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Windows Around the World: Seeing and Recording Change

Windows Around the World: Seeing and Recording Change. Juanita Urban-Rich Alekhya Penigalapati Jim Rich. What is Windows Around the World. Web-based education and research tool that uses images as data

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Windows Around the World: Seeing and Recording Change

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Windows Around the World:Seeing and Recording Change Juanita Urban-Rich AlekhyaPenigalapati Jim Rich

  2. What is Windows Around the World • Web-based education and research tool that uses images as data • It is a repository for images and allows users to come to one place and see multiple locations at once, to see (control) change, and to see the past/present • www.windowsaroundtheworld.org

  3. Look Out the Window

  4. Library Bad Good Qualitative Visibility Scale

  5. Daily Filmstrips

  6. Education… • Activities and Units will be developed using the images • Images can help illustrate processes (precipitation & evaportion), ecosystem comparisons • Time-lapse can help demonstrate change

  7. Tracking Usage

  8. Where are we at… • Working with the UMASS Boston data center to move to a virtual server • Working with the NPS to begin obtaining the image data • Working to update, revamp WAW website

  9. National Park Links and Advantage • Linking to the National Park Web Cam Air Quality program: provides lots a imagery and geographic coverage • Provides quantitative data on visibility

  10. Advantage or Inputs from WAW • All imagery shown on one map so one place and you can see what it looks like in different places (see fig below) • Time-lapse movies showing processes (seasons, storms, weather, vegetation) • Links a few schools with local imagery (from their own school) to regional and national imagery to help them see processes on different spatial scales and temporal scales • Processes and imagery could be linked to air pollution, visibility and deposition • Actual data could be from parks but it can then be asked if you have this happening at the park during this season or this weather event, what might be happening here in our town – why? Or what might be happening today? (a relevant question to put into activities accessed by parks…) • This is tricky because the why could be due to many different factors but it can stimulate thinking at any age level

  11. Potential WAW views Locations

  12. Potential WAW views Locations

  13. Look Out the Window

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