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<br>https://batescleaning.com/disinfect-your-home-for-corona-virus/<br><br>Disinfect your home for corona virus - We here for all your cleaning needs but we are also here to help keep your home safe and clean.<br><br>
Recommendations for Cleaning and Disinfecting During Coronavirus Pandemic Disinfect your home for corona virus– As many of you may presently be aware, there is currently a wordwide pandemic of the novel coronavirus, which is also commonly referred to as COVID-19. According to all current information that has been obtained by the Centers for Disease Control, the coronavirus is most frequently spread from person to person most frequently among close contact, generally within six feet of one another. Additionally, it is also believed that the virus can also be transmitted via respiratory droplets, as well as via surfaces that are contaminated with the virus; however, it is important to note that this has not yet been officially documented. According to current evidence, the coronavirus is able to remain viable anywhere from several hours to several days on surfaces that are made of many different materials. The best way to prevent this from occurring is to both clean and disinfect these areas on a regular basis. In terms of cleaning, this is generally defined as the removal of germs, dirt, and other types of impurities from various surfaces. While cleaning doesn’t kill germs, removing them is able to successfully lower their overall numbers, as well as the risk of spreading viruses and diseases. Disinfecting, on the other hand, is generally defined as using chemicals in order to kill germs that are found on various types of surfaces. While disinfecting doesn’t always clean surfaces or kill germs, it will actually kill germs on a surface after a surface has been cleaned. Because of
this, it will help to further lower the overall risk of spreading any kind of infection. When it comes to both cleaning and disinfecting, especially during the present pandemic, it’s important to practice routine cleaning of any and all frequently touched surfaces. These include the following: *Tables *Doorknobs *Light switches *Handles *Desks *Toilets *Faucets *Sinks These processes can be completed using both household cleaners and EPA-registered disinfectants that are appropriate for the specific surfaces in question. Regardless of the products that will be used, always be sure to follow the instructions that are explicitly listed on the product labels, as these contain directions for safe and effective use of the products themselves, as well as what types of precautions should always be taken when using the products. For instance, you will almost always need to wear protective gloves and ensure that you have a proper amount of ventilation when using the products. The CDC further recommends that you make note of the following recommendations for both cleaning and disinfecting if either you or someone that you know is currently isolated in home care due to the current coronavirus pandemic, meaning if you or someone that you know is either suspected or confirmed to have contracted the virus: *First and foremost, take the time to educate yourself about all coronavirus-related symptoms, as well as how you can prevent the spread of the virus in your home. *Always clean and disinfect any and all high-touch surfaces in all common household areas on a daily basis. These surfaces should include tables, doorknobs, remote controls, toilets, sinks, desks, hard- backed chairs, and handles. *Anyone who is confirmed or suspected to have contracted the coronavirus should remain in one specific room and not be near any other individuals in the home as much as possible. *Any cleaning and disinfecting frequency in a bedroom and bathroom used by anyone who is confirmed or suspected to have contracted the
coronavirus should be reduced to an as-needed basis only, as this will help to avoid any unnecessary contact with the affected individual. *A caregiver will be able to provide any personal cleaning supplies to an affected individual’s bedroom and bathroom. The only exception to this is if the room is being occupied by either a child or an individual for who the supplies would not be appropriate. These supplies can include paper towels, tissue paper, cleaners, and EPA-registered disinfectants. *If there are no separate bathrooms available, be sure to clean and disinfect the bathroom after an affected individual uses it. In the event that this is not possible, then the caregiver should wait an appropriate amount of time before cleaning and disinfecting the area and its high- touch surfaces. *All household members must follow home care guidance whenever they interact with an individual who is either suspected or confirmed to have contracted the coronavirus, as well as the rooms in which they are currently occupying. Here are some of the most basic steps to make note of in terms of cleaning and disinfect your home for corona virus: *First and foremost, be sure to always wear disposable gloves whenever you clean and disinfect any surfaces. Once you are finished with these processes, you will then need to discard the gloves. In the event that you are using reusable gloves, be sure to use them only for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces related to the coronavirus and nothing else. Once you have removed the gloves, wash your hands thoroughly. *Any surfaces that are dirty should be cleaned using either soap and water or detergent prior to the surface being disinfected. *In terms of disinfection, the most effective products to use include diluted household bleach solutions, EPA-registered household disinfectants, and alcohol solutions containing at least 70% alcohol. Always read the product label first in order to ensure that the product is suitable for a specific surface prior to using it. *Other products that are expected to be effective against the coronavirus according to recent data regarding hard-to-kill viruses are products with EPA-approved emerging viral pathogens claims. Again, you will need to be sure to follow all manufacturer’s instructions in terms of cleaning and disinfecting when using these types of products.
*In terms of softer surfaces such as rugs, carpets, and draperies, take the time to remove any and all visible contamination that may be present prior to using cleaning products that are appropriate for these specific surfaces. When it comes to cleaning and disinfecting clothing, towels, and other items that generally can be done in the laundry, here are some of the most common ways that these items can be cleaned and disinfected: *First and foremost, always wear disposable gloves whenever you will be handling any dirty laundry from an individual who is either suspected or confirmed to have contracted the coronavirus. Be sure to discard the gloves after using them. In the event that you will be using reusable gloves for this task, but sure that you use them for tasks related to the coronavirus and nothing else. Once you remove the gloves, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands. *If you will not be wearing gloves while handling dirty laundry, always wash your hands thoroughly afterward. *Never shake any dirty laundry items, as this will help to minimize the chances of letting the virus get into the air. *Be sure to launder the dirty items according to the manufacturer’s instructions. You may also wash dirty items from an ill person with those belonging to other people in the same household. *If you have clothes hampers, take the time to clean and disinfect them. You may even choose to place a bag liner inside the hamper as well. This liner can be one that may be either disposable or one that can be laundered. Other preventative measures that you can take include the following: *Always take the time to thoroughly wash your hands, as you have more than likely been reminded many times by now. This should be done with soap and water for 20 seconds. In the event that you do not have soap and water available and your hands do not appear to be visibly dirty, you can instead use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol. *Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose if your hands have not been washed. Here are a few other basic considerations to make note of:
*Anyone who is either suspected or confirmed to have contracted the coronavirus should eat or be fed in their bedroom if possible. Any and all non-disposable food service items should be handled with gloves, as well as either washed with hot water or in a dishwasher. You will also need to thoroughly wash your hands afterwards. *Dedicate a lined trash can for an ill person. When removing bags from this can, always wear gloves. Once the trash has been disposed of, thoroughly wash your hands. *In the event that you require guidance in regards to trash disposal, contact your local health department. Disinfect your home for corona virus– Thank you for visiting our blog area. Not only are we here for all your cleaning needs but we are also here to help keep your home safe and clean during these troubling times. If you need any more advice on how to disinfect your home for corona virus (<–link this phrase to: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019- ncov/prevent-getting-sick/cleaning-disinfection.html) please contact us with any questions.