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How to Make a Great PBJ

How to Make a Great PBJ. A Gourmet Recipe From Janie Schwark & Greg Butler. Ingredients. Crunchy peanut butter Homemade strawberry jam Two slices of white bread Milk. Tools Needed. Knife Spoon Plate Glass. Directions. Open jars of peanut butter and jam

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How to Make a Great PBJ

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How to Make a Great PBJ A Gourmet Recipe From Janie Schwark & Greg Butler

  2. Ingredients • Crunchy peanut butter • Homemade strawberry jam • Two slices of white bread • Milk

  3. Tools Needed • Knife • Spoon • Plate • Glass

  4. Directions • Open jars of peanut butter and jam • Spread peanut butter on one slice of bread with a knife • Use a spoon to get jam and spread it on the other slice of bread • Put two slices together and cut the sandwich in half • Put the sandwich on a plate • Pour a glass of milk • Enjoy

  5. Why use strawberry jam? • 100 Children and adults were surveyed to find out what goes best with peanut butter. 33 Selected grape jelly, 11 honey, 46 strawberry jam and 10 sliced bananas

  6. Occasions for Eating PBJ’s • School lunches • Birthday parties • Picnics • Visits from persnickety grandchildren • Late night snacks • At the pool

  7. Enjoy your sandwich! WOW!

  8. Enjoy your sandwich The End

  9. Finally – The End

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