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Market forces are the best way to resolve market failure with regard to the environment?

Market forces are the best way to resolve market failure with regard to the environment?. Agree Disagree . Read through the Theory of Knowledge articles – ‘The ethical dimensions of sustainability and preserving the global climate?’ And..

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Market forces are the best way to resolve market failure with regard to the environment?

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  1. Market forces are the best way to resolve market failure with regard to the environment? Agree Disagree

  2. Read through the Theory of Knowledge articles – ‘The ethical dimensions of sustainability and preserving the global climate?’ And.. ‘Economic thinking on sustainability and ElinorOstrom, winner of the 2009 Nobel Prize in Economics

  3. Consider the following • What are the market failures you need to consider? • What do we mean by market forces? • How realistic is the assumption that economic decision making is motivated by rational-self interest • Are individuals able to over come self-interest • What governments responses may be

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