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Anemki Mountain Corporation. “In it’s capacity as trustee of the Anemki Mountain Business Trust”. History
Anemki Mountain Corporation “In it’s capacity as trustee of the Anemki Mountain Business Trust”
History Anemki Mountain Corporation (Anemki) was established by Fort William First Nation in 1993 to manage a 30,000 square foot office building on its territory. Established as a condition of one of the funders of the building at the time, Anemki is a for profit corporation comprised of a board of seven individuals who set the policies for the organization as well as oversee the General Manager in the management of the operation. The seven individuals are made up of four non-political people and three members of Council, which ultimately has led to decisions being made on a “business” basis rather than political. Although the creation of Anemki was compulsory to some funding received, over the years FWFN has seen the value of such an arrangement and have utilized its management function for a variety of economic development projects. (FWFN web page)
Property Management Once the funding for the original building was in place, the building built and the tenants all securely in leases, it was realized by FWFN that this structure, along with the management capacities achieved, could be used for other buildings in the community. As such, Anemki participated in the management/ownership of other office and community buildings through the years. Some of these building include the Dilico Building, the Wasaya Building, Mount Mckay Office Complex, the Anishnabek Police Services (APS) Building, the Community Centre (including Bingo Hall), the Band Office, and the Youth Centre. Another project we are working on is that of an administration office to lease to NAN and Wasaya Inc. The proposed office is to be 65,000 sq. ft. and would be situated across from the AANDC building. As is the case with the other buildings, Anemki will manage this building and forward the profits to FWFN at the end of the year. (FWFN web page)
Arena Management Also under Anemki’s management is that of the Fort William First Nation Arena (Arena). In the best of times and circumstances, arenas are difficult to run in that they don’t make a lot of profit. Having some difficulty with the management of the Arena, FWFN approached Anemki to manage it in 2009. Anemki assumed management, made some needed changes including the hiring of a new Arena Supervisor, and have been able to turn the operation around. Anyone (especially our membership) who uses the Arena on a regular basis can see the changes and are again proud of our facility. (FWFN web page)
The Future Although forced in the beginning by funders to create Anemki, FWFN is beginning to come to the realization that running a business and running the ‘Band’ should be separate. Actually the stipulation that a corporation must be in place went away many years ago, yet Anemki still remains. If you look throughout the country at other First Nations, you will see that those more successful Bands are those that can make this separation. In 1993 Anemki started with one employee, the General Manager, whereas today we have 15 employees – 14 of them are Band Members. Instead of being looked at as an organization who is taking all of FWFN’s business, we are seen as partners of FWFN whose function allows the band to concentrate on those government-type issues such as employment, training, education, social services, etc. The increased funding generated by Anemki allows FWFN to spend in those areas either under-funded or not funded by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. FWFN has had the foresight to keep Anemki strong and to use the corporation in its growth, to allow it to make its own decisions rather that ask some of its funders for permission. Although Anemki has its own Board and structure, we operate with the knowledge that at the end of the day we (Anemki) are here for our community. (FWFN web page)
PROMISSARY NOTE • What is it? • It is the profits that are made from AMC, that is owed to FWFN • Currently at $1.1 Million, and fluctuates • In 2006 AMC paid of the promissory note, to assist FWFN, with finical difficulties…approximately $500 000.00 to $600 000.00 • AMC had to remortgage the AMC building to help with this request
LETTER FROM THE CHIEF In August of 2013, AMC board received from the Chief stating that FWFN will be taking over all responsibility of all buildings? This letter was signed by the Chief on behalf of Chief and Council AMC held a meeting and this issue came up with the letter The 3 Political board member sitting on behalf of Chief and Council were not aware of this, and was not sure why AMC had received this letter AMC has looked after all the buildings and any new buildings that were being built The approximate cost for AMC to manage the FWFN buildings were between $20 000.00 to $30 000.00 (One job lost due to this to this decision) AMC doesn’t have a contract with FWFN to do the maintenance/management of buildings. A contractwas requested a number of times over the years. AMC has a working contract with FWFN for the Arena and has turned the Arena around to an operational level
PROMISSORY NOTE • In November/October of 2013, AMC received a letter from KIM HOPKINS requested the of transfer of $225 379.00 of Promissory note • The 3rd of October 2013 AMC had a meeting • Once again, board members sitting on behalf of Chief and Council were not aware of this, and were not sure why AMC had received this request for the promissory note • - Promissory note does not have to be paid to C&C until two year after the request • - Request for Promissory note has to be done by BCR request, which it wasn’t • - Kim had told Ian Bannon that FWFN needed the money??? • Request was fulfilled by AMC
In December of 2013, Chief & Council did up a BCR restricting ANYCORPORATION’S that falls under FWFN to apply for a mortgage/Loan, and would have to be approved by Chief & Council ……specifically saying AMC? • The question: why would Chief & Council agree to that?
February 2ndAMC and Chief and Council meet at the Community Centre to further advance discussions on how AMC and FWFN can work together. • Also in attendance was Chief and Council lawyer Mike Strickland, AMC Lawyer Brian MacIvor, and to “Facilitate” (Chair) the meeting, Elder Gene Bannon, who is also a respected Justice of The Peace in Thunder Bay • In that meeting the Chief stated to all person in attendance that, Chief and Council DOES NOT HAVE ANY INTENTION OF DISSOLVING AMC! • April … AMC had a meeting to discuss new issues • Issue came up that Chief and Council had a meeting on the 12 of March 2014: • Issue to dissolve AMC came up, and a vote was held, which was passed, one council member voted against • AMC has 3 political members, 2 of the 3 Political members voted to dissolve AMC • When asked why they have voted for AMC to be dissolved they did not answer? • When asked why they had are sitting on the AMC board if they did not believe in it, they did not answer?
InApril of 2014, AMC had learned from a political member, that Chief and Council had an “IN CAMERA” meeting about AMC. • The in camera meeting was to have it AMC DISSOLVED ??? QUESTIONS?
QUESTIONS? • Why would Chief and Council have an in “CAMERA MEETING” about AMC? • What was the purpose of the in camera meeting regarding AMC? • What does Chief and Council have to hide? • TRANSPARENCE • Which leads to Transparency! • What does that mean to Chief and Council? • AMC has nothing to hide? • All members can have a copy of all audits, minutes etc…..
Anemki Mountain Corporation • Is very successful • DOES create jobs for band members • Currently mortgage/debt free • AMC has been in operation since 1994 • AMC has provided FWFN with over 3.5 Million dollarsover the last 20 years • AMC has an asset of over 1.5 million dollars (the building) • AMC has help FWFN in the past with funding (remortgage) • AMCoperated Mount McKay for FWFN • AMC up until August of 2013, managed and maintained FWFN assets, and buildings
AMC has been operating the FWFN Arena since 2011 • Since AMC has taken over the ARENA it has been known as one of the best arenas, not only in the City of Thunder Bay, but in the Northwest Region of Ontario • AMC structure is used by other First Nation Communities… • WHY? • CAUSE IT WORKS! • WORKS FOR YOU! • WORKS FOR THE FORT WILLIAM FIRST NATION COMMUNITY!
Bare Trustee AMC has a Bare Trustee, currently Terry Bannon • Mrs. Bannon is responsible for 51% of the “SHARES” of AMC – YOUR SHARES, you the PEOPLE and MEMBERSHIP of FWFN • Mrs. Bannon is responsible to act on behalf of the FWFN Membership, to look out for the best interest of AMC, and the SHARES • Bare Trustee has to communicate to the members of Fort William First Nation
DEMAND Dated for APRIL 2014 to be signed by the BARE TRUSTEE. Meeting held mid June 2014, where the Bare Trustee was present, and was requested to sign the “DEMAND” by FWFN.
RESIGNATION of BARE TRUSTEE If the BARE TRUSTEE resigns from AMC, the BARE TRUSTEE can send a letter in to AMC requesting their resignation from the position. AMC can accept the resignation. AMC then would put the position of BARE TRUSTEE out to FWFN community member’s. After all application are accepted by AMC, a selection process would be next in determining who would hold 51% share (BARE TRUSTEE) for the members of FWFN. Presently the BARE TRUSTEE is Terry Bannon, who has been working on behalf of the Fort William First Nation members, and has been doing a GREAT JOB!
Minutes of 20th of May 2014 FWFN Chief and Council AMENDMENT TO MARCH 12, 2014 – Council amendment to add the name of the seconded that was omitted by error to the Motion #8 in the March 12, 2104 as follow: • “MOTION #8 – Moved by Yvette Greenwald and seconded by Valerie Chapman that Council authorize Chief to pursue all steps for the dissolution of Anemki Mountain Corporation and ensure that all legal liabilities are addressed. Motion Carried. Sherry Pelletier opposed.” • Anemki Mountain Corporation’s bare trustee is to be involved in any further discussion regarding Anemki. • Council would like to meet with Anemki regarding the dissolution. • New Limited Corporation’s board members include Tina Morriseau, Valerie Chapman, Wyatt Bannon and Dwight Boucher. • The new limited corporation board is a non active board.
QUESTION for CHIEF & Council…. Why dissolve AMC? What is the purpose of Chief & Council dissolving AMC? What would be gained by doing this? Has this been put out to the FWFN Membership? Is the Bare Trustee aware of this? Has the Bare Trustee had an opportunity to explain this to the FWFN Membership? Would the Bare trustee agree to give the Membership their 51% to FWFN? Why would FWFN “DEMAND!” the BARE TRUSTEE to sign a document on behalf of the members of FWFN? Why would FWFN have an In Camera meeting on AMC? What is FWFN hiding?
What happen to the words that the Chief used in two meeting (the Community, and the meeting on the Feb 2/2014 with AMC, the lawyers and our Elder Gene Bannon) saying we have NO INTENTION’S of DISSOLVING ANEMKI MOUNTAIN CORPORATION? What is the Limited Partnership (LP) Board? Why was this not put out to the community (L.P board)? Why is this L.P. set up as a silent Board? Why were Band administration employees assigned to this Board? Are these employees aware that that they were going to sit in this L.P. Board? Why would two AMC board members agree to dissolving AMC? Why would two AMC board member sit on AMC if the don’t believe in AMC? WHY WOULD THE TWO AMC BORAD MEMBER SIT ON A L.P. (SILENT BOARD)… ...WHAT IS CHIEF AND COUNCIL HIDING?
Is AMC current tenants aware that FWFN is dissolving AMC? Is AANDC, PWC aware that FWFN is dissolving AMC? Is the Community aware that AANDC and PWC are the two main tenants, and can pull out of the lease agreement with AMC? What is going to happen to AMC Manager? What is going to happen to FWFN Arena Manager? What is going to happen to FWFN Arena employees?
AMC had some issues get some work done with other business, due to the fact that some of these business were associating AMC to FWFN… • FWFN had owed moneys to some business in the city, and they were refusing to work with AMC cause of FWFN record with the businesses in the City of Thunder Bay… • Due to the GREAT work of the present Manager’s of AMC and the Arena Manager, they have INSISTED that AMC is SEPARATE entity from FWFN, and they had these business come in a do work for AMC and the ARENA • ARE THE COMMUNITY MEMBERS AWARE THAT FWFN HAS HAD ISSUES WITH DEALING WITH COMPANIES WITHIN THE CITY OF THUNDER BAY?