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Muscle Review. By 2010 -2011 Anatomy and Physiology Students. How to study. Each slide will provide 6 clues to naming a muscle. Try to guess the name of the muscle with each clue. Of course you may want to change your mind as the clues progress. The clues are: Location of muscle Origin
Muscle Review By 2010 -2011 Anatomy and Physiology Students
How to study Each slide will provide 6 clues to naming a muscle. Try to guess the name of the muscle with each clue. Of course you may want to change your mind as the clues progress. The clues are: • Location of muscle • Origin • Insertion • Action • A fun hint • A picture of the muscle. GOOD LUCK and PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!!!!!!
This muscle is found on the anterior side of the cranium. • Origin: Superior fibers of the upper facial muscles • Insertion: Epicranialaponeurosis • Action: Wrinkles the forehead and raises eyebrows • Is located on the frontal bone. Frontalis By: Chelsea Lundquist & CarieImme
1. Location: Head. 2. Origin: Lower border of the zygomatic arch. 3. Insertion: Lateral surface of mandible. 4. Action: Elevates mandible. Masseter 5. One of the muscles of mastication. By: Julia Bahr Lena Bensaid
This muscle is located on the anterior side of the head. • Origin: Maxillary and frontal bones • Insertion: Skin around eye • This muscle is used to close the eye. • This muscle gets its name from it’s circular shape. OrbicularisOculi Rob Hansen + Heather Dirk
The muscle is found among the muscles of the face and neck. • Origin: the temporal bone • The insertion: the coronoid process and lateral surface of mandible. • Action: Elevates Mandible • Hint: One of the muscles of mastification Temporalis Michelle Voelkel Mary Erickson
Sternocleidomastoid • Location: In the neck • Origin: Anterior surface of sternum, upper surface of clavicle • Insertion: Mastoid process of temporal bone • Action: Pulls head sideways, forward and raises sternum • Hint: Comes together from opposite sides of neck forming a “V” Aaron Broadwater and Rob Emmett
1. This muscle is located on the face 2. Origin: Lateral infra-orbital margin 3. Insertion: Skin and muscle of upper lip 4. Action: Elevates and everts upper lip 5. Extra: Ms. Cerletty’s favorite muscle name By: Jacob Simonson and Nate Marshall
Facial muscle of anterior cheek extending to upper lip Attached to the zygomatic bone The insertion is the orbicularisoris It raises the corner of the mouth It is a synergist with the zygomaticus minor Zygomaticus major By: Jake Coury Steven Kirchhof
Location: Posterior side of head • Origin: Occipital bone • Insertion: Skin and muscles around eye • Action: Raises eyebrows • Works with the frontalis Occipitalis By: Arielle & Emily
Location: Head 2. Origin: Outer surfaces of maxilla and mandible 3. Insertion: Orbicularis oris 4. Action: Compresses cheeks inward 5. Fun Fact: The muscle is also involved in smiling and blowing, the action from which it gets its name, as the word means trumpeter in Latin. Buccinator Brittany Spannbauer Petra Stevanovic
Location: Head • Origin: Anterior mandible, skin of mandible. • Insertion: Mandible • Action: Elevates and wrinklesskin of chin. Protrudes lower lip. • 5. Referred to as pouting muscle. Mentalis By: Kristin Stollenwerk
1. It is located on the anterior side of the head. 2. The origin is the muscles near the mouth. 3. The insertion is the skin of the lips. 4. This muscle closes and protrudes the lips. 5. “Kiss me baby.” OrbicularisOris Elise Schulhauser and Megan Moffatt
This muscle is found in the head and neck Origin: Fascia in upper chest Insertion: Lower border of mandible Action: Draws angle of mouth downward Platysma Allows you to frown By: Annmarie and Riley
It is found on the superior part of the cranium. Not a muscle Sheet like tendon located between the frontalis and occipitalis Action: elevates eyebrows and wrinkles forehead. It got it’s name from where it is located on the head. Epicranialaponeurosis By: Megan G and Jessica M
Location: Posterior side of neck. • Origin: Processes of lower cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae • Insertion: Occipital Bone • Extends head, bends head to one side, rotates head SemispinalisCapitis • Runs parallel to the spine Emily Smith and Kalina Al-Mohareb
1.This muscle is found on the anterior side of the abdominal wall. 2.Origin: outer surfaces of lower ribs. 3. Insertion: outer lip of iliac crest and linea alba. 4. Action: tenses abdominal wall and compresses abdominal contents 5. Also known as the “Love Handles” External Oblique By: Khadijah Johnson and Stefani Kriegel
Location- anterior torso muscles • Origin- outer surfaces of the upper ribs • Insertion- ventral surface of the scapula • Action- pulls the scapula anteriorly and downward • Hint- name is similar to a type of blade used to cut bread Serratus Anterior By:Danielle Starke and Jack Kasprzak
Located on the anterior side of the torso • Origin: Crest of the Pubis and Symphysis Pubis. • Insertion: Xiphoid Process • Tenses the abdominal wall and compresses abdominal contents. It also flexes vertebral column. • Referred to as a six pack. Rectus Abdominis By Jake K. and Mike N.
This muscle is found on the anterior side of the torso. • Origin: Sternal ends of upper ribs • Insertion: Coracoid process of scapula • Action: Pulls scapula anteriorly and downward or raises ribs • It is named for its location and size Pectoralis minor By: Pablo Bras and Nathan Dupont
1. This muscle is located on the posterior side of the torso muscle 2. Origin- Transverse process of the cervical vertebrae 3. Insertion- Medial margin of scapula 4. Action- Elevates the scapula Lavator scapulae 5. Attaches to cervical vertebrae and the scapula Juan Velandia Colin Shepherd
Located on the anterior side of the torso • Originates at the clavicle, sternum, and costal cartilages of upper ribs • Insertion is the intertubercular groove of humerus • Action: pulls arm anteriorly and across chest, rotates humerus, or adducts arm • Bench pressing strengthens this muscle • Pectoralis Major By: Alfredo Hernandez & Nick Tubic
Located on the posterior side of the torso. Origin: lateral border of the scapula. Insertion: greater tubercle of the humerus. Action: rotates the arm laterally. One of the muscles associated with the rotator cuff. Teres Minor By: Stephenie Quirke and Allie Anderson
Location: Posterior Torso Origin: Lateral border of scapula Insertion: Intertubercular groove of humerus Action: Extends humerus or adducts and rotates arm medially Hint: It has a name that is similar to a smaller muscle Teres Major Hannah Paruzynski & Jenny Knackert
Location-Posterior Torso • Origin-Spines of sacral, lumbar, and lower thoracic vertebrae, iliac crest, and lower ribs • Insertion-Intertububercular groove of humerus • Action-Extends and adducts arm and rotates humerus inwardly, or pulls shoulder • Also known as the “Swimmers Muscle” Latissimus Dorsi Alex Dellis Tyler Zientara
Location: This muscle is found on the posterior side of the shoulder. • Origin: Posterior surface of scapula. • Insertion: Greater tubercle of humerus. • Action: Rotates arm laterally. • One of the four rotator cuff muscles. Infraspinatus Cully E. Fue X.
1. Location-Shoulder area of the posterior torso 2. Origin-Posterior surface of the scapula 3. Insertion-Greater tubercle of the humerus 4. Action-Abducts the arm Supraspinatus 5. Other-One of the muscles that makes up the rotator cuff By Courtney Atkinson Ashley Cridelich
Location: Posterior side • Origin: Occipital bone & spines of cervical & thoracic vertebrae • Insertion: Clavicle; spine & acromion process • Action: Rotates scapula & raises arm • Clue: Extends from the shoulder to the thoracic area, also named from its shape Trapezius By: Kay Ray & Kell Bell
This muscle is found on the anterior side of the torso. • Origin: Crest of ilium and inguinal ligament • Insertion: Cartilages of lower ribs, linea alba, and crest of pubis • Action: Tenses abdominal wall and compresses abdominal contents • It is named for its location and direction of striations Internal Oblique By: Stephen and Geoff
Location: On the posterior side of the torso Origin: Spines of upper thoracic vertebrae Insertion: Medial border of scapula Action: Raises and adducts scapula Called 'postural muscles' because they pull the shoulders back when contracted. Rhomboid Major By: Syeda Rashid & Anna Park
Location: Anterior abdominal wall • Origin: Costal cartilages of lower ribs, processes of lumbar vertebrae, lip of iliac crest, and inguinal ligament • Insertion: Linea alba and crest of pubis • Action: Tenses abdominal wall and compresses abdominal contents • Named for muscle direction and general location TransversusAbdominis By: Hannah Schmidt and Kristin Kowaleski Group #3
Location: This muscle is found on the anterior, posterior, and lateral sides of the torso. Deltoid 2. Origin: Acromion process, spine of scapula, and clavicle 3. Insertion: Deltoid tuberosity of humerus 4. Action: Abducts arm • 5. Clue: Site of a typical vaccination injection By: Jennifer Gleason & KrystaGrotkiewicz
1) Located on the anterior surface of the humerus. 2) The origin is the coracoid process & tubercle above the glenoid cavity of the scapula. 3) The insertion is the radial tuberosity of the radius. 4) Flexes forearm at the elbow and rotates hand laterally. 5) Is an antagonist to the triceps brachii. Biceps Brachii By: Josh L. and Teely Y.
The muscle is found on the posterior side of the arm • It’s origins are below the glenoid cavity and lateral and medial surfaces of humerus • Insertion is the olecranon process of ulna • Extends forearm at elbow • Used to shoot a basketball Triceps Brachii By: Gianni and Jkat
1- Located in the posterior forearm 2- Origin: Lateral epicondyle of humerus 3-Insertion: Base of fifth metacarpal 4- Action: Extends and adducts wrist 5- Runs parallel to ulna bone! Extensor carpiulnaris Amanda Wiske & Sarah Nelson
Location: The muscle is found in the palm side of the forearm. • Origin: The medial epicondyle of humerus. • Insertion: The base of the second and third metacarpals. • Action: Flexes and abducts the hand at wrist. • Named for its action of the wrist. Flexor Carpi Radialis By: Allie Leslie & Olivia Guttormsson
Location: Upper arm muscle on anterior side. • Origin: Anterior shaft of humerus. • Insertion: Coronoid process of ulna. • Action: Flexes forearm at elbow. • Synergists with brachioradialis. Brachialis By Katie Freibergs and Darcy McGlinn
The posterior forearm • Lateral epicondyle of humerus • Posterior surface of phalanges in fingers 2-5 • Extends wrist and fingers • Next tothe Extensor carpiradialislongus Extensor digitorum Blia Xiong & Jenna Gill
Located on the posterior side of the forearm. • Origin is the medial epicondyle of humerus and olecranon process. • insertion is the carpal and metacarpal bones. • It flexes and abducts wrist. • Its named after its action, location, and it does NOT radiate with the thumb. Flexor Carpi Ulnarisby: Samantha and Jaycelyn
Location: Anterior forearm • Origin: Distal lateral end of humerus • Insertion: Lateral surface of radius above styloid process • Action: Flexes forearm at elbow • Clue: A way to strengthen the muscle is a bicep curl Brachioradialis Marty and Marcus
This muscle is found on the anterior side of the upper arm • Origin: Coracoid process of scapula • Insertion: Shaft of humerus • Action: Flexes and adducts arm • This muscle is sometimes connected to the brachialis muscle Coracobrachialis Kelly Ertl and Katherine Crivello
This muscle is located on the posterior side of the body. The origin is the distal end of the humerus. The insertion is the base of the second metacarpal. The action is extending the wrist and abducting the hand. Part of its name comes from being a long muscle. Extensor carpi radialis longus Matt and Christoph
Found in the posterior forearm • It’s origin is lateral epicondyle of humerus • It’s insertion is the base of the second and third metacarpals • It extends wrist and abducts the hand. (abducts means moves a part from the midline.) • Radiates with the thumb. Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis By Brianna Schwanke and Sarah Bochat
Anterior side of the forearm. • Origin: Medial epicondyle of the humerus. • Insertion: Fascia of the palm. • Action: Flexes wrist. • The tendon goes out across the palm. Palmaris Longus KaineVang, Aditi Patel, Olivia Latus
Location: Anterior side of the lower leg Origin: Lateral condyle and lateral surface of tibia Tibialis Anterior Insertion: Tarsal bone and first metatarsal Action: Dorsiflexion and Inversion of the foot Hint: Soccer Players wear pads to protect this area of the leg Ben S and R, Nick V.
Found on the anterior side of the thigh • Origin is spine of ilium and margin of acetabulum • Insertion is patella by the tendon, which continues as patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity • Extends leg at knee • Part of the quadriceps group RECTUS FEMORIS By Matt Brunner and Chloe MacKinnon