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Jacques Babot Directorate General Information Society New Working Environments Unit Baltic IT&T Riga April 2006. Organisation of the European Commission. P O L I T I CAL Economic & Financial Affairs Taxation & Customs
Jacques Babot Directorate General Information Society New Working Environments Unit Baltic IT&T Riga April 2006
Organisation of the European Commission P O L I T I CAL Economic & Financial Affairs Taxation & Customs Agriculture Justice & Internal Affairs Environment Internal Market Competition Fishing Education & Culture Regional Policy Employment & Social Affairs Research Energy & Transport Health & Consumers Protection Enterprises Information Society and Media FOREIGN AFFAIRS Foreign Affairs Trade EUROPAID Development Enlargement
Directorate General Information Society and Media activities • Policy & Regulatory Framework • i-Europe 2010 • Telecommunication regulatory framework (GSM, 3G, ...) • Media policy • IST: Information Society Technologies Programme • 3.825 B€ budget over 5 years (2002-2006) 6FP • 9.080 B€ budget over 7 years (2007-2013) 7FP
Supported through successive five or seven year periods called Framework Programmes (FP) Major strategic reorientations and financial scope decided at the beginning of each FP FP6 covers 2002 to 2006 FP7 covers 2007 to 2013 Research activities and the European Commission
New Working Environment Vision Demographic changes Mobility e-Inclusion Creativity Innovation Productivity Employment 450 M 300 M Work People Motivation & Social Inclusion Multi-cultures & Skills Collaborative Technologies
Information: the communication or reception of knowledge Society: a cooperating social group Technology: the practical application of knowledge Role of IST in building CWEs? CWEs are using technology to communicate knowledge in order to facilitate cooperation at work
Collaborativevirtual teams Network4Value : Roadmaps Ambient Collaboration Emerging Smartself-controllingteams Configurablevirtualworkspaces Collaborativemodelling and visualisation Transparentcontracts Research Inter-enter-prise workflow support Web serviceson demand Virtualcommunities Model-basedtools Web basednegotiation &resolution Develop Version controlworkflow mgmt ConfigurableICTinfrastructures Distributedteams Sharedrepositories/ libraries e-Contracts Take-up Web-basedgroupware/ CSCW Tele-conferencing Dataexchangestandards Security & trusttechnologies Email + FTP Basic groupwork support Project websites Use
In knowledge economy multidisciplinarity more important Systems products, scalability Building new value propositions, business models Moving to value creation by collaboration Societal innovation with technology innovation Practical examples needed for action plans - > commitment of the players to the process, commitment to priorities European-wide distributed living labs Scalability and connectivity Role of Living Labs: drivers for new innovation
what is a Living Lab ? Living Lab Living LabExpertise Citizensand users Organisationand methods ApplicationEnvironments Technology andInfrastructure Source: Mikael Börjeson,
Collaborative Working EnvironmentsPortfolio of Integrated Projects & Coordination Actions ‘vertical’ Integrated Projects ‘horizontal’ CAs & cross-IP coordination Living Labs CoreLabs Technology Platform CLOCK Laboranova CoSpaces C@R - Collaboration@Rural WearIT@Work EcoSpace Open Collaborative Architecture WG Impact / Socio-economic aspects Communications
Main objectives - Strengthening Europe’s competitiveness & technology base - Building the information and knowledge society for ALL in Europe but also around the world Strategy - Concentration and focus, building critical mass - Capitalise on Europe’s strengths - Scope of activities: Core technologies & “pull-through” applications - Develop a worldwide cooperation IST in FP6 - objectives & strategy
Gain leadership in key fields by supporting cooperation Essential « core business», high European added value Stimulate excellence through competition Attracting the best brains, frontier research Develop and strengthen Human Capital of research Improve research and innovation capacity FP7: Four inter-linked objectives
FP7: structure “Cooperation” Predefined themes, refined FP6 instruments “Ideas” Frontier research, competition, individual grants “People” Human potential, mobility “Capacities” Infrastructure, SMEs, science and society,
FP7 Specific ProgrammesBudget: 50182 m€ Cooperation: 32203 m€ (64%) Ideas: 7460 m€ (15%) People: 4577 m€ (9%) Capacities: 4193 m€ (8%) JRC: 1749 m€ (3%)
“Cooperation” – Collaborative Research – Themes 1. Health 2. Food, Agri, Biotech 3. Information and Communication Technologies 4. Nano, Materials, Production 5. Energy 6. Environment 7. Transport (including Aeronautics) 8. Socio-econ 9. Security and space
“Cooperation” – Collaborative Research –Budget: 32203 m€ Nano, materials, production: 3467 m€ (11%) ICT: 9080 m€ (28%) Energy: 2236 m€ (7%) Environment: 1886 m€ (6%) Transport: 4150 m€ (13%) Food, agri, biotech: 1936 m€ (6%) Socio-econ research: 607 m€ (2%) Space and security: 2858 m€ (9%) Health: 5984 m€ (18%)
Support to existing research infrastructures Research e-infrastructures GÉANT, Grids, Super-/high-end-computing Transnational access Integrating activities Support to new research infrastructures Construction of new research infrastructures and major updates of existing ones Design studies FP7 “Capacities” – Research Infrastructures
ICT in FP7: “Capacities”Budget: 4193 m€ Research infrastructures: 2008 m€ (48%) Research for benefit of SMEs: 1228 m€ (29%) Regions of knowledge: 126 m€ (3%) Int’l cooperation: 182 m€ (4,5%) Science in society: 329 m€ (8%) Research potential: 320 m€ (7,5%)
Documents needed and/or indispensable : • IST Workprogramme • Call for Proposals (Call Text : Official Journal) • Guide for Proposers • Evaluation Manual (General FP6 + IST Specific Annex)
How to build a proposal ? 1. Your idea : does it fit the IST-Workprogramme ? 2. Yes ? Identify the Strategic Objective ! 3. Is there a Call going on ? Check roadmap for Strategic Objectives ! 4. Which type of action is called for in the Strategic Objective ? 5. Check Call Text … & check deadline ! 6. Contact EC-Contact Person : be sure idea is in scope of call • Don’t forget: The Coordinator of the project must be EU or associated states • Find EU partners through your existing bilateral co-operation
34 fully participating countries : The 25 EU Member States Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Israel, Switzerland The 4 candidates countries: Bulgaria Romania Turkey and Croatia. FP6/FP7 International Dimension
Jacques.Babot@cec.eu.int IST Web site: http://www.cordis.lu/ist Paldies par uzmanibu!