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How to increase sales with mobile app marketing?

Everyone agrees "mobile first" now. But how do you keep your users satisfied, loyal or engaged? With soaring popularity of smartphones and tablet PCs coupled with increasing global access to high speed internet, it is expected to grow even faster by 2017. However, not every application goes too hot or successful as not every app is another ‘Angry Birds’. Don’t worry, here are the best ways to promote your app, follow these and enjoy your app glory!

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How to increase sales with mobile app marketing?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How to Grow Sales with Mobile App Marketing?

  2. Well, mobile marketing is for real. Just look at all the Fortune 500 companies that are devoting hundreds of millions of dollars to it. But the good news is that you don’t have to be a Fortune 500 company to take advantage of everything mobile marketing has to offer. Better still, using mobile marketing for business is insanely easy to do. Seriously, it’s not all that complex once you get the hang of it.

  3. Learn the Facts. If you haven’t already seen this deck, it has tons of amazing and incredible facts about the impact mobile is having on our society. Learn them.

  4. Understand the Landscape.  There are only 8 primary tools you need to know about when it comes to mobile marketing: 1) Mobile Websites, 2) SMS, 3) Mobile Banner Ads, 4) Mobile Paid Search, 5) Mobile Apps, 6) Location-Based Marketing, 7) Near Field Communications and 8) QR Codes

  5. Create an App that Prevents Customer Churn. One of my favorite uses of an app is the one Domino’s created for their mobile audience. It’s surprisingly easy to use and, best of all (for Domino’s), once you’ve gone through the set-up process, the odds of going to a competitor’s app drop dramatically. It’s a great way to reduce customer churn.

  6. Optimize Your Mobile Website with Mobile-Specific Keywords. Don’t forget to add mobile-specific keywords to your mobile website or your mobile blog. For example, if you own an Italian restaurant and have a blog, then you’ll want to add keywords that people will be searching for in your content. In other words, don’t just use “Italian Restaurant,” also use location-based keywords, you’re targeting the mobile visitor which ultimately drives customers to your door. 

  7. Test Your Mobile Site. Test how your site renders on various operating systems. 

  8. Offer a Discount for Filling Out a Survey. Interested in getting customer feedback? Then provide customers 10% off their desert once they’ve filled out a mobile survey.

  9. Target Home Buyers Who Want More Information.  If you’re in real estate, then you can use SMS to provide in-depth information about specific homes. Prospective buyers simply text a short code to your number and can receive detailed information about the home.

  10. Launch an SMS Campaign. Use SMS to Stay in Touch with Customers. Airlines, doctor’s offices and restaurants are using SMS to remind customers about their flights, appointments and reservations. It’s a great way to stay connected and keep people happy. 

  11. Add Something Fun to Your Mobile Website. It’s a good idea to reward people who visit your mobile website with something fun and engaging. Perhaps a mobile coupon is in order? Or maybe a mobile trivia game will do the trick. No matter what, try to have a little fun with your mobile app or website.

  12. Continue to engage your users of all age groups. Be active on social media: Join the groups in which users are most active as according to their age groups. Ask your users questions and respond to their inquiries, ideas and feedback right away. If they make recommendations that you implement in a future update, be sure to thank them for contributing.

  13. Send Customers Special Discounts When They Enter Your Store. Once a shopper has downloaded your app, you can send the shopper rich, relevant messages when they’re nearby. Geophones can be set up by the retailer to offer consumers a discount or alert them to something happening right then in the store. 

  14. Paid advertising. If your app is hot, oftentimes paid promotion campaigns will keep it visible and extend the momentum that your launch, users and press attention have already garnered. But take advantage fast, and make sure the campaigns are live within a few days after launch.

  15. Tap your existing users. If you’re launching on a new platform, be sure encourage the fans you already have to help you spread the word. Leveraging your existing community to know your product can have an immense impact on your launch. Reach out to your existing user base via blog, social media, newsletter or all three, and be sure to specifically ask users to help you spread the word. Consider a refer-a-friend campaign to boost response.

  16. Build an App for a Client. If you’re a marketing communications firm, web developer or ad agency, make sure about your client’s requirement.

  17. Never stop promoting. There is a popular theory that becoming an expert takes at least 10,000 hours of practice. While this is up for debate, the general principle remains true: mastery takes time and dedication. Don't expect to achieve everything overnight, but if you stay focused and continue to learn, you may very well end up an expert in the market.

  18. Don’t drop the press. First, right after you launch, don’t forget to thank participating reporters for their interest and time. Second, as you continue to develop and add features to your app, be sure to keep reporters posted.

  19. Be trustworthy. People like to know that whoever's working honestly, fulfill their requirement and can be trusted, and they might even be willing to pay extra for that peace of mind. Be fair and honest in all your dealings, and never steal; these qualities will pay off later.

  20. Mobile Pundits http://www.au.mobilepundits.com

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