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G4MICE Status and Plans. Firstly, a correction to the agenda: I failed to spot a mistake in the agenda that I mailed to Chris. The “KEK Analysis” talk was to be given by Aron (not David Adey!), however Aron can’t make it today, so the agenda will be: G4MICE Status and Plans (i.e. this talk!)
G4MICE Status and Plans • Firstly, a correction to the agenda: • I failed to spot a mistake in the agenda that I mailed to Chris. • The “KEK Analysis” talk was to be given by Aron (not David Adey!), however Aron can’t make it today, so the agenda will be: • G4MICE Status and Plans (i.e. this talk!) • Database (D. Forrest) • Cerenkov Reconstruction (D. Adey) • Discussion (All) M.Ellis - CM24 - RAL - 31st May 2009
G4MICE 2.0.0 • Hopefully by now you have seen my email. • There is a tarball (updated on 30th May, so download it again if you haven’t got it in the past 24 hours) with a new setupmice.csh (same comment as for the tarball) on the software webpage. • It is also available in /micesw/gcc4.3.2/ on heplnw17. • The CVS tag is called mice-2-0-0 M.Ellis - CM24 - RAL - 31st May 2009
New Compiler and Libraries • We are now using gcc 4.3.2 and the latest version of GEANT4 (and corresponding CLHEP) & ROOT. • We have the current best version of the unpacker (but of course that is still under development) and a stable version of the Kalman fitting package (RecPack) with a couple of minor fixes that have been discovered during testing in G4MICE. M.Ellis - CM24 - RAL - 31st May 2009
Migration to gcc 4.3.2 • The change from 3.2.3 could have resulted in a lot of work, however the developers have done a good job in the past few months of cleaning up their code and ensuring that it compiles without warnings. • As a result, there was not a lot of work required on my part to get it to compile! • As we have removed CERNLIB from the external libraries, G4MICE now compiles without any warnings and this will be mandatory for all future releases. • If you discover warnings in the future, please fix them, or alert the responsible person to them! M.Ellis - CM24 - RAL - 31st May 2009
Change of CLHEP • This required almost no changes, apart from the move from 1.x to 2.y versions of CLHEP means that there is a CLHEP namespace that needs to be used. • The most likely obvious effect on new code will be in the use of units, so where in the past you may have done something like: • double energy = something->getE() / MeV; • You now have to do something like: • double energy = something->getE() / CLHEP::MeV; • Or at the start of your code you can use: • using CLHEP::MeV; • etc... M.Ellis - CM24 - RAL - 31st May 2009
Change of GEANT4 • This caused a headache, but with help from Chris I was able to get 9.1 working and that then pointed me towards the problem that was stopping 9.2 from working correctly. • I have had to modify the physics list code for the optical photon processes, so if you are interested in the CKOV, you should check to make sure that the simulations are still doing what you expect. • We are using 9.2.p01, which uses the PDG 2008 values for particles. • I have included all of the available G4 data sets in the tarball in case you want to simulate neutrons, etc.... M.Ellis - CM24 - RAL - 31st May 2009
Change of RecPack and ROOT • The change of RecPack required only a couple of small changes which have improved the track fit quality. • These were worked on with Aron for his KEK analysis. • The change to ROOT only required one change, in a VLPC Cassette calibration application. M.Ellis - CM24 - RAL - 31st May 2009
Change of GSL and Unpacker • These new versions required no changes to the code at all. M.Ellis - CM24 - RAL - 31st May 2009
Tests • We currently have: • Unit Tests: 81 • System Tests: 55 • Integration Tests: 0 (several written, but none yet added to testing script). • In total, the testing is currently checking over 13,000 simulated, digitised, reconstructed values or other output from various parts of G4MICE. M.Ellis - CM24 - RAL - 31st May 2009
Next Steps • We have a few outstanding requests or fixes required before making a production release for use on the GRID: • Add tests for the FileSplitter and FileMerger applications and ensure that they are working correctly. • Remove hard-coded tracker number in SciFiDigit class. This involves fixing the VlpcCableImperial class so that it works the way it was supposed to. It only affects real data, not Monte Carlo! • Add code to check magnetic field in trackers and automatically call the correct PR code depending on whether the tracker is in a magnetic field or not. • Ensure all Recon Unit tests are working correctly. M.Ellis - CM24 - RAL - 31st May 2009
GRID Release • This should result in mice-2-1-0 which I will then install on the MICE GRID machines. • Please update to release 2-0-0 and run your own particular applications/analyses/etc with it and let me know if you spot any problems. • I’m still quite confident that our tests do not cover a large fraction of our (growing) use cases, so it would be very helpful to know what you are doing and whether it works with the new version or not (either way, I’d like to know!). M.Ellis - CM24 - RAL - 31st May 2009