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L-SEC - "Electronic Identity Card, visions, challenges and realisations" May 19, 2005 at Stella Artois Brewery, Leuven. Interoperable Electronic Identity Management and Authentication for eGov services - an EU perspective. Dr Aniyan Varghese eGovernment Unit
L-SEC - "Electronic Identity Card, visions, challenges and realisations" May 19, 2005 at Stella Artois Brewery, Leuven Interoperable Electronic Identity Management and Authentication for eGov services - an EU perspective Dr Aniyan Varghese eGovernment Unit Directorate General Information Society Aniyan.Varghese@cec.eu.int
Lisbon Agenda Research, ERA Internal Market Enlargement Security & Stability European Citizenship Europe in the World … eGovernment Policy COM(2003)567 eGovernment R&D and innovation Policy Policy Best Practice Implementation
An eGovt i2010 policy Lisbon (economic and social development) Focused and driving objectives (signposts) cross-border services no citizen left behind efficient& effective govt eProc eID efficiency inclusion participation National and EU actions effectiveness transparency administrations citizens businesses
Purpose of eGovernment 2010 policy • Contribute to Lisbon: growth, jobs, competitiveness, inclusion • Through efficient, effective, inclusive, open & transparent administrations • EU policy (eGovt in i2010) should: • contribute to EU-level political commitment • help to drive progress • realise synergies through cooperation • address specific pan-European challenges And: • provide joint reference framework for action in EU & national plans
From CoBrA to eGov 2010 2010 • February • First discussion • May • Objectives • June - tbc • Objectives • September • Indicators • Prep Ministerial Decl • November • Conference • Ministerial declaration
Key Elements of eGovt Roadmap • Advancing: • multi-platform access, • identity management, • interoperability, • pan-European services, • innovation (research, pilots, implementation, coordination where needed; action at all appropriate levels) Accelerating best practice exchange • Financing, economics, benefits, indicators
eGovernment Identity Management: Policy Framework • The eGovernment Communication, COM(2003)567 stated as an action that: [eGovernment] Identity management in the EU should be advanced by addressing interoperability issues as well as future needs while taking into account differences in legal and cultural practices and the EU framework for data protection. EU programmes for research & development, deployment and implementation should contribute coherently (i.e. FP6/IST eTEN and IDA).
eGov Identity Management – Policy framework Council Conclusions on eGovernment (20 Nov. 2003, 14671/03), invites the Commission and the Member States and Acceding States: • “to explore, by the end 2004, possible interoperable European solutions for citizens' and companies authentication for eGovernment in the Internal Market, in order to facilitate mobility in Europe and providing cross-border services on line;” • “…to ensure that the creation, development and implementation of pan-European services should be accompanied by joint actions to build up experience and validate advanced solutions concerning common approaches to key aspects of seamless pan-European eGovernment service provision such as accessibility, user identification, security, interoperability, including data definitions and procedures.”
Possible target on interoperable eID and authentication • By 2010 there will be seamless online access to major public services for citizens and businesses across Europe with the help of interoperable electronic identification and authentication • Another way of formulating this could be: • By 2010, citizens and businesses should be able to obtain an electronic ID/authentication in their ‘home’ state which will allow them to access & use any service to which they are entitled in any administration across Europe (including all levels, local, regional, …….).
Study on Identity Management Objectives • To assess the impact of initiatives in the MS on the policies supporting cross-border and cross sector eGovernment services including but not limited to company registration, procurement, and citizen mobility • To provide a prospective analysis of possible initiatives and solutions at European level • To provide information on identity technologies, related market developments and technical requirements • To propose a methodology of good practices in identity management and their analysis. • To set up and run an eGovernment Identity Management working group, and to run a series of workshops.
Identity Management Issues to be addressed • Technological • Interoperability • Legal aspects • Standards • National and European aspects
Identity Management- Combination of policy, R&D and good practice • Steps for a coherent approach to identity management at EU level • Classifications/categorisation of identity management • Priority applications for e-ID • Benefits of e-ID at EU level
Identity Management Some applications • Social security • Pension contributions • Health card • Driving licence • Registration of companies • National identity card • Electronic procurement
More… eGovernment research website http://europa.eu.int/egovernment_research or europa.eu.int/eeurope eGovernment (or search for “egovernment research”)