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Mr. DuBois. Captain Shreve High School Geometery. Attendance and Seating. Please be patient while I take attendance and assign temporary seats. I reserve the right to assign new seats at any point during the school year. Doo Bwah. NOT Doo Boys NOT Doo Boes NOT Doo Brah NOT Doo Blah
Mr. DuBois Captain Shreve High School Geometery
Attendance and Seating • Please be patient while I take attendance and assign temporary seats. • I reserve the right to assign new seats at any point during the school year.
Doo Bwah • NOT Doo Boys • NOT Doo Boes • NOT Doo Brah • NOT Doo Blah • If all else Fails: Mr. D
About Me • BA in Liberal Arts from Louisiana Scholars’ College at NSU. • MS in Secondary Education from Northwestern State University • 4th Year teaching Geometry at Captain Shreve • Interests: Football, Video Games, Science, CSHS Drama, the Internets
Supplies • Required • Writing Implements • Paper (binder or notebook for your convenience) • Recommended • Graph Paper (Makes your life easier for some lessons. One pack should last all year.) • Scientific Calculator (TI 30X IIS is my favorite)
Textbooks • Will be issued at a later date. • Each student is responsible for having a textbook in class every day. • We will likely NOT have a class set of textbooks.
My Class • It is my job to teach Geometry as defined by the Louisiana State Comprehensive Curriculum. • Students are expected to be actively participating in classroom activities at all times. • Any behavior that interferes with my ability to provide quality education to other students in the classroom is a problem.
General Expectations • I expect students to remain quiet while I am lecturing or answering student questions. • I expect there to be a good amount of on-task talking (and some off-task talking) while students are doing classwork and homework. • I expect students to help each other when they can. • I expect students to ask for help when they need it. I cannot help you if you sit in silence.
Food and Drink • Food and drink in the classroom should be closed in a container and put away. • Any open food or drink that I can detect with my five senses will be discarded. Don’t lose your lunch!
Attendance • If you are absent from class for any reason, you should sign the log next to the door upon your return. • Additionally, you should bring me your admit slip for my signature.
Tardies • If you are tardy to class for any reason, you should sign the log next to the door upon your arrival. • If you have an excuse, show it to me after you have signed the log. • NOTE: I am only required to accept tardy excuses issued by the office.
Homework • Homework will be assigned nearly every day that new material is introduced, and on some days that no new material is introduced. • Homework will generally be collected the day after it is assigned. • I will spend a few minutes at the beginning of class going over questions that students have from the homework. • All homework will be collected. NOT all homework will be graded. However, I do reserve the right to grade any homework that I collect.
Classwork • Classwork is to be defined as any assignment given to you while you are in class. • Sometimes this will be due during the class period. Sometimes remaining problems will be assigned as homework. • It is your best interests to work as many problems as you can while you are still in the classroom.
Quizzes • Quizzes are very frequent in my class—usually about twice a week. • Each quiz will be scaled to be worth 25 points. • Most quizzes are “Pop Quizzes.” • Quizzes will be OPEN NOTEBOOK. • Calculator use is not allowed on Quizzes.
Tests • Comprehensive Chapter Tests will be given at the end of each chapter. • Tests will be scaled to be worth 100 points. • Calculators may be used on Chapter Tests. • Tests are NOT open notebook.
After School / Before School Tutoring and Make-up Times • I will be available for tutoring on Wednesday Afternoon and Thursday morning. • These will also be the only times that you will be allowed to make-up tests and quizzes for which you were absent. • I can be available on other afternoons for tutoring (not make-ups) by appointment.
Academic Responsibility • You are ultimately responsible for your own academic performance in this class. • Your note-taking should be sufficient for you to perform well on quizzes. • You should always spend your time in class wisely. I can provide assistance on problems that you attempt in class. • You are personally responsible for getting make-up work and for procuring notes from days missed.
Academic Honesty • On Quizzes, you will only be allowed to use your OWN notes that you took during class. • Using any restricted resource (textbook, notebook, calculator, another student) on any assignment will result of a grade of a ZERO on that assignment.