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Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2012 Navy Medicine Audit Readiness Training Symposium. Civilian Payroll: Path to Audit Readiness June 5 th – 6 th , 2012. Audit Readiness. Context
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery2012 Navy Medicine Audit Readiness Training Symposium Civilian Payroll: Path to Audit Readiness June 5th – 6th, 2012
Audit Readiness • Context • DoD is required to assert audit readiness for the Statement of Budgetary Resources (SBR) by the end of Fiscal Year 2014. As part of Navy Medicine’s audit readiness effort, the Civilian Payrollbusiness process has been identified as an assessable unit for which assertion must take place. • Purpose • To discuss the Key Control Objectives (KCOs), Key Supporting Documents (KSDs), identified gaps and potential corrective actions for Civilian Payroll. • Outcome • An understanding of the status of the Civilian Payroll assessable unit, including major deficiencies and what can be done now at the field level to facilitate a successful financial statement audit. • Some assessable units may not require field action at this time. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Civilian Payroll Scope & Definition FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Audit Readiness Timeline Control Testing Time Period Assessable Unit Assertion Interim Progress Milestones (90 Days, 50 %, 75 %) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Audit Readiness Process FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Key Control Objectives KCOs – Represent outcomes needed to achieve proper financial reporting and are a basis by which the effectiveness of control activities can be evaluated. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Key Control Objectives FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Key Control Objectives FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Key Supporting Documentation KSDs – Documentation retained to support individual financial transactions and accounting events. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Deficiency Types • Material Weakness – A deficiency, or combination of deficiencies, in internal control, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the entity’s financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected timely. • Significant Deficiency – A deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control that is less severe than a material weakness, yet important enough to merit attention by those charged with governance. • Control Deficiency – A deficiency that exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent or detect misstatements in a timely manner. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Considerations For Deficiency Type • Quantitative Materiality - Dollar impact or potential impact to the financial statements • Qualitative Materiality - Non-quantitative factors such as complexity of transactions, legal or regulatory concern or system deficiencies • Pervasiveness - Number of activities or transactions affected by the deficiency • Audit Dealbreaker- Issues that prevent an audit from occurring • Existing Guidance - Determining whether current policy or SOP is in place that meet financial reporting requirement FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Civilian Payroll Material Weaknesses • Material Weakness 1: Lack of Reconciliation Between the Standard Accounting and Reporting System – Field Level (STARS-FL), Defense Civilian Pay System (DCPS), and Treasury • Material Weakness 2: Time & Attendance Inconsistencies • General Causes: • Lack of Standard Processes; No SOP • Availability of Data • Multiple Error Possibilities FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Lack of Reconciliation in Payroll Processing • Issue Detail • No standardized reconciliation occurring at Navy Medicine between Gross Pay File transmitted by DCPS, STARS-FL, and Treasury. • Reconciliation is required to ensure that amounts included in Gross Pay File are being accurately recorded in STARS-FL, as well as at Treasury. • Reconciliation should be performed on a bi-weekly pay period basis. • Reconciliation gives assurance that what was paid to employees is accurately reflected in financial statements. • Impact on Audit Readiness • This reconciliation is utilized to detect any errors that may have occurred during the system interface between STARS-FL and DCPS. • Errors might include incomplete file transmission, duplicate file transmission, or rejection of certain data detail due to errors in file coming from DCPS. • Such errors might cause misstatements of the Gross Outlays line item on the SBR. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Lack of Reconciliation in Payroll Processing • Path Forward • In conjunction with the Navy Medicine Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) team, the Civilian Payroll Audit Readiness team conducted a week long Civilian Payroll working group, the purpose of which was to develop a standard reconciliation process to address the identified material weakness. The developed standard process is scheduled to be documented in an SOP to be drafted by August 2012. • Potential Activity Actions • Participate in development of Civilian Payroll SOP via actively submitting change requests and feedback where possible. • Once complete, Activities will be responsible for reconciling the Master Employee Record (MER) to SLDCADA and the Gross Pay File (GPF) to the general ledger (STARS-FL) and Work Year Personnel Cost (WYPC) in accordance with the SOP.. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Time & Attendance Inconsistencies • Issue Detail • Variations exist across the enterprise in how Time & Attendance is recorded and certified. • Over time certification processes have shifted at the field level on a varying basis, creating no standard process. Some activities have a decentralized process; others are centralized. • Lack of standardized processes creates a situation in which controls can not be adequately assessed. This increases the risk that time and attendance may be reported incorrectly, and that payroll disbursements may be based on incorrect time and attendance amounts. • Impact on Audit Readiness • Time and Attendance accuracy affects every disbursement recorded for Civilian Payroll. This means that we can not ensure that these amounts are accurate and correctly stated in the ‘Gross Outlays’ line of the SBR. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Time & Attendance Inconsistencies • Path Forward • The Dept. of Navy has developed a high-level process for Civilian Payroll; Navy Medicine supported creation of this process. Navy Medicine will update the Time & Attendance Instruction to mirror this Navy process, at a much more detailed level, and create a plan to guide activities in implementing the new process. Navy Medicine Navy Medicine Time & Attendance Corrective Action Plan NME NMLC Single Process NMCSD FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Other Civilian Payroll Deficiencies • Deficiency 1: Lack of Oversight over Service Providers • Deficiency 2: Variations in the New Hire Process • Deficiency 3: No Enterprise Standard Labor Data Collection and Distribution Application (SLDCADA) Administrator FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Lack of Oversight at Service Providers • Issue Detail • There is a lack of oversight by BUMED over the service providers at Human Resource Service Center (HRSC) and Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) • Effect on Audit Readiness • Without validating transactions processed at service providers, there is a risk for misstatements in the financial statements • Potential Activity Actions • Review SSAE-16 Service Audit Report for DCPS payroll processing • Ensure SF-52 is correctly processed by reviewing against final SF-50 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
No Enterprise SLDCADA Administrator • Issue Detail • There is no enterprise SLDCADA administrator • Impact on Audit Readiness • Having an enterprise administrator allows standardization of control activities and processes across the organization • Potential Activity Actions • Determine feasibly of an enterprise SLDCADA administrator FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
In The Mean Time……. • DECENTRALIZE! • Communication (up and down the chain) • Work in progress • CIVPAY Audit Toolkit • Check sheet for timekeeping (employee, supervisor, CSR/SA) • Draft of Timekeeping instruction • Accrual basics • Region Recon tool • Activities Recon tool FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY