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Develop effective communication skills for college & career success. Explore goal setting, career research, writing techniques. Includes hands-on activities.
Introduction PowerPoint Welcome to Ms. Carmichael’s English 4 Class
YOU know YOU best • The real world is calling… • College Applications • Interview • Scholarship applications • Job interviews
Articulate you! • Introduce yourself and make it memorable! • Be unique but professional • Always remember your audience • Who is your audience?
Marker Color Denotes Introduction Strategy! If I could be… • Red: Any piece of furniture I would be _____________ because… • Orange: A car I would be _____________ because… • Green: A color I would be _____________ because… • Purple: An office supply I would be _____________ because… • Pink: A celebrity I would be _____________ because… • Black: A flower/plant I would be _____________ because…
Articulate you! • Introduce yourself and make it memorable! • Be unique but professional • Always remember your audience
Write on your folder… • My name is________________ & if I could be any ______________ I would be ______________ because…. Be prepared to share
Example • My name is Ms. Carmichael and if I could be any office supply I would be a staple because I hold things together and I keep everything organized.
Articulate you! • Depth helps people to know you better too • On your folder, answer the following questions…
Articulate you! • What is your greatest STRENGTH? • What is your greatest WEAKNESS? • If you could only complete ONE more task in your life, what would it be? Explain.
Articulate you! • What is your greatest STRENGTH? • Organization • What is your greatest WEAKNESS? • Flexibility • If you could only complete ONE more task in your life, what would it be? Explain. • Publish my book because it would be a shame to have completed writing it for naught.
Establishing a Purpose Goals and College Plans
What is a goal? • the end toward which effort is directed • theendtoward whicheffortis directed Effort
Why is it important to have goals? Purpose!
Effective purpose • Setting Effective Goals • First, you must create your “big picture”—what do you want to do with your life? • What you want to achieve in your lifetime—or at least in the next 15-20 years. • perspective • where and what you need to do.
What is your day, week, month, year, life’s purpose? • What are some goals that you have? • Make a list. Your list must have at least 20 life time goals. They can be short term (Get into college) or long term (go skydiving over Fiji). Really put some thought into your list.
Examples • Bad example: “I want to be rich.” • Good example: “I want to generate $100,000 in passive income within 5 years from this date.” • Bad example: “I am going to do my homework.” • Good example: “I am going to finish my homework by 8pm each night and I’ll achieve this deadline by spending one hour on each subject.”
Obstacles • Distractions • Decisions • Knowing what’s right vs. what’s wrong • Handbook • Honor Code
What might prevent you from completing your goals this year?
Goals need Direction Career Research:: How do I become a _________?
Career Research https://www1.cfnc.org/Plan/For_A_Career/Explore_Careers/Explore_Careers.aspx (20 points)
Education -What would your major be in school? -How many years would you be in school? -What type of school would you need to attend?
Outlook -What would you be paid? -Is the job field growing or declining? -What is the stress level involved in the career? -Where would I have to live to be successful in this career?
What would a school/employer want to know about me to see I am right for these careers?
Writing and Your Career Page 3 Writing Handbook
Audience, Purpose, Mode Page 5 Writing handbook
Your audience is simple to determine. Essentially, you ask yourself: to whom am I writing?
Identify the audience for the following types of writing—Be Specific 1. The New York Times- Americans—What type of Americans? -New Yorkers -Educated -Businesspersons -Liberals 2. The New Yorker 3. An Agatha Christie novel 4. Beowulf 5. A Presidential Speech 6. A Letter to the Editor 7. A Letter to the Principal 8. A School Newspaper 9. Night 10. An Instruction Manual
To entertain or to explain/teach or to reflect To inform To persuade To explain/teach or to reflect
Building A Resume Skills for the 21st Century
What is a Resume? • A Summary • A List of Accomplishments • A Biographical Sketch
Resumes… • Audience • Career/job specific—choose one that you researched • What would a school/employer want to know about me to see I am right for these careers? • Mode • Narrative? • Expository? • Persuasive? • Descriptive? • Purpose • Clearly stated in the objective
A Good Resume • Uses POWER VERBS (writing handbook!) • Has PARALLEL structure (writing handbook!) • Is unique to the individual • Has a stated objective. • Is concise. • Is Typed
No work Experience? • That’s okay! • Include as many interests and school activities as you can. Make sure you really highlight your positive attributes
How is this practical? • Valuable skills • Economic struggles • Competitive job market
College Essay 250 words
What can you carry? • Brainstorm: make a list of all the things you can carry—think both literally and figuratively. You have to have at the very LEAST 15 things on your list, but you should brainstorm for 3 minutes without talking to anyone—only writing.
Characterization • Indirect Characterization: when the author does not tell us what the character is like. We learn about the character from his speech and actions and dealings with other characters. • Direct Characterization: when the narrator describes a character directly and tells us his/her qualities. Examples?
Directly? How do these things Characterize people? Indirectly?
The Things they Carried Tim O’Brien
Character Case study • Character’s name: • What does the character carry? • How does the object indirectly characterize this character? What does it tell us about him?
For more than ten years I have carried “Forever” in my wallet. While literally I only carry a worn pink piece of eight by ten paper with faded black ink that whispers the song by the Beach Boys in my mind, what I really carry is a promise. The room is colder than I remember. I can hear the air working overtime trying to maintain the temperature while the heat intensifies outside. I sit in the simple, black rubber chair staring at my hands and wondering if I made a mistake. The tiny gift box sits beside me and I feel the nervous butterflies tap-dancing in my stomach. When he walks in, I can’t help but smile. He sits down next to me and says three words, but not the three you might expect. He says, “I’ll remember forever.” I hand him the box and thank him, while trying to fight back the tears and he barely has time to grasp it before we are interrupted by a flood of people and I walk away feeling the loss acutely. The card, a thank you for the tiny box, is waiting for me in my cubbyhole the next day, and as the pink slip of eight by ten paper flutters out I know I’ll remember forever too. Occasionally, I will unfold this promise and slowly trace the worn creases of the paper and remember a time of innocence, love, and excitement. I will remember who I was, who I am and who I want to become and I will whisper a prayer for the human race to hold onto the gift of promise forever like I do. Indirectly Characterize yourself • Let’s look at the sample… Let’s look at you… What does this tell you about the writer? How does this SHOW you rather than TELL you about the person?
Laziness Jail Drugs Senioritis Friends Family So… Why is it important to practice self reflection? Distractions Feeling Discouraged Goofing Off Death Fighting Finances Procrastination Tough classes Teachers apathy Sickness Not doing assignments ME Skipping Work
SHOW don’t Tell Page (Writing Handbook)