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Significance of Cluster Branding for Traditional Clusters New Delhi, 21 st February 2014

Significance of Cluster Branding for Traditional Clusters New Delhi, 21 st February 2014 Paolo Bellamoli Fondazione CUOA Business School since 1957. THE VENETO REGION. Population 4,900,000 - Enterprises 403,000 (2011)

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Significance of Cluster Branding for Traditional Clusters New Delhi, 21 st February 2014

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  1. Significance of Cluster Branding for Traditional Clusters New Delhi, 21st February 2014 Paolo Bellamoli Fondazione CUOA Business School since 1957

  2. THE VENETO REGION • Population 4,900,000 - Enterprises 403,000 (2011) • Productive Clusters: 22+ Clusters & Meta-clusters (National Observatory)

  3. PRODUCTIVE DISTRICTS IN VENETO REGION • Clusters in Veneto / number of companies (2011) / Δ% 2011/2009 • Artistic Forniture of Bassano / 1.640 companies / -24.25% • Marble and Stones of Veneto / 1.074 companies / -2.81% • Sportsystem of Montebelluna / 1.824 companies / -1.08% • Renewable Energy of Belluno / 24 companies / +20.0% • Classic Forniture of Pianura Veneta / 2.474 companies / -9.84% • Ceramic, Porcelain and Artistic Gass of Veneto / 478 companies / -7.36% • Glasses of Belluno / 5.338 companies / -6.22% • Forniture-Wood of Veneto / 4.523 companies / -2.54% • Artistic Glass of Murano / 537 companies / -1.29% • Tanneries of Vicenza / 2.476 companies / +1.06% • Shoes of Verona / 707 companies / -15.45% • Meccatronic and Innovative Mechanical Technologies of Veneto / 1.913 companies / +2.19% • VenetoClima / 3.922 companies / +2.62% • Food of Veneto / 4.006 companies / -0.84% • VeronaModa Fashion of Verona / 4.252 companies / -4.98% • Ichthyic sector of Rovigo / 761 companies / -1.17% • Bio-Construction Industries of Veneto / 4.346 companies / -1.98% • Air-conditioning and Industrial Refrigeration of Veneto / 15.768 companies / -17.06% • Wine of Conegniano Valdobbiadene / 6.156 companies / +0.70% • Lighting systems of Veneto / 22.675 companies / -4.67% • Environmental and Cultural Heritage of Veneto / 3.017 companies / -4.59% • Gold and Silver of Vicenza / 1.664 companies / -21.40%

  4. BRANDING FOR CLUSTERS Brandis the sum total of how someone perceives a particular organization. Brandingis about shaping that perception. Ashley Friedlein Clusters Branding Products Territories

  5. BRANDING FOR CLUSTERS: WHY • To attract resources (skilled people & capital, private and public) • To attract internal and external actors to join the cluster • To enhance ownership and commitment by including and engaging stakeholders in the brand building process, • To differentiate from competing clusters • To gain attention of policymakers • To leverage on PPP • To enable an increased perception of the quality of life and quality of a place, supporting territories and places • To promote internationalization and export from the cluster • To enhance business opportunities for companies through better reputation and credibility of firms and products

  6. CLUSTER REPUTATION: IMPORTANCE FOR COMPANIES • Main benefits to SMEs: • Overcoming size constraints: surrogate to corporate reputation (facilitating attraction of skilled managerial, technical and scientific HRs, facilitating attraction of capital, legitimacy vis-à-vis international partners and investors, etc.), • Main benefits to Large Companies: • Engagement in cluster as CSR and good citizenship: higher cluster reputation = more value in showcasing the engagement • Lobbying and communication channel to policymakers. Well-reputed cluster as credible and better channel to apply pressure on policymakers. Needs of all actors vs. need of an individual company

  7. CLUSTER BRANDING: STRATEGIES • Facts & figures (infrastructures, tangible research outputs, financial capital, numbers, etc.) • Bio- / Tech- /Energy- …. Valley / Region / Province • “Made in”.. / Close synergies with places and territories

  8. COUNTRY BRANDS Country Brand Index (By FutureBrand - www.futurebrand.com)

  9. COUNTRY BRANDS “Made In” – The value of Country of Origin for future brands (By FutureBrand - www.futurebrand.com)

  10. CMC PROJECT Clusters Meet Culture: an opportunity for development

  11. CMC PROJECT Clusters Meet Culture: an opportunity for development Lead Partner : Veneto Region – ITALY Duration: October 2012 – September 2014 Website: www.cmc-project.eu Total budget: 1.551.015,00 € ERDF contribution: 1.318.363,00 € (85% of the total budget) Programme and call for proposals: SOUTH EAST EUROPE Transnational Cooperation Programme CMC Partnership: 10 organizations belonging to 5 different countries (IT, HU, SI, RO, SK) Brief Description The CMC project wants to spread the knowledge of production of excellences across South East Europe area with the purpose of emphasizing their quality and originality (that correspond to an essential part of the culture and history of the involved cities), and connect this cultural aspect with already existing tourism flows. The final goal would be to link tourism and local clusters joining manufacturing productions with artistic heritage and cultural production. At the end, the project aims at opening new sales channel across South East Europe, with the main purpose to help small business development.

  12. CMC PROJECT • CMC Objectives • To dilute tourism streams currently concentrated on major cities and distribute them on the hinterlands, which often also offer extraordinary opportunities both in cultural and economic terms; • To develop alternative marketing channels for sectors that characterize in both cultural, socio-economical and industrial terms the territories around European Capitals of Culture; • To multiply the flows of cultural production and innovation knowledge from the cities towards the industrial districts and create strategic partnerships between cultural and industrial production, with the aiming at obtaining reciprocal advantages; • To promote access to private capitals for the structural co-financing of-historical and cultural heritage, but also of the broader culture of the territories of the SEE area.

  13. CMC PROJECT • Cluster Branding, a job for: • Anybody in the cluster organization? • Marketing and communication professionals? • The Territorial Product Manager

  14. CMC PROJECT • The Territorial Product Manager • Role and professional profile: professional able to understand and promote the territory in an integrated way, linking attractive cultural tourism to local manufacturers and then exploiting possible synergies between industrial districts and culture • Key competences and skills: • build and foster the promotion of integrated tourist routes • attract theme driven tourist fluxes (industrial tourism, thematic museums, etc.) • promote awareness of the tourists in the local know-how, in the local traditional production and in the identity of territories, through the narrative (story-telling) • enhance the visibility of local production to increase direct sales • identify new models of synergy and cooperation between industry and culture, even in the form of PPP as an instrument of governance and facilitation of integration paths • master and exploit in full Web 2.0 as a strategic tool

  15. CMC PROJECT The Territorial Product Manager: training of trainers Contents: Public-Private Partnerships in cultural field Steps for emotional and territorial project and network development Tourism and Shopping Cultural tourism practices and creative industries The Web 2.0 as a strategic tool

  16. CMC PROJECT • The Territorial Product Manager: training to professionals • Addressed to: • ACRIB • Gold Vicenza • Prosecco • Sportsystem • Montebelluna

  17. BPR TO AGENCIES OF CCIAA OF TREVISO Treviso Glocal Treviso Glocal PromoTreviso PromoTreviso


  19. CLUSTER MARKETING AND BRANDING • Useful resources: • European Cluster Alliance: www.ECA-TACTICS.eu • “The function and characteristics of cluster branding” • by Marcus Andersson www.academia.edu

  20. THANK YOU Paolo Bellamoli Fondazione CUOA www.cuoa.it paolo.bellamoli@cuoa.it

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