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LIMS WAREHOUSING Archiving and Migrating of LIMS Data Examples:

Learn about archiving, migrating, and trending LIMS data for regulatory compliance. Explore examples such as Annual Product Review and Trending with Beckmann LIMS data. Discover potential technology solutions in the market like SAP BI/BO, Oracle Warehouse, SQL Server Parallel Data Warehouse, and more. Our solution - LIMS Warehouse - helps in archiving legacy LIMS data in RDBM databases and offers reporting options with tools like SAP Crystal Reports and Oracle Reports.

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LIMS WAREHOUSING Archiving and Migrating of LIMS Data Examples:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LIMS WAREHOUSING Archiving and Migrating of LIMS Data Examples: Annual Product Review and Trending with Beckmann LIMS data Query for historical specifications DI Herbert Schwarz

  2. Current Situation LIMS systems • Productive LIMS Systems are storing data in their own data strcuture since 10 + years • Some systems are archiving submission / sample / test data internal • A lot of systems are a on the end of their Life Cycle (no longer supported by the the vendor) • Beckmann Labmanager • Collier / Quasi-P • HP LIMS • QDIS/QM • SQL*LIMS • Archiving and Trending of data of 10 years+ is a regualtory requirement (MUST)

  3. Our Solution - LIMS Warehouse • Good News: Most of the data are in a common format (Oracle, CSV Export, etc.) • Legacy LIMS Data can be archived in a RDBM database • Potential technology solutions on the market • SAP BI/BO • Oracle Warehouse • SQL Server Parallel Data Warehouse • Native LIMS Databases (Oracle , SQL*Server) • Reporting Software (e.G. SAP Crystal reports, Oracle reports, Impromptu, etc.)

  4. Archive and reporting of Beckmann Labmanager • Architecture Beckmann LIMS Oracle 7 database Migration User Oracle 11 database Specification_Tests View Specification Head View Crystal Reports

  5. Example: Beckmann LIMS Annual Product Review - Trend analysis User selects: 1.Product number 2. Time frame From - To

  6. Example: Beckmann LIMS Annual Product Review - Trend report Methods / Values Samples / Batches

  7. Example: Beckmann LIMS Annual Product Review - Statistics

  8. Example: Beckmann LIMS Annual Product Review - Control charts

  9. Example: Beckmann LIMS Specifications - Historical versions User selects: 1.Product type 2. Product number 3. Vendor 4. Type of Analysis 5. Status 6. Version number

  10. Example: Beckmann LIMS Specifications - Historical versions

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