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مرکز مطالعات و توسعه آموزش علوم پزشکی. W ordlist 3 What is success?. 1. Attain (v.) Definition: to reach, achieve, or accomplish; gain; obtain Synonym: achieve, accomplish, acquire, arrive, arrive at Example: to attain one's goals. Word Family : at·tain·er, noun
مرکز مطالعات و توسعه آموزش علوم پزشکی Wordlist 3What is success?
1. Attain (v.) Definition: to reach, achieve, or accomplish; gain; obtain Synonym: achieve, accomplish, acquire, arrive, arrive at Example: to attain one's goals. Word Family: at·tain·er, noun re·at·tain, verb (used with object) un·at·tained, adjective un·at·tain·ing, adjective well-at·tained, adjective
2. Coincide (v.) Definition: to occupy the same place in space, the same point or period in time, or the same relative position Synonym: accompany, accord, harmonize Example: The centers of concentric circles coincide. Our vacations coincided this year. Word Family: un·co·in·cid·ed, adjective un·co·in·cid·ing, adjective
3. Colleague (n.) Definition: a fellow worker or member of a staff, department, profession Synonym: associate, fellow worker, collaborator, companion Example: Respecting colleagues is one of the company’s principle. Word Family: col·league·ship, noun
4. Comfort (v.) Definition: to make physically comfortable Synonym: pacify, calm, solace, console Example: They tried to comfort her after her loss. Word Family: com·fort·less, adjective un·com·fort·ed, adjective
5. Demonstrate (v.) Definition: to make evident or establish by arguments or reasoning; prove Synonym: display, show, determine Example: to demonstrate a philosophical principle. Word Family: dem·on·strat·ed·ly, adverb coun·ter·dem·on·strate, verb (used without object), coun·ter·dem·on·strat·ed,coun·ter·dem·on·strat·ing. pre·dem·on·strate, verb (used with object), pre·dem·on·strat·ed, pre·dem·on·strat·ing. re·dem·on·strate, verb, re·dem·on·strat·ed, re·dem·on·strat·ing. sub·dem·on·strate, verb (used with object), sub·dem·on·strat·ed, sub·dem·on·strat·ing.
6. Dominate (v.) Definition: to rule over; govern; control. Synonym:govern, rule, command, direct, dictate Example: His power dominated the whole company. Word Family: dom·i·nat·ing·ly, adverb dom·i·na·tor, noun non·dom·i·nat·ing, adjective o·ver·dom·i·nate, verb (used with object), o·ver·dom·i·nat·ed, o·ver·dom·i·nat·ing. re·dom·i·nate, verb, re·dom·i·nat·ed, re·dom·i·nat·ing.
7. Dynamic (adj.) Definition: pertaining to or characterized by energy or effective action; vigorously active or forceful; energetic Synonym: active, vital, energetic Example: the dynamic president of the firm. Word Family: dy·nam·i·cal·ly, adverb non·dy·nam·ic, adjective non·dy·nam·i·cal, adjective non·dy·nam·i·cal·ly, adverb un·dy·nam·ic, adjective
8. Exploit (v.) Definition: to utilize, especially for profit; turn to practical account Synonym: impose on, use, Example: to exploit a business opportunity. Word Family: ex·ploit·a·ble, adjective ex·ploit·a·bil·i·ty, noun ex·ploit·a·tive, ex·ploit·a·to·ry
9. Generate (v.) Definition: to bring into existence; cause to be; produce. Synonym: produce, create, originate Example: He generates ideas that we all should consider Word Family: in·ter·gen·er·at·ing, adjective non·gen·er·at·ing, adjective pre·gen·er·ate, verb (used with object), pre·gen·er·at·ed, pre·gen·er·at·ing. un·gen·er·at·ed, adjective un·gen·er·at·ing, adjective
10. Glamorous (adj.) Definition: full of glamour; charmingly or fascinatingly attractive, Synonym: alluring, attractive, bewitching, captivating, Example: the glamorous job of a foreign correspondent. Word Family: glam·or·ous·ly, glam·our·ous·ly, adverb glam·or·ous·ness, glam·our·ous·ness, noun ul·tra·glam·or·ous, adjective un·glam·or·ous, adjective un·glam·or·ous·ly, adverb
11.Heredity (n.) Definition: the transmission of genetic characters from parents to offspring Synonym: ancestry, congenital traits Example: There is a debate over the effects of heredity and environment.
12. Inhibit (v.) Definition: to restrain, hinder, arrest, or check Synonym: restrict, prevent Example: Alcohol significantly inhibits the action of the drug. Word Family: in·hib·it·a·ble, adjective in·hib·i·to·ry, adjective in·ter·in·hib·i·tive, adjective non·in·hib·i·tive, adjective non·in·hib·i·to·ry, adjective
13. Interpretation (n.) Definition: the act or process of interpreting or explaining Synonym: analysis, apprehension, assimilation, awareness Example: This writer's work demands interpretation. Word Family: in·ter·pre·ta·tion·al, adjective non·in·ter·pre·ta·tion·al, adjective o·ver·in·ter·pre·ta·tion, noun pre·in·ter·pre·ta·tion, noun re·in·ter·pre·ta·tion, noun
14. Obstacle (n.) Definition: a person or thing that opposes or hinders something Synonym: Obstacle, obstruction, hindrance, impediment Example: Lack of money has been proved to be a great obstacle in family progress
15. Professional (adj.) Definition: extremely competent in a job Synonym: skilled, trained, acknowledged, adept, competent Example: a professional builder. Word Family: pro·fes·sion·al·ly, adverb in·ter·pro·fes·sion·al, adjective in·ter·pro·fes·sion·al·ly, adverb pseu·do·pro·fes·sion·al, adjective
16. Require (n.) Definition: to have need of; need Synonym: need, want, crave, depend upon, desire Example: He requires medical care Word Family: re·quir·a·ble, adjective re·quir·er, noun non·re·quir·a·ble, adjective pre·re·quire, verb (used with object), pre·re·quired, pre·re·quir·ing. qua·si-re·quired, adjective
17. Setback (n.) Definition: a reverse or defeat Synonym: hindrance, regression, reversal Example: The new law was a setback.
18.Talent (n.) Definition: a special natural ability or aptitude Synonym: ability, aptitude, expertise, genius Example: a talent for drawing.