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TEFL & ICT MA Educational Psychology

TEFL & ICT MA Educational Psychology. Humanistic Approach Prepared by: Supervised by: Yassine AIT HAMMOU Dr . Youssef TAMER Sophia AKDIM Brahim El OMARI Mohamed AIT MADANI YOUSSEF Mostafa ABOULAHASSAN. Outline.

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TEFL & ICT MA Educational Psychology

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  1. TEFL & ICT MAEducationalPsychology HumanisticApproach Preparedby: Supervisedby: Yassine AIT HAMMOU Dr. Youssef TAMER Sophia AKDIM Brahim El OMARI Mohamed AIT MADANI YOUSSEF Mostafa ABOULAHASSAN

  2. Outline I. Overview of previoustheories and approaches. II . History of humanism. III. Abraham maslow. VI. Carl rogers. V . Implication of humanisticapproach in education. IV. Humanism in Elt

  3. I. Overview of previoustheories and approaches

  4. Behaviorism • The central idea behind behaviorism is that only observable behaviors are worthy of research since other abstraction such as a person’s mood or thoughts are too subjective.

  5. Social Learning Theory • Bandura’s Social Learning Theory posits that people learn from one another, via observation, imitation, and modeling. The theory has often been called a bridge between behaviorist and cognitive learning theories because it encompasses attention, memory, and motivation.

  6. Information processingtheory • It is the cognitive theory of learningthatdescribes the processing, storage, and retrieval of knowledge in the mind. • It seeks to explain human learning as the development of networked memory stuctures.  The human brain is seen as a neural computer of sorts as opposed to the "black box" of Behaviourism.

  7. Constructivist Theory (Piaget) • Piaget's theory of cognitive development proposes that humans cannot be "given" information which they immediately understand and use. Instead, humans must "construct" their own knowledge. They build their knowledge through experience. Experiences enable them to create  mental models in their heads. These schemas are changed, enlarged, and made more sophisticated through two complimentary processes: assimilation and accommodation 

  8. Constructivist Theory (Vygotsky) • Social Development Theory argues that social interaction precedes development; consciousness and cognition are the end product of socialization and social behavior. • the zone of proximal development is the range of abilities that a person can perform with assistance, but cannot yet perform independently.

  9. Freud and The Neo-Freudians (Erikson, Adler and Jung) • Psychoanalysis is both an approach to therapy and a theory of personality • Emphasizes unconscious motivation; • the main cause of behavior lies in unconscious mind. • Freud believed that all thoughts, emotions and actions are determined. In other words nothing is an accident, if we probe deeply we will find the causes of every thought or action.

  10. Moral and Social Development (Kohlberg / Loevinger)

  11. And herecomes Humanism (Maslow & Rogers)

  12. II. History of Humanism

  13. In 1950, Humanisticpsychology gave riseafter the first and second forces of psychology, Behaviorism and psychoanalysis. • Humanisticpsychology, the third force, waspopularisedduring the 1950s and 1960s following WWII and the cold war.

  14. Duringthis time period, psychologistswereseeking a more optimistic and nurturingapproach in response to the stresses that came withwar. • Humanismwaslargelyinfluenced by earlyGreek and Hebrewphillosophers, as well as Europeans of the Renaissance era, whobelievedthathumanbeingswere unique.

  15. Themes of Humanistictheory • Humanism claims that people have the ability to shapetheirowndestiny, and thisis not driven by bioligical, instinctive influences. • It emphasises the wholeness or completness of personality, ratherthanfocussing on its structural parts. • Whatmattersis how people viewthemselves. • the founders: Abraham Maslow & Carl Rodgers

  16. III. Abraham maslow

  17. Biography • Abraham Harold Maslow was born April 1908 in Brooklyn, New York. • he first studied law at the City College of New York (CCNY). • moved to Wisconsin so that he could attend the University of Wisconsin.  Here, he became interested in psychology. • He received his BA in 1930, his MA in 1931, and his PhD in 1934, all in psychology, all from the University of Wisconsin. • Considered to be the founder of humanistic psychology. • Abraham Maslow developed the Hierarchy of Needs theory that remains valid today for understanding human motivation, management training, and personal development. • He spend his final years in California, until, 1970, he died of a heart attack after years of ill health.

  18. Maslow’stheory • One of the many interesting things Maslow noticed while he worked with monkeys early in his career, was that some needs take precedence over others.

  19. Maslow’sHierarchyOf Needs

  20. Physiologicalneeds •  These include the most basic needs that are vital to survival, such as the need for water, air, food, and sleep. Maslow believed that these needs are the most basic needs in the hierarchy because all needs become secondary until these physiological needs are met. • Maslow believed, and research supports him, that these are in fact individual needs.

  21. Safetyneeds • Much like physiological needs require maintenance throughout life, so does the need to feel secure. This need is more psychological. • these include needs for safety and security. • Security needs are important for survival, but they are not as demanding as the physiological needs. Examples of security needs include a desire for steady employment, health insurance, safe neighborhoods, and shelter from the environment.

  22. The love and belonging needs • When physiological needs and safety needs are, by and large, taken care of, a third layer starts to show up.  You begin to feel the need for friends,husband/wife, children, affectionate relationships in general, even a sense of community. 

  23. The esteemneeds • After the first three needs have been satisfied, esteem needs becomes increasingly important. These include the need for things that reflect on self-esteem, personal worth, social recognition, and accomplishment. • Maslow noted two versions of esteem needs, a lower one and a higher one

  24. S E L F - A C T U A L I ZA T I O N • This is the highest level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.  people are self-aware, concerned with personal growth, less concerned with the opinions of others, and interested in fulfilling their potential. • "What a man can be, he must be. This need we may call self-actualization…It refers to the desire for self-fulfillment, namely, to the tendency for him to become actualized in what he is potentially.

  25. Characteristicsof Self-Actualized People • Acceptance and Realism. • Problem-centering. • Spontaneity. • ContinuedFreshness of Appreciation. • PeakExperiences

  26. Somecriticism • Maslow’s hierarchy is only a theory and might not apply to everybody. The circumstances of an individual will determine their needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is merely a basic guideline. • Some people are able to achieve self-actualization without having some of what Maslow defines as "needs" fulfilled first. 

  27. Others might speculate that some of the things he defined as needs aren't needs at all. No one can deny that food, air, shelter and such are needs, but may argue that esteem, love, artistic expression are not needs but desires. Some may even argue that self-actualization is not imperative to being a happy or successful person.

  28. Suggestions for Application of Maslow's Theory to Education Physiological • lunch time • correct room temperatures • restroom breaks • drink breaks

  29. Love & Belonging • teacher personality: empathetic, considerate & interested in the individual, patient, fair, positive attitude, good listener. • use one-on-one instruction. • provide positive comments & feedback rather than negative. • get to know students (likes, dislikes, concerns). • be available for students in need. • listen to students. • be supportive.. • show that you value students thoughts, opinions & judgments. • show trust of students by providing situation where it is necessary (ex.classroomleader).

  30. class meetings • class discussions • provide situations requiring mutual trust • Showing , sharing

  31. Esteem Self-esteem • develop new knowledge based on background knowledge so as to help ensure success . • pace instruction to fit individual need. • focus on strengths & assets. • take individual needs & abilities into account when planning lessons and carrying them out.

  32. develop a classroom environment where students are positive &nonjudgmental. • award programs for jobs well done.. • recognition programs for special effort (ex. helpful citizens of the week). • develop & carry out a curriculum to encourage children to be empathetic& good listeners. • employ cooperative learning in such a way as to develop trust between group members. • involve students in activities of importance & worthiness (ex. Cleaning up the environment, carrying out a food drive for the needy).

  33. Knowledge & Understanding • allow students time to explore areas of curiosity. • provide lessons that are intellectually challenging. • plan lessons that connect areas of learning & have students compare andcontrast to search for relationships. • use a discovery approach to learning whenever possible.

  34. Aesthetic • organize classroom materials in a neat & appealing way. • display student art work in an appealing manner. • put up interesting & colorful wall hangings. • replace overly worn classroom materials periodically. • create varied appealing & interesting learning centers. • rooms painted in pleasing colors. • large window areas. • well maintained physical surroundings (ex. keeping walls painted, desksclean & repaired etc.). • clean rooms. • fresh smelling rooms.

  35. Self-actualization • expect students to do their best. • give students freedom to explore & discover on their own. • make learning meaningful--connect to "real" life. • plan lessons involving activities. • get students involved in self-expressive projects. • allow students to be involved in creative activities & projects.

  36. Exercise • The purpose of thisexerciseis to help youunderstand how Maslow’sideasapply to life’sexperience. 1/ for each of the situations in the nextstatements, state which motive istakingprecedenceand whichisbeingsacrificed.

  37. 1/ A womanwhohad been betrayed 2 yearsago, isstillhavingproblems in forming new friendships,especiallywith men. Needtakingprecedence: Safety and security. Needbeingsacrified: Loveand Belonging.

  38. 2/ A womanrecentlydiagnosedwithDiabetes, ismakingseveral changes in herusualdietand is short tempered and irritatewithherfamily. Needtakingprecedence: safety(she’sdigging a whole and hiding in it). Needbeingsacrificed: Love and belonging ( she’safraid to care again or getinvolved in life)

  39. 3/ A verywealthytalentedwritergives up writingbecausehehasn’t been able to gethis last four novelspublished. Needtakingprecedence :Esteem(He’sembarassed about beingrejected) Needbeingsacrificed: Self-actualization(He’sgiving up his chance to be the mosthecanbe)living up to hispotential.

  40. 4/ an Uneducatedveryunhappymother and wifestaysmarried to her abusive husbandbecauseshewas an orphan. Needtakingprecedence: Love and belonging(She loves herchildren and doesn’twant to split herfamilynortakethemfromtheir home) Needbeingsacrificed: Physiological (shewill no doubt continue to beabused)

  41. VI. Carl rogers

  42. Carl Rogers Carl Ransom Rogers (January 8, 1902 – February 4, 1987) was an influential American psychologist. He is among the founders of the humanistic approach (or client-centered approach) to psychology.

  43. Introduction Rogers agreed with most of what Maslow believed, but he added that for a health personality to grow it needs an environment consist of: Genuineness acceptance empathy

  44. Concepts and theory • Self Actualization • Carl Rogers believed that humans have one basic motive, that is the tendency to self-actualize (to fulfill one's potential and achieve the highest level of “human-beingness” we can). • Carl Rogers believed that for a person to achieve self-actualization they must be in a state of congruence. This means that self-actualization occurs when a person’s “ideal self” (i.e. who they would like to be) is congruent with their actual behavior (self-image). 

  45. The Fully Functioning Person • For Rogers, people who are able be self-actualise, and that is not all of us, are called fully functioning persons. the person is in touch with the here and now, his or her subjective experiences and feelings, continually growing and changing. • In many ways Rogers regarded the fully functioning person as an ideal and one that people do not ultimately achieve.

  46. The Fully Functioning Person (continue)

  47. The Fully Functioning Person (continue) • Critics claim that the fully functioning person is a product of Western culture. In other cultures, such as Eastern cultures, the achievement of the group is valued more highly than the achievement of any one person.

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