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Science Assessment and Science Teaching Learning Updates. Ellen Ebert, Ph.D., Teaching and Learning Science Director Cinda Parton, Assessment Development Director Dawn Cope, Science Assessment Specialist Kara Monroe, Science Assessment Specialist. Today’s Webinar Agenda .
Science Assessment and Science Teaching Learning Updates Ellen Ebert, Ph.D., Teaching and Learning Science Director Cinda Parton, Assessment Development Director Dawn Cope, Science Assessment Specialist Kara Monroe, Science Assessment Specialist Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
Today’s Webinar Agenda • Provide updates on 2013 Spring Assessments • Discuss Assessment “Lessons Learned” • Update Next Generation Science Standards • Transition considerations for Year 0 and thereafter • Assessment Considerations Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
Welcome • Time for a quick poll • We would like to know who is joining us today. • Can you take a moment to do the poll with us? Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
Are there any specific questions that you are hoping we will address today? • Please use the chat box for your questions before we get started. Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
Science Assessment 2013 What did we learn in 2013? Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
Lessons Learned – Summary Short Answer Questions • Address all bullets, make complete comparisons • Avoid vague comparative language; Words like “better” or “best” are difficult to credit Conclusions • Write decisive conclusive statements • Include supporting data and/or descriptive text from the data table New Procedures (Controlled Experiments and Field Studies) • Use controlled variables (8th and High School) • Use manipulated and responding variables correctly, do not need to be named or listed in procedure • Be very clear about what is being measured • Include repeated trials Systems • Identify appropriate systems language in various contexts (e.g., inputs, outputs, subsystems, open vs. closed, feedback) Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
LessonsLearned – Grades 5 & 8 Grade 5 challenging topics • Energy (e.g., heat transfer, transformations, forms of energy vs. forces) • Phases of matter (e.g., solids such as snow) • Physical properties of materials • Food chains and direction of energy flow (i.e., arrow directions) • Familiarity with plants vs. animals (e.g., functions of the parts of plants) Grade 8 challenging topics • Applying the Law of Conservation of Mass • Calculating average speed • Describing motion of particles in the various phases of matter • Relationships between physical properties and behavior (e.g., changes in mass or density) • Forces on objects in motion vs. objects at rest • Identifying the Sun as the source of energy for winds on Earth Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
LessonsLearned – Biology challenging topics Systems: Feedback, limitations of models of complex systems Inquiry: Validity vs. reliability Application: Criteria and constraints, tradeoffs, and unintended consequences Processes within cells (LS1): • Cellular respiration, especially in the context of plants • Processes that regulate the flow of substances into and out a cell • Relationships among DNA, chromosomes, genes, ribosomes, and proteins • Chromosome number (e.g., sex cells vs body cells, before/after mitosis, meiosis, fertilization) • Punnett squares and two-trait crosses Ecosystems (LS2): • Path of a carbon atom during photosynthesis and/or cellular respiration • Nitrogen cycle Evolution (LS3): • Mutation, acquired vs. inherited characteristics, • Mechanisms of evolution (sexual reproduction, natural selection) Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
Next Generation Science Standards: Beginning a Transition towards ImplementationTimeline and NGSS Background and Basics “The NGSS are intended to reflect a new vision for American science education”(Achieve, 2013) Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
Washington’s K-12 Learning Standards Landscape(CCSS-M, CCSS-ELA, NGSS, EALRS, GLEs, PEs) Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
CCSS and NGSSWashington’s Implementation Phases and Timelines Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
Principles of A Framework for K-12 Science Education •Children are born investigators •Understanding builds over time •Science and Engineering require both knowledge and practice •Science connects to students’ interests and experiences is essential •Instruction focuses on core ideas and practices •Science learning standards promote equity Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
NGSS “Lead” States (2011-present) WA is a lead state partner 2 writers >1000 reviewers during Public Draft Release Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
Widespread input in Washington: 4,000+ educators, stakeholders, students Student Reviewers: Neah Bay HS & MESA Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
Widespread Support for NGSS in WA Many Supporting Letters •Partnership for Learning and WA Business Roundtable •Washington Science Teachers Association •Washington Math Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) •Pacific Science Center Two Resolutions •Statewide Curriculum Advisory and Review Committee •State Board of Education Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
Key Steps for WA NGSS Adoption • Comparative Analysis (WA and NGSS) – Completed June 2013 • Bias and Sensitivity process – CompletedJune 2013 • Involve / Update key stakeholders – seek support and buy-in (All Completed) • Ed. Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability Commission • Legislative Committees • State Board of Education • State Curriculum Advisory and Review Committee • Education Associations • State Business and Industry / Private Partners • Consider policy implications (HS assessments and course requirements) – Ongoing State and National Focus • OSPI NGSS adoption: Superintendent Dorn and Governor Inslee October, 2013 Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
Washington’s CCSS Involvement & ProcessSummer 2009 to Present We are here Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
Washington’s NGSS Involvement & ProcessSummer 2011 to Present We are here Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
Washington Ongoing: Statewide Coordination and Collaboration to Support Implementation (Professional Learning Providers and Partners Across WA ) Including: School Districts (CCSS District Implementation Network) Higher Education Education and Educator Content Associations Business Partners Mathematics/Science Partnership Grants Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
“Remodeling” Internal Collaborations • Calibrate and share messages and resources • Across OSPI departments • Across Statewide OSPI / ESD Network • Jointly develop 3-year Transition Plans and Year-by-Year PD Materials • Co-branded and consistent materials • Articulate foci of state-developed and delivered professional learning supports each year. • Statewide capacity-building efforts • Science Networks/MSPs/Higher Education Grants Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
What do we want EVERY student and teacher to know and be able to do? The “What”: KEY SHIFTS Next Generation Science Standards Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
Key Shifts in NGSS Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13 Focus: The NGSS are Focused on deeper understanding and application of science content reflecting real-world interconnectedness Coherence: Science and engineering Build Coherentlyacross K–12. Integration: Science and Engineering are Integrated across K–12 in the NGSS.
Next Generation Science Standards Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
What do we want EVERY student and teacher to know and be able to do? NGSS Examples Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
Diving into the NGSS: Layers of an Earth and Space Science (ESS) PE Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
A new vision for Students and Teachers MATH SCIENCE Students and Teachers engaged in real-world applied learning within individual contents and across subjects and programs Source: Working Draft, 12-6-11 by Tina Cheuk, ell.stanford.edu English language arts Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
Transitioning to the NGSS: Year 0 Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13 Caution: • Beware of activities that do not first begin with an understanding of The Framework. • Watch for activities that treat the NGSS as a swap out of old standards • Beware about adopting new materials until you are confident in what your needs are • Watch for activities that separate each Performance Expectation into pieces (i.e. only the Practices, or the CCCs, or the DCIs) • Watch for one-shot implementation strategies – there is no silver bullet
Sample Draft Plan for Kindergarten: Year 0 Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
Transitions to Years 1 - 3 Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13 Will develop in conjunction with input from the “Field” Will focus on considerations around pedagogical shifts including shifts in materials, kits, and other resources Understanding what it means to do science beginning in kindergarten Considering policy questions around high school science requirements Thinking through the infusion of engineering
Sample Draft Plan for Kindergarten: Years 1-3 Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
NGSS Implications / Ramifications • Increases professional learning needs (watch for upcoming webinar events) • Infusion of engineering processes and content • Integration of Crosscutting Concepts, Science and Engineering Practices and Disciplinary Core Ideas • Material/kit alignment • Learning Progressions over K-12 span • Increases STEM learning opportunities • Science in Kindergarten • High school requirements (course and credit requirements) Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
How do we know we’ve gotten there? Assessment System Transitions for Science Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
Science Assessment Considerations:Federal Assessment Requirements Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13 • No Child Left Behind (NCLB) requires that our state’s science standards must be assessed: • Once in elementary school (we give Measurements of Student Progress in 5th grade) • Once in middle school (we give MSP in 8th grade) • Once in high school (we give Biology End-of-Course exam)
2013 Legislative Intent Regarding High School Science Assessment Classes of 2015and beyond…(2013 Engrossed House Bill 1450, Section 4 ) • Biology EOC—Until Next Generation Science Standards are adopted, implemented and assessed • Comprehensive NGSS Test—When NGSS are adopted, implemented and assessed • Certificate of Academic Achievement options remain available for all cohorts, with the addition of Biology COE • New Biology COE ready for June 2014 submission for Class of 2015 and beyond (only after two attempts on Biology EOC) Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
Steps to building a new assessment: • Develop item specifications from standards • Determine the test map • Develop test items: • item writing • content review • bias and sensitivity review • pilot testing • data review • Develop Performance Level Descriptors (PLDs) from standards • Administer an operational test • Set performance level standards (Standard Setting) • For the 2009 standards, this process took 25 months. Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
To be determined: Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13 Will the science tests be developed by Washington or with a consortium of states? When and how will pilot and/or field testing occur? What year will be the first year of operational testing? If the high school test is comprehensive, will it be administered at grade 10 or grade 11? Will the elementary test cover just 5th grade standards or a broader grade band of standards?
Preparing for state exams 2014-2016: Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13 Concentrate on embedding the practices ~ 50% of the points on the MSP and Biology EOC are from Systems, Inquiry, and Application standards
Thank you! Sci Assessment and T&L Updates, 10-2-13
Thank YOU! • OSPI Assessment Team: • Science Assessment Information and support: • General email: science@k12.wa.us • Cinda Parton, cinda.parton@k12.wa.us • Dawn Cope, dawn.cope@k12.wa.us • Kara Monroe, kara.monroe@k12.wa.us • Assessment Support: • Jessica Cole, jessica.cole@k12.wa.us • OSPI Science Teaching and Learning Team: • Science/NGSS Support: • Ellen Ebert, Ph.D., ellen.ebert@k12.wa.us • Environmental and Sustainability Education: • Gilda Wheeler, gilda.wheeler@k12.wa.us • Science Support: • Sultana Shah, sultana.shah@k12.wa.us • NGSS OSPI Web Site: http://www.k12.wa.us/Science/NGSS.aspx NGSS Webinar Part 1, 9-24-13