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Particle Physics

Particle Physics. A Quick Tour. –. –. –. –. –. –. +. Models of the Atom. Thomson – Plum Pudding Why? Known that negative charges can be removed from atom. Problem: just a random guess Rutherford – Solar System Why? Scattering showed hard core.

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Particle Physics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Particle Physics A Quick Tour

  2. – – – – – + Models of the Atom • Thomson – Plum Pudding • Why? Known that negative charges can be removed from atom. • Problem: just a random guess • Rutherford – Solar System • Why? Scattering showed hard core. • Problem: electrons should spiral into nucleus in ~10-11 sec.

  3. + + Models of the Atom • Bohr – fixed energy levels • Why? Explains spectral lines. • Problem: No reason for fixed energy levels • deBroglie – electron standing waves • Why? Explains fixed energy levels • Problem: still only works for Hydrogen. • Schrodinger – will save the day!!

  4. Einstein’s Nobel Prize 1905: Einstein explained the photoelectric effect, which earned him the Nobel Prize in 1921. Light is made of tiny packets of light, called photons.

  5. Atomic Structure

  6. The Smallest Atom: H Electron Photon Quarks Gluons

  7. Matter and Antimatter

  8. Bosons

  9. Pulling Quarks Apart

  10. Colliding Protons

  11. ATLAS Detector

  12. Baryons and Mesons

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