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SCIENCE 6 TH GRADE. MRS. MARITES L. DE LUNA SEPTEMBER 23-27 , 2013 The Effect of Heat on the Movement of Atoms REVIEW PROPERTIES OF MATTER THRU SMALL GROUP INSTRUCTION. Quick questions : M onday. 1. The amount of matter that is always constant no matter where you are is ________.
Quick questions : Monday 1. The amount of matter that is always constant no matter where you are is ________. 2. The space occupied by matter is called ________. 3. Mass/Volume = _________. 4. The force of mass due to gravity is called _________. 5. The state of matter where molecules have distances and can somehow move freely is called __________.
Goals : E.S.6.P.2.1 & 6.p.2.2 By the end of the week, I can : 1. tell what a mixture is 2. compare and contrast homogenous from heterogenous mixture (review) 3. compare and contrast metals,non-metals, metalloids (review) 4. compare and contrast solution, colloid or suspension (review) 5. Explain the effect of heat on the motion of atoms through a description of what happens to particles during a change in phase. 6. work in centers ( density lab – coke vs. diet coke, moving colors, mixtures)
HOMEWORK (WEEK OF SEPT. 23,2013) 1. What is a mixture? Give examples. 2. Compare and contrast a homogenous from a heterogenous mixture. 3. Explain and draw the effects of heat on the movements of atoms. 4. Review for your long test on Friday, September 27, 2013) Homework should be submitted every THURSDAY, thanks!
Tips on how to get 100% on HW Never give the teacher a one sentence answer, specially when you are asked to explain. Every time you are asked to define or explain a term, give examples and provide drawings if possible. Elaborate your answer. Give me more of your thoughts on the question. Model HW will be shown in class.
Vocabulary word : Monday Plasma is a state of matter that resembles a gas but has certain properties that a gas does not have. Plasma lacks a fixed volume and shape. Unlike a gas, plasma can conduct electricity and respond to magnetism. Sentencce. Because plasma contains charged particles called ions, it glows with light. Source : CK12 textbook
Vocabulary Word : Tuesday Mixture - A mixture is what you get when you combine two substances in such a way that no chemical reaction occurs between the components and you can separate them again. Examples : sand and water salt and water sugar and salt
Vocabulary Words : Wednesday Homogenous Mixture – when only one phase is seen in the mixture, also called a solution. ( salt solution) Heterogenous mixture - when we can see two or more phases separated by boundaries (salt and pepper, gravel and sand)
Vocabulary Word : Thursday Colloid – a type of solution where the substances are able to remain evenly distributed throughout the solution. It does not settle at the bottom.
Review/preview : solid A substance in a solid phase is relatively rigid, has a definite volume and shape. The atoms that comprise a solid are packed close together and are not compressible. Because all solids have some thermal energy, its atoms do vibrate. However, this movement is very small and very rapid, and cannot be observed under ordinary conditions. When heat is added a solid can become a liquid.
Liquids Liquids have a definite volume, but are able to change their shape by flowing. Liquids are similar to solids in that the particles touch. However the particles are able to move around. Since particles are able to touch the densities of liquid will be close to that of a solid (water is a special exception). Since the liquid molecules can move they will take the shape of their container. When heat is added a liquid can become a gas.
Gas Gases have no definite volume or shape. If unconstrained gases will spread out indefinitely. If confined they will take the shape of their container. This is because gas particles have enough energy to overcome attractive forces. Each of the particles are well separated resulting in a very low density.
Heat energy Heat energy is in the disorderly motion of molecules. Atoms and molecules are perpetually in motion. Increased temperature means greater average energy of motion so most substances expand when heated.
Links to videos http://www.ck12.org/flx/render/embeddedobject/641 http://www.ck12.org/flx/render/embeddedobject/5071
Solids,liquids, and gas particles http://chemstuff.co.uk/academic-work/year-7/particle-model-of-solids-liquids-and-gases/
Picture of the States of Matter http://www.fusionfuture.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/states.png
PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES : review/ preview http://www.files.chem.vt.edu/RVGS/ACT/graphics/property.jpg http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/jams/science/matter/properties-of-matter.htm
LEARNING CENTERS TABLE 1 & 2 – Virtual Lab Table 3 & 4 – Diet Coke vs Regular Coke Lab ( Density) Table 5 , 6 & 7 – Moving Colors Lab Students, make sure that by Thursday, you have visited all the learning centers provided to you by the teacher.
EXPECTATIONS FOR GROUPWORK All groups should work cooperatively and harmoniously with each other. Each member of the group should contribute to the assigned project/experiment. Answer all analysis questions at the back of the paper MAKE SURE THAT YOUR GROUP will work AS QUIETLY as possible. You are allowed to communicate but lower your tone so as not to disturb others. No group hopping. Just stay with your group!
Recording Student Progress : Use of DATA /immediate feedback (every Monday) Test scores will be distributed. Test scores will be recorded by both teacher and students. Students will use a data sheet that will be given by the teacher to track their scores on every test, homework, classwork, laboratory work submitted in class. Students will learn how to track down their progress in the Science class.
Back Page of Data Sheet ( Line Graph Example : S C O R E S (y-axis) test # (x-axis)
Enrichment Activity – phlogiston (Science Literacy/Reading) Structure of Matter Think, pair, share!
MSL – MEASUREMENT OF STUDENT LEARNING/ASSESSMENT QUESTION – Common Exam When someone goes to the moon, the person should expect that : A. he will weigh less on the moon B. his mass will stay the same on the moon C. he will float on the moon because of less gravity D. all of the above
MSL – MEASUREMENT OF STUDENT LEARNING/ASSESSMENT QUESTION – Common Exam Maria had 2 water samples placed in the beaker. She wanted to know if their densities will be the same even if they have different masses and volumes. Her results will definitely show that : A. water has the same density no matter what mass or volume B. the more massive the water, the higher the density C. the volume will be increased depending on the object placed in the water D. She should use the water displacement method for better results
Additional Resources : SOLIDS,LIQUIDS AND GASES http://www.ck12.org/book/CK-12-Physical-Science-For-Middle-School/r5/section/4.0/ http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/states-of-matter
Summary Exit ticket out Questions? One-sentence response Complete the sentence Think, pair, share!