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Job Performance Requirement 7-2

Learn the correct method to don SCBA coat for optimal performance. Step-by-step instructions with clear guidance on proper fitting for job safety. Follow these techniques for efficient donning every time.

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Job Performance Requirement 7-2

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Job PerformanceRequirement 7-2 Donning SCBACoat Method

  2. AWith your left hand, grasp the left shoulder strap at the top of the back plate/harness assembly and grasp the lower portion of the same strap with your right hand. When the unit is positioned correctly, the left shoulder strap will be on your right as you face the SCBA unit.

  3. BLift the SCBA unit, then swing it around the left shoulder and onto your back. Both hands are still grasping the shoulder strap.

  4. C Balance the unit on your back by leaning forward. Tighten the shoulder straps by pulling out and down. Grasp the waist strap and buckle the belt, adjusting the belt for a firm fit on the hips.

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