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This initiative aims to expand the "Delivering as One" program to provide additional, un-earmarked funding for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It will complement funds mobilized at the country level and reduce transaction costs associated with separate funding mechanisms.
Expanded “Delivering as one” funding window for achievement of MDGs JPO Workshop, Maputo, May 2009 Francesco Galtieri UN Development Operations Coordination Office (DOCO), New York
BACKGROUND & CONTEXT • GA resolution “….continuing and deepening intergovernmental work of the GA on system wide coherence focusing exclusively and in an integrated manner on ‘Delivering as One’ at country and regional levels, harmonization of business practices, funding, governance and gender equality and empowerment of women” • TCPR “recognizes that strengthening the role and capacity of the United Nations development system to assist countries in achieving their development goals requires continuing improvement in its effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and impact, along with a significant increase in resources and an expansion of its resources base on a continuous, more predictable and assured basis”
BACKGROUND & CONTEXT • Delivering as One initiative • Response to the need for additional, un-earmarked, more predictable funding • Reduction of transaction costs associated with separate funding mechanisms
What it is: • Addressed to LICs • Expanded MDGaF, aiming at complement funds for the whole IADGs • Participant donors: Spain, UK, Norway • Aims at supporting One Programme (or equivalent) • It is un-earmarked • It is meant to complement funds mobilised at the country level therefore there is a need form UNCTs to first make all efforts to raise funds locally
FRAMEWORK UNDP-Spain MDG ACHIEVEMENT FUND: 2 funding windows • “Thematic” Window – supports UN collective efforts in selected sectors • “One UN” Window – supports the implementation of DAO: addressing funding gaps of ‘One UN Programmes’ EXPANDED DAO FUNDING WINDOW expansion of “One UN” window under UNDG governance mechanism
What it is: • Addressed to LICs • Expanded MDGaF, aiming at complement funds for the whole IADGs • Participant donors: Spain, UK, Norway • Aims at supporting One Programme (or equivalent) • It is un-earmarked • It is meant to complement funds mobilised at the country level therefore there is a need form UNCTs to first make all efforts to raise funds locally
Who’s elegible:- DaO pilot countries- Countries who have already committed in moving towards a greater coherence/cohesiveness of UN programmes (indicated by RDTs)-UNDAF countries (from 2011)Criteria:- Nationally owned and led process for UN coherence- Clear link btwn UN programme and national priorities (NDS)
What needs to be in place in the country:an integrated UN Programme → results framework (down to activity level – multi-year operational document), → budgetary framework, → “country fund” with allocation and management mechanisms, → management arrangements and governance structure, → M&E framework, → RC/UNCT mutual accountability framework and working relationsA detailed description of the package to be submitted will be available in the guidance note to UNCTs.
Allocation criteria (according to availability of total funds)- country needs;- unfunded gaps after external resource mobilisation;- number of donors in the country or funding activities in the country;- UN programme volume;- UN past delivery/absorption capacities- “floor” of 500.000 USD- “ceiling” calculated on the basis of unfunded gap and past past expenditures
ReportingThe same mechanism of the reporting for the UN Country Fund will be used for the Expanded window (that will be treated as one of the sources of the country fund)
GOVERNANCE RC and UNCT – setting up nationally led process, ultimately responsible for the quality and delivery of results under ‘UNDAF Strategy and Action Plan’, management of ‘Country Fund’ RDTs – recommending eligible countries for ’09 -’10, regular quality support, assurance and oversight functions Steering Committee for Exp. DAO Funding Window – overall leadership, strategic direction and decisions, including on allocations; will comprise of officials at Director level - members of the AG Consultative Group – inputs to the key strategic directions, feeding back to donors and programme countries on forward plans and expectations; will comprise of 3 donors and 3 programme countries Secretariat (DOCO) – operational coordination unit, management of funds, technical support to countries
TIMELINES (TENTATIVE) 2009: • RDT recommendation on ‘09-’10 eligible non-pilot countries: letter to RDTs - 30 April, response - end May • Communication message to all countries: by 15 May • Submission of RFFs by eligible countries: end June • Allocations to ‘Country Funds’: end July 2010 – onward: • Submission of RFFs – first week of February • Allocations to ‘Country Funds’ – first week March • Reports – as per UNDG agreed terms