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Presentation Design

Presentation Design. Min Wu December 2012 Hanoi Community College. Introduction. Min Wu Born in China Moved to Toronto, Canada Work for World University Service Canada (WUSC) Communication and Soft Skills Advisor at Hanoi Community College. Today’s Agenda.

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Presentation Design

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Presentation Design Min Wu December 2012 Hanoi Community College

  2. Introduction Min Wu Born in China Moved to Toronto, Canada Work for World University Service Canada (WUSC) Communication and Soft Skills Advisor at Hanoi Community College

  3. Today’s Agenda Introduction about using PowerPoint presentation Basic Contents Additional Contents Alternatives to PowerPoint Conclusion

  4. What Makes a Good Presentation? • In a small group discuss the following two questions: • What is the best presentation you have been to? Why was it so good? • What is the worst presentation you have been to? What makes it so bad? 2 minutes to discuses

  5. Why is it important? • Your chance to be noticed • Effectively get your point across Make your classes more engaging and effective

  6. Before You Start Things to consider: Why are you using a PowerPoint? Who are your audiences? What kind of presentations you want to give? How much time do you have?

  7. Why Use PowerPoint? Advantages Disadvantages • Distracting • Add interest • Rigid • Get the key points across • User friendly Visual aid

  8. You are the presenter Remember

  9. Audience • Know who your audience is • age group, position, gender • You audience determines what kind of presentation you will deliver • Do not assume too much knowledge • But do not patronize either

  10. Business executives or managers • Young children • College students

  11. Title Page

  12. Title Page Things to include in the title page • Title that explains the core • Date of presentation • Name of presenter • Place where you will be presenting • Your logo

  13. Title Page Font • Size: • Title should be at least 40+ • Subtitle should be at least 30+ • Style • Choose a font that is appropriate with your audience • For formal presentations a sans-serif font • i.e. Arial,

  14. Font Sans-Serif T Serif Sans= without Examples: Times New Roman Georgia Bookman Old Style Cambria Examples: Arial Calibri Microsoft Sans Serif Verdana Serif T

  15. Title Page Font • Different fonts convey different mood and message • Arial • Time New Roman • Comic Sans MS • Old English Text • Elephant

  16. Title Page Background • Blank • Solid colour • Picture or graphic • Microsoft template (online) • http://www.powerpointstyles.com/

  17. Blank Background Simple and easy. In most cases, a white background is the safest and most recommended choice

  18. Solid Colour You can also choose from the many ready-made templates by Microsoft or found online

  19. Unreadable Picture or Graphic Have to be careful about how your text appear against your background photo

  20. Picture or Graphic Insert a solid colour background and adjust its degree of transparency with “Format Shape” to show the picture.

  21. Picture or Graphic Change the layout so both your text and picture can be seen properly

  22. Colourful Too colourful makes your presentation seem childish. So keep in mind of your audience

  23. Basic Contents

  24. Basic Contents Colour • colour palate/colour schemes www.adbo.com/colortbl.htm • Background fill: white • Text colour: black, dark blue, dark green • Highlight: red

  25. Basic Contents Basic Contents • It is always better to have dark text on light background and not the other way around • Stick with safe and basic colours

  26. Basic Contents Font Size • Title: between 36 and 48 point • Body: between 24 and 32 point • Standard sizes for title, body, footer Style • Should be uniform throughout your presentation • Maximum of 2 different fonts • One sans-serif; one serif

  27. Basic Contents Layout • Bullet points, not paragraphs • Max 8 words a line • Max 8 lines a slide • Absolutely avoid copying paragraphs of text or quotes • Footer gives you extra publicity space (logo/website)

  28. Basic Contents This is an example of a GOOD layout • Easy to read fond and colour scheme • Simple and concise is the key • Deliver one key point per slide • You can use sub-bullets to organize your information • You can use Bold, Colour or ALL CAP to emphasize key points

  29. Basic Contents This is an example of a BAD layout “Basically, a quotation is an exact copy of somebody's words. (However, exactness does not normally imply using the same layout and fonts.) If you explain somebody's opinions or reports in your own words, it is not a quotation and should be presented as normal text (without any special markup).Since BLOCKQUOTE is a block element, it is normally used for relatively long quotations. As regards too short quotations to be presented with no paragraph breaks around them, present them using text level markup”.

  30. Additional Contents

  31. Additional Contents Animation • Use appropriately • Stick to the basics and be consistent Fly-in Appear • Be careful when using effects such as: • Emphasize and path are not often used but can be helpful Bounce Boomerang Magnify

  32. Additional Contents Animation Very Important Information Emphasize Path

  33. Additional Contents Pictures • Pictures are great for illustration and breaking up sections • Use good quality graphics • Also use charts and graphs to illustrate results • Keep it simple

  34. Other Additional Contents • Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i68a6M5FFBc • Music or other sounds • Insert Sound, Movie

  35. Remember Simple is Beauty

  36. You are the presenter Remember

  37. Alternative to PowerPoint Prezi Presentation • Register on http://prezi.com/

  38. Practice • Practice by yourself to get the timing correct • Know your presentation well • Practice with an audience • Be confident • Make eye contact and smile

  39. Group Presentation • In your group, think about what the difference were between the best and worst presentations you discussed earlier • Prepare a 5 minute presentation on these differences

  40. Resources Five golden rules http://people.ucsc.edu/~pullum/goldenrules.html Oral Presentation advice http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~markhill/conference-talk.html Effective Presentations http://www.kumc.edu/SAH/OTEd/jradel/effective.html WUSC Resources http://rbmsystems.net/

  41. Questions?Iewu.min@gmail.com

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