 9 grades, separated in three triads. History education starts in last triad and consists of 8% of all education ( 70 hours\lessons per year, 2 per week ).
HIGH SCHOOL History teaching in high schools is more detailed like in el. schools and is based on individual work. Students are demanded to think historically, and in order to achieve that, they have to go more deeper into the topic. The program includes 70 hours per year.
Topics – high school • Romans on Balkans, new settlers in SE Europe • Byzantine empire, ethnical differences on Balkans, middle age and Turks in SE Europe( building defense, Vojna Krajina ) • Illyrian provinces, idea of Ilirism, Ottoman empire before 1848, Balkan countries in year 1848 and after, Congress in Berlin, Yugoslavian idea • Balkan wars, 1. world war, SE Europe between wars, first Yug. country, 2. World war in JV Europe, Yugoslavia after 2. world war and her role in the world, last war in Yug. and the consequences
Topics – elementary school 7. gr.: Roman empire, arrival of Slavic settlers, new forces in Mediterranean-Byzantine empire, Balkans in middle age, Turks on Balkans 8.gr.: Illyrian provinces, national movement in 19. Century on Balkans, national problems in Habsburg monarchy, Berlin congress, Slovenians and Yugoslavia, confusion on Balkans 9. gr.: assassinations in Sarajevo, 1. world war, Slovenians in Yugoslavian monarchy, 2. World war and Tito’s Yugoslavia, blocks and cold war, Yugoslavian socialism, fall of communism in SE Europe, war in Slovenia
University Education • University education structure in Maribor has four educational pillars: National history, European History, South Eastern European History and World History • For every grade we have chronological structure from classic history to 1500, 1500-1750, 1750-1918, 1918-present
University Education • In University of Ljubljana they have three pillars of education: South Eastern Europe, General History and National History • The specialty in our youngest university in Koper is history of Meditarian
Evaluation • Problems of history education: -lack of connection between topics -no flexible educational plan -too many topics -problems with finding professors to work in universities
Conclusion • The history of the Balkans is a history of many nations but it is a history of the people who need to learn to live with each other and who should be tolerant among themselves. • It’s time for the Balkans to start to live in long term peace. • It’s the responsibility of us, teachers, to foster such a climate of peace so that the Balkan “barrel of gun powder” never explodes again.